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using_the_ribbon_bar [2015/09/28 08:09]
admin [Video Overview]
using_the_ribbon_bar [2015/09/28 08:09] (current)
admin [Quick Access Toolbar]
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 Above the ribbon bar is the **Quick Access Toolbar**, where you can place shortcuts to features that you use often. ​ The Quick Access Toolbar is always visible no matter what tab or screen you're working in.  To add a button from any ribbon tab to the Quick Access Toolbar, simply right-click on the button and choose "Add to Quick Access Toolbar"​. Above the ribbon bar is the **Quick Access Toolbar**, where you can place shortcuts to features that you use often. ​ The Quick Access Toolbar is always visible no matter what tab or screen you're working in.  To add a button from any ribbon tab to the Quick Access Toolbar, simply right-click on the button and choose "Add to Quick Access Toolbar"​.
-[[Category:​Getting Started]]+
using_the_ribbon_bar.1443427740.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/09/28 08:09 by admin