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<!– Class –> This class represents the zoom levels used by Google Maps.


If you want to create some layers that match up with Google Maps layers, you should use this ZoomSet.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Members Summary

Public Constructors

Name Parameters DeclaringType Summary
Public MethodGoogleMapsZoomLevelSet This class represents the zoom levels used by Google Maps.

Protected Constructors

Name Parameters DeclaringType Summary

Public Methods

Name Parameters DeclaringType Summary
Public MethodEquals Object Object
Public MethodGetHashCode Object
Public MethodStatic MemberGetHigherZoomLevelScale Double, ZoomLevelSet ZoomLevelSet ZoomToScale out, the result is greater than input
Public MethodStatic MemberGetLowerZoomLevelScale Double, ZoomLevelSet ZoomLevelSet ZoomToScale in, the result is less than input
Public MethodGetType Object
Public MethodGetZoomLevel RectangleShape, Double, GeographyUnit ZoomLevelSet This method returns the active ZoomLevel based on an extent, a map unit and a screen width.
Public MethodGetZoomLevel RectangleShape, Double, GeographyUnit, Single ZoomLevelSet This method returns the active ZoomLevel based on an extent, a map unit and a screen width.
Public MethodGetZoomLevelForDrawing RectangleShape, Double, GeographyUnit, Single ZoomLevelSet This method returns the active ZoomLevel based on an extent, a map unit and a canvas width.
Public MethodGetZoomLevelForDrawing RectangleShape, Double, GeographyUnit ZoomLevelSet This method returns the active ZoomLevel based on an extent, a map unit and a canvas width.
Public MethodGetZoomLevels ZoomLevelSet This method return all of the zoomLevels in the zoomLevelSet.
Public MethodToString Object

Protected Methods

Name Parameters DeclaringType Summary
Protected MethodFinalize Object
Protected MethodMemberwiseClone Object

Public Properties

Name Return DeclaringType Summary
Public PropertyCustomZoomLevels Collection<ZoomLevel> ZoomLevelSet This property gets the custom zoom levels from the zoomLevelSet.
Public PropertyName String ZoomLevelSet This property gets and sets the name for the ZoomSet.
Public PropertyZoomLevel01 ZoomLevel ZoomLevelSet This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level01.
Public PropertyZoomLevel02 ZoomLevel ZoomLevelSet This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level02.
Public PropertyZoomLevel03 ZoomLevel ZoomLevelSet This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level03.
Public PropertyZoomLevel04 ZoomLevel ZoomLevelSet This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level04.
Public PropertyZoomLevel05 ZoomLevel ZoomLevelSet This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level05.
Public PropertyZoomLevel06 ZoomLevel ZoomLevelSet This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level06.
Public PropertyZoomLevel07 ZoomLevel ZoomLevelSet This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level07.
Public PropertyZoomLevel08 ZoomLevel ZoomLevelSet This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level08.
Public PropertyZoomLevel09 ZoomLevel ZoomLevelSet This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level09.
Public PropertyZoomLevel10 ZoomLevel ZoomLevelSet This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level10.
Public PropertyZoomLevel11 ZoomLevel ZoomLevelSet This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level11.
Public PropertyZoomLevel12 ZoomLevel ZoomLevelSet This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level12.
Public PropertyZoomLevel13 ZoomLevel ZoomLevelSet This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level13.
Public PropertyZoomLevel14 ZoomLevel ZoomLevelSet This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level14.
Public PropertyZoomLevel15 ZoomLevel ZoomLevelSet This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level15.
Public PropertyZoomLevel16 ZoomLevel ZoomLevelSet This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level16.
Public PropertyZoomLevel17 ZoomLevel ZoomLevelSet This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level17.
Public PropertyZoomLevel18 ZoomLevel ZoomLevelSet This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level18.
Public PropertyZoomLevel19 ZoomLevel ZoomLevelSet This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level19.
Public PropertyZoomLevel20 ZoomLevel ZoomLevelSet This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level20.

Protected Properties

Name Return DeclaringType Summary

Public Events

Name Event Arguments DeclaringType Summary

Public Constructors


This class represents the zoom levels used by Google Maps.


If you want to create some layers that match up with Google Maps layers, you should use this ZoomSet.


Name Type Description

Go Back

Protected Constructors

Public Methods


Return Value

Return Type Description
Boolean<!– System.Boolean –>


Name Type Description
obj Object<!– System.Object –>

<!– System.Object –> Go Back


Return Value

Return Type Description
Int32<!– System.Int32 –>


Name Type Description

<!– System.Object –> Go Back

GetHigherZoomLevelScale(Double, ZoomLevelSet)

<!– static –> ZoomToScale out, the result is greater than input

Return Value

Return Type Description
Double<!– System.Double –>


Name Type Description
currentScale Double<!– System.Double –>
zoomLevelSet ZoomLevelSet<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevelSet –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevelSet –> Go Back

GetLowerZoomLevelScale(Double, ZoomLevelSet)

<!– static –> ZoomToScale in, the result is less than input

Return Value

Return Type Description
Double<!– System.Double –>


Name Type Description
currentScale Double<!– System.Double –>
zoomLevelSet ZoomLevelSet<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevelSet –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevelSet –> Go Back


Return Value

Return Type Description
Type<!– System.Type –>


Name Type Description

<!– System.Object –> Go Back

GetZoomLevel(RectangleShape, Double, GeographyUnit)

This method returns the active ZoomLevel based on an extent, a map unit and a screen width.

Return Value

Return Type Description
ZoomLevel<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevel –> This method returns the active ZoomLevel based on an extent, a map unit and a screen width.


Name Type Description
extent RectangleShape<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.RectangleShape –> This parameter is a world extent.
screenWidth Double<!– System.Double –> This parameter is the width of the map in pixels.
mapUnit GeographyUnit<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.GeographyUnit –> This parameter is the unit of the map.

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevelSet –> Go Back

GetZoomLevel(RectangleShape, Double, GeographyUnit, Single)

This method returns the active ZoomLevel based on an extent, a map unit and a screen width.

Return Value

Return Type Description
ZoomLevel<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevel –> This method returns the active ZoomLevel based on an extent, a map unit and a screen width.


Name Type Description
extent RectangleShape<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.RectangleShape –> This parameter is a world extent.
screenWidth Double<!– System.Double –> This parameter is the width of the map in pixels.
mapUnit GeographyUnit<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.GeographyUnit –> This parameter is the unit of the map.
dpi Single<!– System.Single –> This parameter is the dpi of the extent.

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevelSet –> Go Back

GetZoomLevelForDrawing(RectangleShape, Double, GeographyUnit, Single)

This method returns the active ZoomLevel based on an extent, a map unit and a canvas width.

Return Value

Return Type Description
ZoomLevel<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevel –> This method returns the active ZoomLevel based on an extent, map unit and a canvas width.


Name Type Description
extent RectangleShape<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.RectangleShape –> This parameter is a world extent.
screenWidth Double<!– System.Double –> This parameter is the width of the canvas in pixels.
mapUnit GeographyUnit<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.GeographyUnit –> This parameter is the unit of the map.
dpi Single<!– System.Single –> This parameter is the dpi of the extent.

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevelSet –> Go Back

GetZoomLevelForDrawing(RectangleShape, Double, GeographyUnit)

This method returns the active ZoomLevel based on an extent, a map unit and a canvas width.

Return Value

Return Type Description
ZoomLevel<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevel –> This method returns the active ZoomLevel based on an extent, map unit and a canvas width.


Name Type Description
extent RectangleShape<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.RectangleShape –> This parameter is a world extent.
screenWidth Double<!– System.Double –> This parameter is the width of the canvas in pixels.
mapUnit GeographyUnit<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.GeographyUnit –> This parameter is the unit of the map.

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevelSet –> Go Back


This method return all of the zoomLevels in the zoomLevelSet.

Return Value

Return Type Description
Collection<ZoomLevel><!– System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection{ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevel} –> This method return all of the zoomlevels in the zoomLevelSet.


Name Type Description

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevelSet –> Go Back


Return Value

Return Type Description
String<!– System.String –>


Name Type Description

<!– System.Object –> Go Back

Protected Methods


Return Value

Return Type Description
Void<!– System.Void –>


Name Type Description

<!– System.Object –> Go Back


Return Value

Return Type Description
Object<!– System.Object –>


Name Type Description

<!– System.Object –> Go Back

Public Properties


This property gets the custom zoom levels from the zoomLevelSet.

Return Value

Return Type
Collection<ZoomLevel><!– System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection{ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevel} –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevelSet –> Go Back


This property gets and sets the name for the ZoomSet.


The name is user defined. It is useful to set, as it may be used for higher level components such as legends, etc.

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevelSet –> Go Back


This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level01.

Return Value

Return Type
ZoomLevel<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevel –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevelSet –> Go Back


This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level02.

Return Value

Return Type
ZoomLevel<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevel –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevelSet –> Go Back


This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level03.

Return Value

Return Type
ZoomLevel<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevel –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevelSet –> Go Back


This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level04.

Return Value

Return Type
ZoomLevel<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevel –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevelSet –> Go Back


This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level05.

Return Value

Return Type
ZoomLevel<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevel –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevelSet –> Go Back


This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level06.

Return Value

Return Type
ZoomLevel<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevel –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevelSet –> Go Back


This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level07.

Return Value

Return Type
ZoomLevel<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevel –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevelSet –> Go Back


This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level08.

Return Value

Return Type
ZoomLevel<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevel –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevelSet –> Go Back


This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level09.

Return Value

Return Type
ZoomLevel<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevel –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevelSet –> Go Back


This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level10.

Return Value

Return Type
ZoomLevel<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevel –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevelSet –> Go Back


This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level11.

Return Value

Return Type
ZoomLevel<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevel –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevelSet –> Go Back


This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level12.

Return Value

Return Type
ZoomLevel<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevel –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevelSet –> Go Back


This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level13.

Return Value

Return Type
ZoomLevel<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevel –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevelSet –> Go Back


This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level14.

Return Value

Return Type
ZoomLevel<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevel –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevelSet –> Go Back


This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level15.

Return Value

Return Type
ZoomLevel<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevel –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevelSet –> Go Back


This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level16.

Return Value

Return Type
ZoomLevel<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevel –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevelSet –> Go Back


This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level17.

Return Value

Return Type
ZoomLevel<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevel –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevelSet –> Go Back


This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level18.

Return Value

Return Type
ZoomLevel<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevel –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevelSet –> Go Back


This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level19.

Return Value

Return Type
ZoomLevel<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevel –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevelSet –> Go Back


This property gets the ZoomLevel for Level20.

Return Value

Return Type
ZoomLevel<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevel –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore.ZoomLevelSet –> Go Back

Protected Properties

Public Events

thinkgeo.mapsuite.portablecore.googlemapszoomlevelset.1440040132.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/21 08:09 (external edit)