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thinkgeo.mapsuite.core.unsafehelper [2015/09/18 05:53]
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-====== ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.UnsafeHelper ====== 
-This static class is a wrapper contains unsafe native methods 
-===== Inheritance Hierarchy ===== 
-  *System.Object 
-    ***ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.UnsafeHelper** 
-===== Members Summary ===== 
-==== Public Constructors ==== 
-==== Protected Constructors ==== 
-==== Public Methods ==== 
-** {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|}} ToString() ** 
-== Remarks == 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:String 
-  * Description:​N/​A 
-== Parameters == 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-** {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|}} Equals(Object) ** 
-== Remarks == 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:​Boolean 
-  * Description:​N/​A 
-== Parameters == 
-  * //obj// 
-    * Type:Object 
-    * Description:​N/​A 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-** {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|}} GetHashCode() ** 
-== Remarks == 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:Int32 
-  * Description:​N/​A 
-== Parameters == 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-** {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|}} GetType() ** 
-== Remarks == 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:Type 
-  * Description:​N/​A 
-== Parameters == 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-** {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|}}{{wiki:​Static.gif|}} CopyImage(Bitmap,​Bitmap,​Rectangle) ** 
-This method transfers pixels from source bitmap to destination bitmap within a specified rectangle. 
-== Remarks == 
-It will call GDI32.dll API CreateCompatibleDC and BitBlt. 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:Void 
-  * Description:​N/​A 
-== Parameters == 
-  * //source// 
-    * Type:Bitmap 
-    * Description:​source bitmap 
-  * //target// 
-    * Type:Bitmap 
-    * Description:​target bitmap 
-  * //r// 
-    * Type:​Rectangle 
-    * Description:​the specified rectangle 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-** {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|}}{{wiki:​Static.gif|}} CopyImage(Bitmap,​Graphics,​Rectangle,​Rectangle,​CopyPixelOperation) ** 
-This method transfers pixels from source bitmap with a specified source rectangle to destination a specified destination rectangle by specified CopyPixelOperation. 
-== Remarks == 
-It will call GDI32.dll API CreateCompatibleDC and BitBlt. 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:Void 
-  * Description:​N/​A 
-== Parameters == 
-  * //source// 
-    * Type:Bitmap 
-    * Description:​source bitmap 
-  * //target// 
-    * Type:​Graphics 
-    * Description:​target graphics 
-  * //​sourceRectangle//​ 
-    * Type:​Rectangle 
-    * Description:​the specified rectangle for source bitmap 
-  * //​targetRectangle//​ 
-    * Type:​Rectangle 
-    * Description:​the specified rectangle for target graphics 
-  * //​copyPixelOperation//​ 
-    * Type:​CopyPixelOperation 
-    * Description:​Specifies a raster-operation code.These codes define how the color data for the source rectangle is to be combined with the color data for the destination rectangle to achieve the final color. 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-** {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|}}{{wiki:​Static.gif|}} IsKeyPressed(Keys) ** 
-Returns a value represents is a specified key pressed or not. 
-== Remarks == 
-It will call User32.dll API GetAsyncKeyState internally. 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:​Boolean 
-  * Description:​Returns a value represents is a specified key pressed or not. 
-== Parameters == 
-  * //keys// 
-    * Type:Keys 
-    * Description:​An enum represents which key is pressed or not. 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-** {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|}}{{wiki:​Static.gif|}} FastLoadImageFromFile(String) ** 
-== Remarks == 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:Bitmap 
-  * Description:​N/​A 
-== Parameters == 
-  * //​pathFileName//​ 
-    * Type:String 
-    * Description:​N/​A 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-==== Protected Methods ==== 
-** {{wiki:​ProtectedMethod.gif|}} Finalize() ** 
-== Remarks == 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:Void 
-  * Description:​N/​A 
-== Parameters == 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-** {{wiki:​ProtectedMethod.gif|}} MemberwiseClone() ** 
-== Remarks == 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:Object 
-  * Description:​N/​A 
-== Parameters == 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-==== Public Properties ==== 
-==== Protected Properties ==== 
-==== Public Events ==== 
thinkgeo.mapsuite.core.unsafehelper.1442555637.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/09/18 05:53 by admin