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thinkgeo.mapsuite.core.layersdrawingeventargs [2015/08/20 03:08] external edit
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-====== ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.LayersDrawingEventArgs ====== 
-<!-- Class --> 
-This is the event arguments class for the LayersDrawing event on the MapEngine class. It is raised before any of the layers are drawn. 
-=== Remarks === 
-This is the event arguments class for the LayersDrawing event on the MapEngine class. It is raised before any of the layers are drawn. This event allows you to cancel, manipulate the Layer, or draw something with the canvas before the Layer draws. 
-===== Inheritance Hierarchy ===== 
-===== Members Summary ===== 
-==== Public Constructors ==== 
-^ Name ^ Parameters ^ DeclaringType ^ Summary ^ 
-| {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#​LayersDrawingEventArgs()|LayersDrawingEventArgs]] ​  ​| ​   |    | This is a constructor for the class. ​  | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#​LayersDrawingEventArgs(IEnumerable<​Layer>,​ RectangleShape,​ Object)|LayersDrawingEventArgs]] ​  | IEnumerable<​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Layer|Layer]]>,​ [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]],​ Object ​  ​| ​   | This is a constructor for the class. ​  | 
-==== Protected Constructors ==== 
-^ Name ^ Parameters ^ DeclaringType ^ Summary ^ 
-==== Public Methods ==== 
-^ Name ^ Parameters ^ DeclaringType ^ Summary ^ 
-| {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#​Equals(Object)|Equals]] ​  | Object ​  | Object ​  ​| ​   | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#​GetHashCode()|GetHashCode]] ​  ​| ​   | Object ​  ​| ​   | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#​GetType()|GetType]] ​  ​| ​   | Object ​  ​| ​   | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#​ToString()|ToString]] ​  ​| ​   | Object ​  ​| ​   | 
-==== Protected Methods ==== 
-^ Name ^ Parameters ^ DeclaringType ^ Summary ^ 
-| {{wiki:​ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#​Finalize()|Finalize]] ​  ​| ​   | Object ​  ​| ​   | 
-| {{wiki:​ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#​MemberwiseClone()|MemberwiseClone]] ​  ​| ​   | Object ​  ​| ​   | 
-==== Public Properties ==== 
-^ Name ^ Return ^ DeclaringType ^ Summary ^ 
-| {{wiki:​PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#​Cancel|Cancel]] ​  | Boolean ​  ​| ​   | This property gets and sets the value that indicates you want to cancel all of the layers from drawing. ​  | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#​Layers|Layers]] ​  | IEnumerable<​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Layer|Layer]]> ​  ​| ​   | This property gets and sets the layers you will be drawing. ​  | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#​NativeImage|NativeImage]] ​  | Object ​  ​| ​   | This property gets and sets the GeoImage or native image that we are drawing on.   | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#​WorldExtent|WorldExtent]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]] ​  ​| ​   | This property gets and sets the world extent that will be drawn. ​  | 
-==== Protected Properties ==== 
-^ Name ^ Return ^ DeclaringType ^ Summary ^ 
-==== Public Events ==== 
-^ Name ^ Event Arguments ^ DeclaringType ^ Summary ^ 
-===== Public Constructors ===== 
-==== LayersDrawingEventArgs() ==== 
-This is a constructor for the class. 
-=== Overloads === 
-This is the default constructor. If you use this constructor,​ then you need to set the required properties manually. 
-=== Remarks === 
-This is the default constructor. If you use this constructor,​ then you need to set the required properties manually. 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-[[#Public Constructors|Go Back]] 
-==== LayersDrawingEventArgs(IEnumerable<​Layer>,​ RectangleShape,​ Object) ==== 
-This is a constructor for the class. 
-=== Overloads === 
-This constructor allows you to set the layers to be drawn, the world extent, and the image you are drawing on. 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-| layers ​  | IEnumerable<​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Layer|Layer]]><​!-- System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Layer} --> ​  | This parameter is the layers that will be drawn. ​  | 
-| worldExtent ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]]<​!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape --> ​  | This parameter is the world extent you are drawing. ​  | 
-| nativeImage ​  | Object<​!-- System.Object --> ​  | This parameter is the GeoImage or native map image. ​  | 
-[[#Public Constructors|Go Back]] 
-===== Protected Constructors ===== 
-===== Public Methods ===== 
-==== Equals(Object) ==== 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| Boolean<​!-- System.Boolean --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-| obj   | Object<​!-- System.Object --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-<!-- System.Object --> 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-==== GetHashCode() ==== 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| Int32<​!-- System.Int32 --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-<!-- System.Object --> 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-==== GetType() ==== 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| Type<!-- System.Type --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-<!-- System.Object --> 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-==== ToString() ==== 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| String<​!-- System.String --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-<!-- System.Object --> 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-===== Protected Methods ===== 
-==== Finalize() ==== 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| Void<!-- System.Void --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-<!-- System.Object --> 
-[[#​Protected Methods|Go Back]] 
-==== MemberwiseClone() ==== 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| Object<​!-- System.Object --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-<!-- System.Object --> 
-[[#​Protected Methods|Go Back]] 
-===== Public Properties ===== 
-==== Cancel ==== 
-This property gets and sets the value that indicates you want to cancel all of the layers from drawing. 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ 
-| Boolean<​!-- System.Boolean --> ​  | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.LayersDrawingEventArgs --> 
-[[#Public Properties|Go Back]] 
-==== Layers ==== 
-This property gets and sets the layers you will be drawing. 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ 
-| IEnumerable<​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Layer|Layer]]><​!-- System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Layer} --> ​  | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.LayersDrawingEventArgs --> 
-[[#Public Properties|Go Back]] 
-==== NativeImage ==== 
-This property gets and sets the GeoImage or native image that we are drawing on. 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ 
-| Object<​!-- System.Object --> ​  | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.LayersDrawingEventArgs --> 
-[[#Public Properties|Go Back]] 
-==== WorldExtent ==== 
-This property gets and sets the world extent that will be drawn. 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ 
-| [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]]<​!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape --> ​  | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.LayersDrawingEventArgs --> 
-[[#Public Properties|Go Back]] 
-===== Protected Properties ===== 
-===== Public Events ===== 
thinkgeo.mapsuite.core.layersdrawingeventargs.1440040129.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/09/17 10:33 (external edit)