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We’ve added several exciting additions and enhancements to GIS Editor Version

Using the Layer List

Save Layer

#Users can now save a layer to a .tglyr file, which will allow the layer to load in other Map Suite products.


A relate creates a relationship between two different data tables. In contrast with a a link or join, no data is appended. Rather, when you’re viewing a feature with the Identify tool or within an attribute table, the relate will simply point you to related information from the associated source. #Added new native support for LINQ-based links for feature layers. #Added a UI to support linking features, which covers FilterStyle, TextStyle, DataView, FeatureInfo window, etc. #Added support for linking .dbf and delimited text file formats. More supported link formats will be added in the future.

Current Styling

Sets the current layer's style. #Added the ability to set the current style as the default style for a specific layer. #Added the ability to set transparency for layers. This feature sets the transparency level for a layer at anywhere from 10% to 100%. At 100%, the layer is fully opaque (not transparent). At 10%, the layer is slightly visible. This setting controls the transparency for the entire layer as a whole, and works in combination with any transparency you may have applied to the layer's features using styles. #Added drawing margin support. The drawing margin is an advanced setting that determines how far beyond the boundaries of a map tile to draw a layer's features. #Added support for using scripts with the Label Style function. You can now use scripts to customize your labels. For example, you might use this functionality to capitalize the first letter in each word on a label. #Added “And” and “Or” operation support to the Filter Style function.

View Filtered Data

#Added viewing filtered data from the FilterStyle node in LayerList.

Identifying Feature(s)

There are several new right-click context menu options for working with feature data in the Feature Information window: #Added the ability to view an identified feature’s Well Known Text (View Well Know Text). #Added an option to deselect an identified feature. #Added the ability to copy information from the Feature Information window to the clipboard. Users can now: #*Copy the attribute value in a selected table column to the clipboard (Copy Field Value). #*Copy the column name and value of a selected column (Copy Selection) to the clipboard. #*Copy the entire table of attributes about an identified feature to the clipboard (Copy Table). #Added the ability to quick filter by column value. #Added showing hyperlinks that open the field in Windows Explorer or a Web browser.

Calculated Column

#Added a calculated column to calculate the area/length of the features automatically.

Zooming to a Specific Scale

#Added a “Zoom to scale” option that zooms to a user-specified scale.

Working with Multiple Maps

Refreshing the Map Manually #Added the ability to refresh the current map manually, either through the map’s context menu or the Refresh button on the Ribbon Bar’s Home tab.

Viewing Attribute Data

Viewing Data

The Data Viewer allows you to work with data in several ways. #Added support for exporting data to Excel. #Added support for exporting to a delimited text file. #Added support for copying selected rows to the clipboard. #Added support for copying selected cells to the clipboard.

Feature ID Column #Added the ability to set a specific column in the attribute table as the default feature ID column.

Find Feature #Added querying feature by a specific value from all the added layers on the map. We could zoom to the queried feature and check all the column values.


**Bookmarks** let you store the map's current location and zoom level so you can quickly jump between different map extents. If you routinely need to examine several specific geographic areas, bookmarks are a great way to do so quickly. They are map-specific, meaning that each map has its own set of bookmarks. Bookmarks are stored in your GIS Editor project file, so they will be retained if you package the project or move it to another computer. #The create date and modify date of your bookmarks is now recorded and stored for you.

The **Place Search** feature locates an address and plots its location on the map with a balloon-style marker. It uses a web-based geocoding service to convert addresses to geographic coordinates. Currently, Place Search only works on locations inside the United States. #Added the ability to set a maximum number of mapped search results. #Added the following search channels for Place Search: #*Online Geocoder Service #*Local Shapefiles within the map project #*Cloud layers

Project Protection

Project Protection allows you to protect your project from opening or saving. #Added optional password protection for opening GISEditor projects. #Added optional password protection for saving GISEditor projects.

GIS Editor Options

The **Options** dialog is where you can configure numerous settings for the Map Suite GIS Editor. These include user interface preferences, style defaults, how the application updates itself, and more. The Options dialog is comprised of several pages. Select a page from the list on the left side of the dialog to view additional configuration options. #Added support for reverting to a previous version of a project. #Added the ability to set a default extent for the GIS Editor application. #Added support for setting a default base map for the GIS Editor application. There are four options: #*None #*World Map Kit #*OpenStreetMap #*Bing Maps #Added the ability to configure track zooming (Shift + drag) to zoom to a lower zoom level (i.e., zoom out to a smaller scale). #Added the ability to disable the globe button from the PanZoomBar on the upper left corner of the map. #Switched to GDI+ rendering for measurement. #Added the ability to set a maximum/minimum working thread count to limit the allocated threads in thread pool. #Added cache settings for overlays. The cache system is very efficient at improving the performance of the application, especially when large data or remote server images are being used.

Status Toolbar

More information is now displayed on the status bar at the bottom of the screen, including: #Current display projection #Current map geography unit #Current map zoom level #Current map scale #Selected features area #Selected features count #Auto-backup time

Layer Groups

A layer group contains one or more layers, usually of the same type. They are often used for organizing data. For example, a single layer group could contain and organize multiple layers of different kinds of roads (highways, main roads, county/unpaved roads, etc.). Layer groups are listed in the Layer List panel. Layers and layer groups are drawn on the map in the order in which they appear in the Layer List. For example, the features in the layer group at the top of the Layer List will be the top layer in the map. Since layer groups hold several layers with like information, they are extremely useful for showing or hiding large chunks of information by simply toggling a group’s visibility checkbox.

Context Menu for Layer Groups

Added more options to the right-click context menu for layer groups. #Move up/down/to top/to bottom - Changes the position of the layer group in the Layer List panel, which in turn controls the order in which layers are drawn on the map. #Zoom to Extent - Centers the map on the layer group and zooms to a scale at which every feature in the group is contained within the map window. #Rename - Changes the name of the layer group. (This does not change the name of the layer's source data file, if any.) #Remove - Removes (unloads) the layer group from the map. #Add Layer - Opens a file browser for selecting a layer to add. #New Layer - Opens a flyout menu for selecting the type of layer to add. You can customize the new layer in the next window that appears, the Define Layer Columns window. #Refresh Layers - Reloads all the layers in the layer group. #Tile type - Allows you to switch the tile overlay to single tile or multiple tile.

Newly Supported File Types

The GIS Editor supports several file formats. You can add any of these file types into the editor to generate map data and convert files to more common formats. #Parcel layers #National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Global Weather Station Data - Displays real-time, up-to-date weather station data from around the world. The data, which is sourced directly from NOAA, automatically refreshes approximately every 15 minutes. You can also change the default refresh interval. #NOAA U.S. Weather Radar Data - Displays real-time, up-to-date U.S. weather radar. The images, which are sourced directly from NOAA, automatically refresh approximately every 10 minutes. #NOAA U.S. Weather Warnings - Displays real-time, up-to-date U.S. weather warning polygons. The data, which is sourced directly from NOAA, automatically refreshes approximately every 5 minutes. You can also change the refresh interval. #GPX Files – Native read-only support for GPS eXchange files (.gpx). GPX is a lightweight, XML-based data format for the interchange of GPS data (waypoints, routes, and tracks) between applications and web services on the Internet. #Tobin Bas Files - Native read-only support for Tobin TDRBM II (.bas) files. Bas is a land base data distribution format commonly used for storing cultural and hydrographic features, primarily for the United States. #Web Map Services (WMS) #Microsoft SQL Server #Postgre Server #SQLite Database


#Default Styles - GIS Editor allows you to set default styles for point, line, and polygon features. The default styles will be automatically applied to new map features. #*Added support for applying random colors. #*Added support for setting multiple default styles. #Well Point Style - Well point style is a Point Base Style that integrates approximately 186 well symbols. #NOAA Weather Station Style - This style may only be applied to NOAA weather layers.

Drawing and Editing Features

The **Edit tab** is located in the ribbon bar. This tab contains tools for performing shape operations and creating, manipulating, editing, and removing features. #Added the ability to enlarge a polygon by a specific area or size.

Exporting Selections

The **Export Wizard**, located in the **Select Features** tab, saves the selected feature(s) or measurement(s) from the map to a separate file.

Selected Feature(s) Options

#Added support for copying selected features to a new layer, or editing layer. #Added support for exporting selected features to a vector KML file. #Added support for opening selected features with Google Earth.


#Added support for converting all labels on the map to label annotations. #Added support for selecting and moving individual annotations. #Added support for drawing and editing annotations. #Added support for feature-linked annotation. #Added support for configuring annotation styles. #Added annotation visibility settings.


The Print function also provides access to the Layout Builder. The Layout Builder allows you to design and preview the layout of map elements, such as the scale bar, north arrow, and legend, prior to printing. You can create, save, or load a layout template for printing your map. The editor comes with several pre-built layouts for you to use or modify. Custom templates are useful when you need to print out several different maps that share the same layout, including logos, north arrows, and scales.

#Added Grid Line support. #*Added options to form grid by cell size or grid size. #*Added options to configure grid style (i.e., background color and dash style). #*Added options to configure grid margins. #Added signature support that allows users to create, design and edit company or personal signatures. #Added options to either Preserve Extent or Preserve Scale. #Added the ability to load a layout template based on the current map view.

version_7.0.0.555.1443423414.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/29 01:57 (external edit)