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<!– Enumeration –> In a class break style, this enumeration determines whether the break includes or excludes the value entered in the break.


In a class break style, this enumeration determines whether the break includes or excludes the value entered in the break. For example, you might have two class breaks, one at 100 and the second at 200. If you specify to include the value, then the first break includes the number 100 and the second break would include the number 200. If you set to exclude, then 100 would belong to the second break and 200 would not be included in the second break at all.


Name Summary
IncludeValue The break value is included in the break.
ExcludeValue The break value is not included in the break.

NOTOC MapSuitePortableCore ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore

thinkgeo.mapsuite.portablecore.breakvalueinclusion.1440040132.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/21 08:04 (external edit)