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Point Style

The Point Style allows you to define how point features will be rendered on the map. Point styles offer numerous controls for fill and outline colors, and many other properties.

Video Overview


Name - The name of the point style. Choosing a descriptive name can help you quickly identify styles when you are compositing many of them together.

Symbol Type - Sets the shape of the point style.

Option Description Example
Circle Draws a Circle point.
Square Draws a Square point.
Triangle Draws a Triangle point.
Cross Draws a Cross point.
Diamond Draws a Diamond point.
Diamond2 Draws a perfect Diamond point.
Star Draws a Star point.
Star2 Draws a Star surrounded by a circle point.

Symbol Size - Set the size of the point style's shape in pixels.

Fill - Sets the style of the fill of each point feature. The fill can be a color, gradient, hatch pattern or bitmapped texture.

Outline Color - Sets the style of the border around each point feature. The outline can be a color, gradient, hatch pattern or bitmapped texture.

Outline Thickness - Sets the thickness, in pixels, of the border around each point feature.


X Offset - Sets the X offset of this style. A positive X offset will draw the style that many pixels to the right of the actual feature. A negative X offset will draw the style that many pixels to the left of the actual feature.

Y Offset - Sets the Y offset of this style. A positive Y offset will draw the style that many pixels below the actual feature. A negative Y offset will draw the style that many pixels above the actual feature.

Drawing Level - Forces this style to draw on a specific drawing level. The GIS Editor has a set of internal drawing levels that can be used to set rendering priority for certain styles. For example, labels are set to use the highest drawing level by default, so that they always appear on top of other map features regardless of what layer they're on. This enables you to add styles to any layer without worrying about them being covered up by other layers above them.

point_style.txt · Last modified: 2015/09/28 10:10 by admin