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<!– Class –> This is the base class which describle the Tile class. Tile concept is used as a rectangle image which will be saved in Memory or Hard disk to enhance the performance.The Tile cache system is very popular in many GIS products including the GoogleMaps, VE Maps etc, the Tile can be considered a small subset used in the TileCache system.


The Tile is the lowest level Tile in the Tile hierarchy. Directly inherited from Tile are BitmapTile, NativeImageTile. The methods and properties on Tile are the lowest common denominator for all the various kinds of Tiles. It marked abstract and is designed only to be inherited from.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Members Summary

Public Constructors

Name Parameters DeclaringType Summary
Public MethodTile This is the default constructor for Tile.
Public MethodTile RectangleShape, Double This is the constructor for Tile by passing the boundingBox and scale.

Protected Constructors

Name Parameters DeclaringType Summary

Public Methods

Name Parameters DeclaringType Summary
Public MethodCloneDeep This method shows the way to deep clone a Tile object.
Public MethodEquals Object Object
Public MethodGetHashCode Object
Public MethodGetType Object
Public MethodToString Object

Protected Methods

Name Parameters DeclaringType Summary
Protected MethodCloneDeepCore This method shows the way to override deep clone a Tile object.
Protected MethodFinalize Object
Protected MethodMemberwiseClone Object

Public Properties

Name Return DeclaringType Summary
Public PropertyBoundingBox RectangleShape The Bounding box to describe the Tile.
Public PropertyScale Double The scale to describe the Tile.

Protected Properties

Name Return DeclaringType Summary

Public Events

Name Event Arguments DeclaringType Summary

Public Constructors


This is the default constructor for Tile.


Name Type Description

Go Back

Tile(RectangleShape, Double)

This is the constructor for Tile by passing the boundingBox and scale.


Name Type Description
boundingBox RectangleShape<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.RectangleShape –>
scale Double<!– System.Double –>

Go Back

Protected Constructors

Public Methods


This method shows the way to deep clone a Tile object.


As this is a concrete public method that wraps a Core method, In this way, we leave our framework open on our end, but also allow you the developer to extend our logic to suit your needs. If you have questions about this,please contact our support team as we would be happy to work with you on extending our framework.

Return Value

Return Type Description
Tile<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.Tile –> This method returns the cloned Tile object.


Name Type Description

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.Tile –> Go Back


Return Value

Return Type Description
Boolean<!– System.Boolean –>


Name Type Description
obj Object<!– System.Object –>

<!– System.Object –> Go Back


Return Value

Return Type Description
Int32<!– System.Int32 –>


Name Type Description

<!– System.Object –> Go Back


Return Value

Return Type Description
Type<!– System.Type –>


Name Type Description

<!– System.Object –> Go Back


Return Value

Return Type Description
String<!– System.String –>


Name Type Description

<!– System.Object –> Go Back

Protected Methods


This method shows the way to override deep clone a Tile object.


As this is a concrete public method that wraps a Core method, In this way, we leave our framework open on our end, but also allow you the developer to extend our logic to suit your needs. If you have questions about this,please contact our support team as we would be happy to work with you on extending our framework.

Return Value

Return Type Description
Tile<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.Tile –> This method returns the cloned Tile object.


Name Type Description

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.Tile –> Go Back


Return Value

Return Type Description
Void<!– System.Void –>


Name Type Description

<!– System.Object –> Go Back


Return Value

Return Type Description
Object<!– System.Object –>


Name Type Description

<!– System.Object –> Go Back

Public Properties


The Bounding box to describe the Tile.

Return Value

Return Type
RectangleShape<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.RectangleShape –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.Tile –> Go Back


The scale to describe the Tile.

Return Value

Return Type
Double<!– System.Double –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.Tile –> Go Back

Protected Properties

Public Events

thinkgeo.mapsuite.portablecore.tile.1440040133.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/21 08:19 (external edit)