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thinkgeo.mapsuite.core.matrix [2015/09/18 05:47]
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-====== ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Matrix ====== 
-This class represents a base Matrix which encapsulate the tile caculation logics. 
-===== Inheritance Hierarchy ===== 
-  *System.Object 
-    ***ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Matrix** 
-      *[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileMatrix]] 
-===== Members Summary ===== 
-==== Public Constructors ==== 
-==== Protected Constructors ==== 
-** {{wiki:​ProtectedMethod.gif|}} Matrix() ** 
-This method is the default protected constructor. 
-== Remarks == 
-If you use this constructor,​ you have to set the properties correctly before use it. 
-== Parameters == 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-** {{wiki:​ProtectedMethod.gif|}} Matrix(String,​Double,​Double,​RectangleShape,​MatrixReferenceCorner) ** 
-This method is the default protected constructor. 
-== Remarks == 
-== Parameters == 
-  * //id// 
-    * Type:String 
-    * Description:​This parameter specified the id of the Matrix. 
-  * //​cellWidth//​ 
-    * Type:Double 
-    * Description:​This parameter specified the cell width(in DecimalDegrees) of the Matrix. 
-  * //​cellHeight//​ 
-    * Type:Double 
-    * Description:​This parameter specified the cell height(in DecimalDegrees) of the Matrix. 
-  * //​boundingBox//​ 
-    * Type:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]] 
-    * Description:​This parameter specified the boundingBox of the Matrix. 
-  * //​referenceCorner//​ 
-    * Type:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.MatrixReferenceCorner|MatrixReferenceCorner]] 
-    * Description:​This parameter specified the cacluation reference corner of the Matrix. 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-** {{wiki:​ProtectedMethod.gif|}} Matrix(String,​Double,​Double,​PointShape,​MatrixReferenceCorner,​Int64,​Int64) ** 
-This method is the default protected constructor. 
-== Remarks == 
-== Parameters == 
-  * //id// 
-    * Type:String 
-    * Description:​This parameter specified the id of the Matrix. 
-  * //​cellWidth//​ 
-    * Type:Double 
-    * Description:​This parameter specified the cell width(in DecimalDegrees) of the Matrix. 
-  * //​cellHeight//​ 
-    * Type:Double 
-    * Description:​This parameter specified the cell height(in DecimalDegrees) of the Matrix. 
-  * //​referencePoint//​ 
-    * Type:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.PointShape|PointShape]] 
-    * Description:​This parameter specified the cacluation reference point of the Matrix. 
-  * //​referenceCorner//​ 
-    * Type:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.MatrixReferenceCorner|MatrixReferenceCorner]] 
-    * Description:​This parameter specified the cacluation reference corner of the Matrix. 
-  * //​rowCount//​ 
-    * Type:Int64 
-    * Description:​This parameter specified the row count of the Matrix. 
-  * //​columnCount//​ 
-    * Type:Int64 
-    * Description:​This parameter specified the column count of the Matrix. 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-==== Public Methods ==== 
-** {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|}} GetAllCells() ** 
-This method returns all the cells of the TileMatrix. 
-== Remarks == 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:​Collection<​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileMatrixCell|TileMatrixCell]]>​ 
-  * Description:​This method returns a collection of TileMatrixCell. 
-== Parameters == 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-** {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|}} GetCell(Int64,​Int64) ** 
-Get the cell by passing a specified row and column. 
-== Remarks == 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileMatrixCell|TileMatrixCell]] 
-  * Description:​The returning cell by specified the row and column. 
-== Parameters == 
-  * //row// 
-    * Type:Int64 
-    * Description:​This parameter specifies the row based on 1. 
-  * //column// 
-    * Type:Int64 
-    * Description:​This parameter specifies the row based on 1. 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-** {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|}} GetCell(PointShape) ** 
-Get the cell by passing a specified point shape location. 
-== Remarks == 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileMatrixCell|TileMatrixCell]] 
-  * Description:​The returning cell by specifing the target point location. 
-== Parameters == 
-  * //​intersectingPoint//​ 
-    * Type:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.PointShape|PointShape]] 
-    * Description:​The parameter specified the target point location. 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-** {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|}} GetRowIndex(PointShape) ** 
-Get the row index by passing a specified point shape location. 
-== Remarks == 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:Int64 
-  * Description:​The returning row index by specifing the target point location. 
-== Parameters == 
-  * //​intersectingPoint//​ 
-    * Type:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.PointShape|PointShape]] 
-    * Description:​The parameter specified the target point location. 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-** {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|}} GetColumnIndex(PointShape) ** 
-Get the column index by passing a specified point shape location. 
-== Remarks == 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:Int64 
-  * Description:​The returning column index by specifing the target point location. 
-== Parameters == 
-  * //​intersectingPoint//​ 
-    * Type:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.PointShape|PointShape]] 
-    * Description:​The parameter specified the target point location. 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-** {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|}} GetIntersectingCells(RectangleShape) ** 
-This method returns the intersecting cells of the TileMatrix. 
-== Remarks == 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:​Collection<​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileMatrixCell|TileMatrixCell]]>​ 
-  * Description:​This method returns a collection of TileMatrixCell which intersecting with the passed in extent. 
-== Parameters == 
-  * //​worldExtent//​ 
-    * Type:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]] 
-    * Description:​This parameter specifies extent which is used to get the tiles back from. 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-** {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|}} GetContainedCells(RectangleShape) ** 
-This method returns the contained cells of the TileMatrix. 
-== Remarks == 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:​Collection<​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileMatrixCell|TileMatrixCell]]>​ 
-  * Description:​This method returns a collection of TileMatrixCell which contained in the passed in extent. 
-== Parameters == 
-  * //​worldExtent//​ 
-    * Type:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]] 
-    * Description:​This parameter specifies extent which is used to get the tiles back from. 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-** {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|}} GetIntersectingRowColumnRange(RectangleShape) ** 
-This method returns the RowColumnRange of the TileMatrix intersects the passed in extent. 
-== Remarks == 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RowColumnRange|RowColumnRange]] 
-  * Description:​This method returns the RowColumnRange intersects the passed in extent. 
-== Parameters == 
-  * //​worldExtent//​ 
-    * Type:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]] 
-    * Description:​This parameter specifies extent which is used to get the tiles back from. 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-** {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|}} GetContainedRowColumnRange(RectangleShape) ** 
-This method returns the RowColumnRange of the TileMatrix contained the passed in extent. 
-== Remarks == 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RowColumnRange|RowColumnRange]] 
-  * Description:​This method returns the RowColumnRange contained the passed in extent. 
-== Parameters == 
-  * //​worldExtent//​ 
-    * Type:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]] 
-    * Description:​This parameter specifies extent which is used to get the tiles back from. 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-** {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|}} ToString() ** 
-== Remarks == 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:String 
-  * Description:​N/​A 
-== Parameters == 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-** {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|}} Equals(Object) ** 
-== Remarks == 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:​Boolean 
-  * Description:​N/​A 
-== Parameters == 
-  * //obj// 
-    * Type:Object 
-    * Description:​N/​A 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-** {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|}} GetHashCode() ** 
-== Remarks == 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:Int32 
-  * Description:​N/​A 
-== Parameters == 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-** {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|}} GetType() ** 
-== Remarks == 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:Type 
-  * Description:​N/​A 
-== Parameters == 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-==== Protected Methods ==== 
-** {{wiki:​ProtectedMethod.gif|}} SetMatrix(String,​Double,​Double,​RectangleShape,​MatrixReferenceCorner) ** 
-This method sets the Matrix system by passing in each variables. 
-== Remarks == 
-Accroding to the these given parameters, the referencePoint,​ rowCount, columnCount can be caculated. 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:Void 
-  * Description:​N/​A 
-== Parameters == 
-  * //id// 
-    * Type:String 
-    * Description:​This parameter specifies the id to set the Matrix. 
-  * //​cellWidth//​ 
-    * Type:Double 
-    * Description:​This parameter specifies the cell width(in decimalDegrees) to set the Matrix. 
-  * //​cellHeight//​ 
-    * Type:Double 
-    * Description:​This parameter specifies the cell height(in decimalDegrees) to set the Matrix. 
-  * //​boundingBox//​ 
-    * Type:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]] 
-    * Description:​This parameter specifies the boundingBox to set the Matrix. 
-  * //​referenceCorner//​ 
-    * Type:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.MatrixReferenceCorner|MatrixReferenceCorner]] 
-    * Description:​This parameter specifies the reference corner to set the Matrix. 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-** {{wiki:​ProtectedMethod.gif|}} SetMatrix(String,​Double,​Double,​PointShape,​MatrixReferenceCorner,​Int64,​Int64) ** 
-This method sets the Matrix system by passing in each variables. 
-== Remarks == 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:Void 
-  * Description:​N/​A 
-== Parameters == 
-  * //id// 
-    * Type:String 
-    * Description:​This parameter specifies the id to set the Matrix. 
-  * //​cellWidth//​ 
-    * Type:Double 
-    * Description:​This parameter specifies the cell width(in decimalDegrees) to set the Matrix. 
-  * //​cellHeight//​ 
-    * Type:Double 
-    * Description:​This parameter specifies the cell height(in decimalDegrees) to set the Matrix. 
-  * //​referencePoint//​ 
-    * Type:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.PointShape|PointShape]] 
-    * Description:​This parameter specifies the reference Point to set the Matrix. 
-  * //​referenceCorner//​ 
-    * Type:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.MatrixReferenceCorner|MatrixReferenceCorner]] 
-    * Description:​This parameter specifies the reference corner to set the Matrix. 
-  * //​rowCount//​ 
-    * Type:Int64 
-    * Description:​This parameter specifies the row count to set the Matrix. 
-  * //​columnCount//​ 
-    * Type:Int64 
-    * Description:​This parameter specifies the column count to set the Matrix. 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-** {{wiki:​ProtectedMethod.gif|}} SetMatrix(Double,​Double) ** 
-This method sets the Matrix system by passing the cellWidth and cellHeight. 
-== Remarks == 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:Void 
-  * Description:​N/​A 
-== Parameters == 
-  * //​cellWidth//​ 
-    * Type:Double 
-    * Description:​This parameter specifies the cell width(in decimalDegrees) to set the Matrix. 
-  * //​cellHeight//​ 
-    * Type:Double 
-    * Description:​This parameter specifies the cell height(in decimalDegrees) to set the Matrix. 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-** {{wiki:​ProtectedMethod.gif|}} Finalize() ** 
-== Remarks == 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:Void 
-  * Description:​N/​A 
-== Parameters == 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-** {{wiki:​ProtectedMethod.gif|}} MemberwiseClone() ** 
-== Remarks == 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:Object 
-  * Description:​N/​A 
-== Parameters == 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-==== Public Properties ==== 
-** {{wiki:​PublicProperty.gif|}} CellWidth ** 
-This property gets the cell width of the Matrix. 
-== Remarks == 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:Double 
-** {{wiki:​PublicProperty.gif|}} CellHeight ** 
-This property gets the cell height of the Matrix. 
-== Remarks == 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:Double 
-** {{wiki:​PublicProperty.gif|}} BoundingBox ** 
-This property gets or sets the BouningBox of the Matrix. 
-== Remarks == 
-The bounding box of the Matrix is related with the referencePoint,​ cellWidth, cellHeight and the rowCount and columnCount. 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]] 
-** {{wiki:​PublicProperty.gif|}} RowCount ** 
-This property gets the row count of the Matrix. 
-== Remarks == 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:Int64 
-** {{wiki:​PublicProperty.gif|}} ColumnCount ** 
-This property gets the column count of the Matrix. 
-== Remarks == 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:Int64 
-** {{wiki:​PublicProperty.gif|}} Id ** 
-This property gets or sets the id of the Matrix. 
-== Remarks == 
-== Return Value == 
-  * Type:String 
-==== Protected Properties ==== 
-==== Public Events ==== 
thinkgeo.mapsuite.core.matrix.1442555232.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/09/18 05:47 by admin