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thinkgeo.mapsuite.core.tilecache [2015/09/17 10:40]
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-====== ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache ====== 
-This is the base class for TileCache system. 
-===== Inheritance Hierarchy ===== 
-  *System.Object 
-    ***ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache** 
-      *[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTileCache]] 
-      *[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.NativeImageTileCache]] 
-===== Members Summary ===== 
-=== Public Constructors === 
-=== Protected Constructors === 
-<div class_table>​ 
-  * **Parameters**:​String,​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileImageFormat|TileImageFormat]],​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileMatrix|TileMatrix]] 
-  * **DeclaringType**:​N/​A 
-  * **Summary**:​This is the constructor of the class. 
-=== Public Methods === 
-<div class_table>​ 
-  * **Parameters**:​N/​A 
-  * **DeclaringType**:​N/​A 
-  * **Summary**:​This method will clear all the tiles in the tileCache. 
-<div class_table>​ 
-  * **Parameters**:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Tile|Tile]] 
-  * **DeclaringType**:​N/​A 
-  * **Summary**:​This method will delete the target tile passed in. 
-<div class_table>​ 
-  * **Parameters**:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]] 
-  * **DeclaringType**:​N/​A 
-  * **Summary**:​This method will delete the tiles within the passed in worldExtent. 
-<div class_table>​ 
-  * **Parameters**:​Object 
-  * **DeclaringType**:​Object 
-  * **Summary**:​N/​A 
-<div class_table>​ 
-  * **Parameters**:​N/​A 
-  * **DeclaringType**:​Object 
-  * **Summary**:​N/​A 
-<div class_table>​ 
-  * **Parameters**:​N/​A 
-  * **DeclaringType**:​Object 
-  * **Summary**:​N/​A 
-<div class_table>​ 
-  * **Parameters**:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Tile|Tile]] 
-  * **DeclaringType**:​N/​A 
-  * **Summary**:​This method will save the target tile passed in. 
-<div class_table>​ 
-  * **Parameters**:​Bitmap,​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]],​Boolean 
-  * **DeclaringType**:​N/​A 
-  * **Summary**:​N/​A 
-<div class_table>​ 
-  * **Parameters**:​Bitmap,​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]] 
-  * **DeclaringType**:​N/​A 
-  * **Summary**:​This method will save the bitmap with its extent attached into tiles. 
-<div class_table>​ 
-  * **Parameters**:​N/​A 
-  * **DeclaringType**:​Object 
-  * **Summary**:​N/​A 
-=== Protected Methods === 
-<div class_table>​ 
-  * **Parameters**:​N/​A 
-  * **DeclaringType**:​N/​A 
-  * **Summary**:​This abstract method will clear all the tiles in the tileCache, for each sub TileCache class must implement this method. 
-<div class_table>​ 
-  * **Parameters**:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Tile|Tile]] 
-  * **DeclaringType**:​N/​A 
-  * **Summary**:​This abstract method will delete the target tile passed in, for each sub TileCache class must implement this method. 
-<div class_table>​ 
-  * **Parameters**:​N/​A 
-  * **DeclaringType**:​Object 
-  * **Summary**:​N/​A 
-<div class_table>​ 
-  * **Parameters**:​N/​A 
-  * **DeclaringType**:​Object 
-  * **Summary**:​N/​A 
-<div class_table>​ 
-  * **Parameters**:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Tile|Tile]] 
-  * **DeclaringType**:​N/​A 
-  * **Summary**:​This abstract method will save the target tile passed in, for each sub TileCache class must implement this method. 
-=== Public Properties === 
-  * **Return**:​String 
-  * **Summary**:​Gets or sets the id of the TileCache. 
-  * **Return**:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileImageFormat|TileImageFormat]] 
-  * **Summary**:​Gets or sets the tile image format. 
-  * **Return**:​Int16 
-  * **Summary**:​Gets or sets the Jpeg quality , this property only take effects when setting the ImageFormat to Jpeg. 
-  * **Return**:​Bitmap 
-  * **Summary**:​This property returns back a preset image showing the Tile is loading. 
-  * **Return**:​Bitmap 
-  * **Summary**:​This property returns back a preset image showing the tile data is missing. 
-  * **Return**:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileAccessMode|TileAccessMode]] 
-  * **Summary**:​Gets or sets the Mode for the TileCache access the tiles. The Default value is ReadAddDelete 
-  * **Return**:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileMatrix|TileMatrix]] 
-  * **Summary**:​Gets or sets the TileMatrix which is used in caculation for tiles. 
-=== Protected Properties === 
-=== Public Events === 
-===== Public Constructors ===== 
-===== Protected Constructors ===== 
-=== TileCache(String,​TileImageFormat,​TileMatrix) === 
-This is the constructor of the class. 
-==== Remarks ==== 
-==== Parameters ==== 
-  * **Type**:​String 
-  * **Description:​This is the cache identifier which marks its difference with other TileCache. 
-  * **Type**:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileImageFormat|TileImageFormat]] 
-  * **Description:​This is the imageFormate showing what kind of image we are trying to save. 
-  * **Type**:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileMatrix|TileMatrix]] 
-  * **Description:​This is the tile matrix system which is used for caculating tiles. 
-[[#​Protected Constructors|Go Back]] 
-===== Public Methods ===== 
-=== ClearCache() === 
-This method will clear all the tiles in the tileCache. 
-==== Remarks ==== 
-This method will not take effect when the ReadOnly is set to true. 
-**Return Value** 
-  * **Return Type**:Void 
-  * **Description**:​N/​A 
-==== Parameters ==== 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-=== DeleteTile(Tile) === 
-This method will delete the target tile passed in. 
-==== Remarks ==== 
-This method will not take effect when the ReadOnly is set to true. 
-**Return Value** 
-  * **Return Type**:Void 
-  * **Description**:​N/​A 
-==== Parameters ==== 
-  * **Type**:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Tile|Tile]] 
-  * **Description**:​The target tile to be deleted. 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-=== DeleteTiles(RectangleShape) === 
-This method will delete the tiles within the passed in worldExtent. 
-==== Remarks ==== 
-**Return Value** 
-  * **Return Type**:Void 
-  * **Description**:​N/​A 
-==== Parameters ==== 
-  * **Type**:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]] 
-  * **Description**:​The target extent to delete all tiles within it. 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-=== Equals(Object) === 
-==== Remarks ==== 
-**Return Value** 
-  * **Return Type**:​Boolean 
-  * **Description**:​N/​A 
-==== Parameters ==== 
-  * **Type**:​Object 
-  * **Description**:​N/​A 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-=== GetHashCode() === 
-==== Remarks ==== 
-**Return Value** 
-  * **Return Type**:​Int32 
-  * **Description**:​N/​A 
-==== Parameters ==== 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-=== GetType() === 
-==== Remarks ==== 
-**Return Value** 
-  * **Return Type**:Type 
-  * **Description**:​N/​A 
-==== Parameters ==== 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-=== SaveTile(Tile) === 
-This method will save the target tile passed in. 
-==== Remarks ==== 
-This method will not take effect when the ReadOnly is set to true. 
-**Return Value** 
-  * **Return Type**:Void 
-  * **Description**:​N/​A 
-==== Parameters ==== 
-  * **Type**:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Tile|Tile]] 
-  * **Description**:​The target tile to be saved. 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-=== SaveTiles(Bitmap,​RectangleShape,​Boolean) === 
-==== Remarks ==== 
-**Return Value** 
-  * **Return Type**:Void 
-  * **Description**:​N/​A 
-==== Parameters ==== 
-  * **Type**:​Bitmap 
-  * **Description**:​N/​A 
-  * **Type**:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]] 
-  * **Description**:​N/​A 
-  * **Type**:​Boolean 
-  * **Description**:​N/​A 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-=== SaveTiles(Bitmap,​RectangleShape) === 
-This method will save the bitmap with its extent attached into tiles. 
-==== Remarks ==== 
-**Return Value** 
-  * **Return Type**:Void 
-  * **Description**:​N/​A 
-==== Parameters ==== 
-  * **Type**:​Bitmap 
-  * **Description**:​The target bitmap to be saved into tiles. 
-  * **Type**:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]] 
-  * **Description**:​The target extent for the bitmap. 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-=== ToString() === 
-==== Remarks ==== 
-**Return Value** 
-  * **Return Type**:​String 
-  * **Description**:​N/​A 
-==== Parameters ==== 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-===== Protected Methods ===== 
-=== ClearCacheCore() === 
-This abstract method will clear all the tiles in the tileCache, for each sub TileCache class must implement this method. 
-==== Remarks ==== 
-This method will not take effect when the ReadOnly is set to true. 
-**Return Value** 
-  * **Return Type**:Void 
-  * **Description**:​N/​A 
-==== Parameters ==== 
-[[#​Protected Methods|Go Back]] 
-=== DeleteTileCore(Tile) === 
-This abstract method will delete the target tile passed in, for each sub TileCache class must implement this method. 
-==== Remarks ==== 
-This method will not take effect when the ReadOnly is set to true. 
-**Return Value** 
-  * **Return Type**:Void 
-  * **Description**:​N/​A 
-==== Parameters ==== 
-  * **Type**:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Tile|Tile]] 
-  * **Description**:​The target tile to be deleted. 
-[[#​Protected Methods|Go Back]] 
-=== Finalize() === 
-==== Remarks ==== 
-**Return Value** 
-  * **Return Type**:Void 
-  * **Description**:​N/​A 
-==== Parameters ==== 
-[[#​Protected Methods|Go Back]] 
-=== MemberwiseClone() === 
-==== Remarks ==== 
-**Return Value** 
-  * **Return Type**:​Object 
-  * **Description**:​N/​A 
-==== Parameters ==== 
-[[#​Protected Methods|Go Back]] 
-=== SaveTileCore(Tile) === 
-This abstract method will save the target tile passed in, for each sub TileCache class must implement this method. 
-==== Remarks ==== 
-This method will not take effect when the ReadOnly is set to true. 
-**Return Value** 
-  * **Return Type**:Void 
-  * **Description**:​N/​A 
-==== Parameters ==== 
-  * **Type**:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Tile|Tile]] 
-  * **Description**:​The target tile to be saved. 
-[[#​Protected Methods|Go Back]] 
-===== Public Properties ===== 
-=== CacheId === 
-Gets or sets the id of the TileCache. 
-==== Remarks ==== 
-==== Return Value ==== 
-**Return Type**:​String 
-[[#Public Properties|Go Back]] 
-=== ImageFormat === 
-Gets or sets the tile image format. 
-==== Remarks ==== 
-==== Return Value ==== 
-**Return Type**:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileImageFormat|TileImageFormat]] 
-[[#Public Properties|Go Back]] 
-=== JpegQuality === 
-Gets or sets the Jpeg quality , this property only take effects when setting the ImageFormat to Jpeg. 
-==== Remarks ==== 
-==== Return Value ==== 
-**Return Type**:​Int16 
-[[#Public Properties|Go Back]] 
-=== LoadingTileImage === 
-This property returns back a preset image showing the Tile is loading. 
-==== Remarks ==== 
-==== Return Value ==== 
-**Return Type**:​Bitmap 
-[[#Public Properties|Go Back]] 
-=== NoDataTileImage === 
-This property returns back a preset image showing the tile data is missing. 
-==== Remarks ==== 
-==== Return Value ==== 
-**Return Type**:​Bitmap 
-[[#Public Properties|Go Back]] 
-=== TileAccessMode === 
-Gets or sets the Mode for the TileCache access the tiles. The Default value is ReadAddDelete 
-==== Remarks ==== 
-If you want it to take effect, you need set the ReadOnly property false. 
-==== Return Value ==== 
-**Return Type**:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileAccessMode|TileAccessMode]] 
-[[#Public Properties|Go Back]] 
-=== TileMatrix === 
-Gets or sets the TileMatrix which is used in caculation for tiles. 
-==== Remarks ==== 
-==== Return Value ==== 
-**Return Type**:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileMatrix|TileMatrix]] 
-[[#Public Properties|Go Back]] 
-===== Protected Properties ===== 
-===== Public Events ===== 
thinkgeo.mapsuite.core.tilecache.1442486459.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/09/17 10:40 by admin