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thinkgeo.mapsuite.portablecore.areastyleadvanced [2015/09/23 01:31]
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-====== ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.AreaStyleAdvanced ====== 
-This class represents the advanced drawing options for area styles. 
-===== Inheritance Hierarchy ===== 
-  *System.Object 
-    ***ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.AreaStyleAdvanced** 
-===== Members Summary ===== 
-==== Public Constructors ==== 
-** {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|}} AreaStyleAdvanced() ** 
-  * //This is the default constructor for the class.// 
-== Remarks == 
-  * //None// 
-== Parameters == 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-==== Protected Constructors ==== 
-==== Public Methods ==== 
-** {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|}} CloneDeep() ** 
-  * //Create a copy of AreaStyleAdvanced class using the deep clone process.// 
-== Remarks == 
-  * //The difference between deep clone and shallow clone is as follows: In shallow cloning, only the object is copied; the objects within it are not. By contrast, deep cloning copies the cloned object as well as all the objects within.// 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.AreaStyleAdvanced|AreaStyleAdvanced]] 
-  * Description:​A cloned AreaStyleAdvanced. 
-== Parameters == 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-** {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|}} ToString() ** 
-  * //N/A// 
-== Remarks == 
-  * //N/A// 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:String 
-  * Description:​N/​A 
-== Parameters == 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-** {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|}} Equals(Object) ** 
-  * //N/A// 
-== Remarks == 
-  * //N/A// 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:​Boolean 
-  * Description:​N/​A 
-== Parameters == 
-  * //obj// 
-    * Type:Object 
-    * Description:​N/​A 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-** {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|}} GetHashCode() ** 
-  * //N/A// 
-== Remarks == 
-  * //N/A// 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:Int32 
-  * Description:​N/​A 
-== Parameters == 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-** {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|}} GetType() ** 
-  * //N/A// 
-== Remarks == 
-  * //N/A// 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:Type 
-  * Description:​N/​A 
-== Parameters == 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-==== Protected Methods ==== 
-** {{wiki:​ProtectedMethod.gif|}} Finalize() ** 
-  * //N/A// 
-== Remarks == 
-  * //N/A// 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:Void 
-  * Description:​N/​A 
-== Parameters == 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-** {{wiki:​ProtectedMethod.gif|}} MemberwiseClone() ** 
-  * //N/A// 
-== Remarks == 
-  * //N/A// 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:Object 
-  * Description:​N/​A 
-== Parameters == 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-==== Public Properties ==== 
-** {{wiki:​PublicProperty.gif|}} FillCustomBrush ** 
-  * //This property allows you to get and set a custom fill brush.// 
-== Remarks == 
-  * //This allows you to use custom brushes to achieve effects such as linear gradients and bitmap fills. If you use any brush besides the SolidBrush, you would set it in this property.// 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GeoBrush|GeoBrush]] 
-==== Protected Properties ==== 
-==== Public Events ==== 
thinkgeo.mapsuite.portablecore.areastyleadvanced.1442971896.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/09/23 01:31 by admin