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<!– Class –> This class allows you to view standard .NET GDI+ image types such as BMP, TIF, JPG, and PNG.


This class handles all default supported image types of GDI+. As none of these types embed geographic information in them, you will need to ensure that the image file is always accompanied by a world file. The world file is text file that stores the associated geographic information we need to properly display the image along with your other feature data.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Members Summary

Public Constructors

Name Parameters DeclaringType Summary
Public MethodGdiPlusRasterSource This is the constructor the for the class.
Public MethodGdiPlusRasterSource String This is the constructor the for the class.
Public MethodGdiPlusRasterSource String, String This is the constructor the for the class.
Public MethodGdiPlusRasterSource String, RectangleShape This is the constructor the for the class.

Protected Constructors

Name Parameters DeclaringType Summary

Public Methods

Name Parameters DeclaringType Summary
Public MethodCloneDeep RasterSource Create a copy of RasterSource using the deep clone process.
Public MethodClose RasterSource This method closes the RasterSource and releases any resources it was using.
Public MethodEquals Object Object
Public MethodStatic MemberGenerateWorldFileText RectangleShape, Int32, Int32 RasterSource This method returns a string that represents the image's world file based on the parameters passed in.
Public MethodGetBoundingBox RasterSource This method returns the bounding box of the RasterSource.
Public MethodGetHashCode Object
Public MethodGetHorizontalResolution RasterSource This method returns the horizontal resolution of the image.
Public MethodGetImage RectangleShape, Int32, Int32 RasterSource This method returns an image based on the worldExtent and image width and height.
Public MethodGetImageHeight RasterSource This method returns the height of the image in screen coordinates.
Public MethodGetImageWidth RasterSource This method returns the width of the image in screen coordinates.
Public MethodGetProjectionText RasterSource This method returns the projection text in proj4 format.
Public MethodGetType Object
Public MethodGetVerticalResolution RasterSource This method returns the vertical resolution of the image.
Public MethodGetWorldFileText RasterSource This method returns a string that represents the image's world file.
Public MethodOpen RasterSource This method opens the RasterSource so that it is initialized and ready to use.
Public MethodToString Object

Protected Methods

Name Parameters DeclaringType Summary
Protected MethodCloneDeepCore RasterSource Create a copy of RasterSource using the deep clone process. The default implementation uses serialization.
Protected MethodCloseCore RasterSource(overriden) This method opens the ImageSource so that it is initialized and ready to use.
Protected MethodFinalize Object
Protected MethodGetBoundingBoxCore RasterSource(overriden) This method returns the bounding box of the RasterSource.
Protected MethodGetImageCore RectangleShape, Int32, Int32 RasterSource(overriden) This method returns an image based on the worldExtent, image width and image height.
Protected MethodGetImageHeightCore RasterSource(overriden) This method returns the height of the image in screen coordinates.
Protected MethodGetImageWidthCore RasterSource(overriden) This method returns the width of the image in screen coordinates.
Protected MethodGetProjectionTextCore RasterSource This method returns the projection text in proj4 format.
Protected MethodMemberwiseClone Object
Protected MethodOnClosedRasterSource ClosedRasterSourceEventArgs RasterSource This method allows you to raise the ClosedRasterSource event from a derived class.
Protected MethodOnClosingRasterSource ClosingRasterSourceEventArgs RasterSource This method allows you to raise the ClosingRasterSource event from a derived class.
Protected MethodOnOpenedRasterSource OpenedRasterSourceEventArgs RasterSource This method allows you to raise the OpenedRasterSource event from a derived class.
Protected MethodOnOpeningRasterSource OpeningRasterSourceEventArgs RasterSource This method allows you to raise the OpeningRasterSource event from a derived class.
Protected MethodOnStreamLoading StreamLoadingEventArgs This method allows you to raise the StreamLoading event.
Protected MethodOpenCore RasterSource(overriden) This method opens the ImageSource so that it is initialized and ready to use.

Public Properties

Name Return DeclaringType Summary
Public PropertyBlueTranslation Single RasterSource This property gets and sets the amount of blue to apply to the image.
Public PropertyFileName String This property returns the filename part of the PathFileName.
Public PropertyFilePath String This property returns the path part of the PathFileName.
Public PropertyGreenTranslation Single RasterSource This property gets and sets the amount of green to apply to the image.
Public PropertyHasProjectionText Boolean RasterSource This property returns true if the RasterSource has projection text, false if not.
Public PropertyIsGrayscale Boolean This property gets and sets whether the image shows in grayscale.
Public PropertyIsNegative Boolean This property gets and sets whether the image shows as negative (inverted colors).
Public PropertyIsOpen Boolean RasterSource This property returns true if the RasterSource is open and false if it is not.
Public PropertyPathFilename String This property returns the path and filename of the image you want to represent.
Public PropertyProjection Projection RasterSource
Public PropertyRedTranslation Single RasterSource This property gets and sets the amount of red to apply to the image.
Public PropertyTransparency Single RasterSource This property gets and sets the amount of transparency to apply to the image.

Protected Properties

Name Return DeclaringType Summary
Protected PropertyHasProjectionTextCore Boolean RasterSource This property returns true if the RasterSource has projection text, false if not.

Public Events

Name Event Arguments DeclaringType Summary
Public EventClosedRasterSource ClosedRasterSourceEventArgs RasterSource This event is called after the closing of the RasterSource.
Public EventClosingRasterSource ClosingRasterSourceEventArgs RasterSource This event is called before the closing of the RasterSource.
Public EventOpenedRasterSource OpenedRasterSourceEventArgs RasterSource This event is called after the opening of the RasterSource.
Public EventOpeningRasterSource OpeningRasterSourceEventArgs RasterSource This event is called before the opening of the RasterSource.
Public EventStreamLoading StreamLoadingEventArgs This event allows you to pass in your own stream to represent the image.

Public Constructors


This is the constructor the for the class.


This is the default constructor.


Name Type Description

Go Back


This is the constructor the for the class.


This constructor allows you to pass in a path and filename for the image you want to load.


You can specify a path and filename that does not actually exist if you use the StreamLoading event. This event only uses the PathFileName parameter as a unique string that will be passed to you in the event, so that you can determine what stream you want to pass back.


Name Type Description
imagePathFilename String<!– System.String –> This parameter represents the image you want to load.

Go Back

GdiPlusRasterSource(String, String)

This is the constructor the for the class.


This constructor allows you to pass in a path and filename, and a world file path and filename, for the image you want to load.


You can specify a path and filename that does not actually exist if you use the StreamLoading event. This event only uses the PathFileName parameter as a unique string that will be passed to you in the event, so that you can determine what stream you want to pass back.


Name Type Description
imagePathFilename String<!– System.String –> This parameter represents the image you want to load.
worldfilePathFilename String<!– System.String –> This parameter represents the world file path and filename you want to load.

Go Back

GdiPlusRasterSource(String, RectangleShape)

This is the constructor the for the class.


This constructor allows you to pass in a path, filename and extent for the image you want to load.


You can specify a path and filename that does not actually exist if you use the StreamLoading event. This event only uses the PathFileName parameter as a unique string that will be passed to you in the event, so that you can determine what stream you want to pass back.


Name Type Description
imagePathFilename String<!– System.String –> This parameter represents the image you want to load.
imageExtent RectangleShape<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape –> This parameter represents the extnet of the image you want to load.

Go Back

Protected Constructors

Public Methods


Create a copy of RasterSource using the deep clone process.


The difference between deep clone and shallow clone is: when shallow cloned, only the object is copied, but the contained objects are not; while in deep clone it does copy the cloned object as well as all the objects within.

Return Value

Return Type Description
RasterSource<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> A cloned RasterSource.


Name Type Description

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> Go Back


This method closes the RasterSource and releases any resources it was using.


This method is the concrete wrapper for the abstract method CloseCore. The Close method plays an important role in the life cycle of the RasterSource. It may be called after drawing to release any memory and other resources that were allocated since the Open method was called.

If you override the Core version of this method, it is recommended that you take the following things into account: This method may be called multiple times, so we suggest you write the method so that that a call to a closed RasterSource is ignored and does not generate an error. We also suggest that in the Close you free all resources that have been opened. Remember that the object will not be destroyed, but will be re-opened possibly in the near future.

As this is a concrete public method that wraps a Core method, we reserve the right to add events and other logic to pre- or post-process data returned by the Core version of the method. In this way, we leave our framework open on our end, but also allow you the developer to extend our logic to suit your needs. If you have questions about this, please contact our support team as we would be happy to work with you on extending our framework.

Return Value

Return Type Description
Void<!– System.Void –>


Name Type Description

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> Go Back


Return Value

Return Type Description
Boolean<!– System.Boolean –>


Name Type Description
obj Object<!– System.Object –>

<!– System.Object –> Go Back

GenerateWorldFileText(RectangleShape, Int32, Int32)

<!– static –> This method returns a string that represents the image's world file based on the parameters passed in.


This method returns a string that represents the image's world file. The world file is a file type that can accompany image files. It contains information about the image's position, resolution and other spatial-related items. It is common to have this kind of file associated with generic image types such as JPG, BMP, and normal TIFF because they do not have a mechanism to store this data internally. Modern GIS image types such as JPEG2000, ECW, and MrSid typically have this information stored internally. We provide this method in the event that you want to create your own world file from any image that either already has one or has its data stored internally.

Return Value

Return Type Description
String<!– System.String –> This method returns a string that represents the image's world file based on the parameters passed in.


Name Type Description
worldExtent RectangleShape<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape –> This parameter represents the worldExtent of the image in world coordinates.
imageWidth Int32<!– System.Int32 –> This parameter is the width of the image in screen coordinates.
imageHeight Int32<!– System.Int32 –> This parameter is the height of the image in screen coordinates.

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> Go Back


This method returns the bounding box of the RasterSource.


This method returns the bounding box of the RasterSource.

As this is a concrete public method that wraps a Core method, we reserve the right to add events and other logic to pre- or post-process data returned by the Core version of the method. In this way, we leave our framework open on our end, but also allow you the developer to extend our logic to suit your needs. If you have questions about this, please contact our support team as we would be happy to work with you on extending our framework.

Return Value

Return Type Description
RectangleShape<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape –> This method returns the bounding box of the RasterSource.


Name Type Description

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> Go Back


Return Value

Return Type Description
Int32<!– System.Int32 –>


Name Type Description

<!– System.Object –> Go Back


This method returns the horizontal resolution of the image.


This method returns the horizontal resolution of the image.

As this is a concrete public method that wraps a Core method, we reserve the right to add events and other logic to pre- or post-process data returned by the Core version of the method. In this way, we leave our framework open on our end, but also allow you the developer to extend our logic to suit your needs. If you have questions about this, please contact our support team as we would be happy to work with you on extending our framework.

Return Value

Return Type Description
Single<!– System.Single –> This method returns the horizontal resolution of the image.


Name Type Description

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> Go Back

GetImage(RectangleShape, Int32, Int32)

This method returns an image based on the worldExtent and image width and height.


This method is responsible for returning the image based on the parameters passed in. As the core version of this method is abstract, you will need to override it when creating your own RasterSource.

As this is a concrete public method that wraps a Core method, we reserve the right to add events and other logic to pre- or post-process data returned by the Core version of the method. In this way, we leave our framework open on our end, but also allow you the developer to extend our logic to suit your needs. If you have questions about this, please contact our support team as we would be happy to work with you on extending our framework.

Return Value

Return Type Description
GeoImage<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GeoImage –> This method returns an image based on the worldExtent and image width and height.


Name Type Description
worldExtent RectangleShape<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape –> This parameter represents the worldExtent you want to draw.
canvasWidth Int32<!– System.Int32 –> This parameter represents the width of the image you want to draw.
canvasHeight Int32<!– System.Int32 –> This parameter represents the height of the image you want to draw.

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> Go Back


This method returns the height of the image in screen coordinates.


This method returns the height of the image in screen coordinates.

As this is a concrete public method that wraps a Core method, we reserve the right to add events and other logic to pre- or post-process data returned by the Core version of the method. In this way, we leave our framework open on our end, but also allow you the developer to extend our logic to suit your needs. If you have questions about this, please contact our support team as we would be happy to work with you on extending our framework.

Return Value

Return Type Description
Int32<!– System.Int32 –> This method returns the height of the image in screen coordinates.


Name Type Description

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> Go Back


This method returns the width of the image in screen coordinates.


This method returns the width of the image in screen coordinates.

As this is a concrete public method that wraps a Core method, we reserve the right to add events and other logic to pre- or post-process data returned by the Core version of the method. In this way, we leave our framework open on our end, but also allow you the developer to extend our logic to suit your needs. If you have questions about this, please contact our support team as we would be happy to work with you on extending our framework.

Return Value

Return Type Description
Int32<!– System.Int32 –> This method returns the width of the image in screen coordinates.


Name Type Description

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> Go Back


This method returns the projection text in proj4 format.

Return Value

Return Type Description
String<!– System.String –> This method returns the projection text in proj4 format.


Name Type Description

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> Go Back


Return Value

Return Type Description
Type<!– System.Type –>


Name Type Description

<!– System.Object –> Go Back


This method returns the vertical resolution of the image.


This method returns the vertical resolution of the image.

As this is a concrete public method that wraps a Core method, we reserve the right to add events and other logic to pre- or post-process data returned by the Core version of the method. In this way, we leave our framework open on our end, but also allow you the developer to extend our logic to suit your needs. If you have questions about this, please contact our support team as we would be happy to work with you on extending our framework.

Return Value

Return Type Description
Single<!– System.Single –> This method returns the vertical resolution of the image.


Name Type Description

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> Go Back


This method returns a string that represents the image's world file.


This method wraps the Core version of this method and returns a string that represents the image's world file. The world file is a file type that can accompany image files. It contains information about the image's position, resolution and other spatial-related items. It is common to have this kind of file associated with generic image types such as JPG, BMP, and normal TIFF because they do not have a mechanism to store this data internally. Modern GIS image types such as JPEG2000, ECW, and MrSid typically have this information stored internally. We provide this method in the event that you want to create your own world file from any image that either already has one or has its data stored internally.

As this is a concrete public method that wraps a Core method, we reserve the right to add events and other logic to pre- or post-process data returned by the Core version of the method. In this way, we leave our framework open on our end, but also allow you the developer to extend our logic to suit your needs. If you have questions about this, please contact our support team as we would be happy to work with you on extending our framework.

Return Value

Return Type Description
String<!– System.String –> This method returns a string that represents the image's world file.


Name Type Description

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> Go Back


This method opens the RasterSource so that it is initialized and ready to use.


This method is the concrete wrapper for the abstract method OpenCore. The Open method plays an important role, as it is responsible for initializing the RasterSource. Most methods on the RasterSource will throw an exception if the state of the RasterSource is not opened. When the map draws each layer, it will open the RasterSource as one of its first steps; then, after it is finished drawing with that layer, it will close it. In this way, we are sure to release all resources used by the RasterSource.

When implementing the abstract method, consider opening files for file-based sources, connecting to databases in the database-based sources and so on. You will get a chance to close these in the Close method of the RasterSource. As this is a concrete public method that wraps a Core method, we reserve the right to add events and other logic to pre- or post-process data returned by the Core version of the method. In this way, we leave our framework open on our end, but also allow you the developer to extend our logic to suit your needs. If you have questions about this, please contact our support team as we would be happy to work with you on extending our framework.

Return Value

Return Type Description
Void<!– System.Void –>


Name Type Description

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> Go Back


Return Value

Return Type Description
String<!– System.String –>


Name Type Description

<!– System.Object –> Go Back

Protected Methods


Create a copy of RasterSource using the deep clone process. The default implementation uses serialization.


The difference between deep clone and shallow clone is: when shallow cloned, only the object is copied, but the contained objects are not; while in deep clone it does copy the cloned object as well as all the objects within.

Return Value

Return Type Description
RasterSource<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> A cloned RasterSource.


Name Type Description

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> Go Back


This method opens the ImageSource so that it is initialized and ready to use.


This protected virtual method is called from the concrete public method Close. The Close method plays an important role in the life cycle of the ImageSource. It may be called after drawing to release any memory and other resources that were allocated since the Open method was called.

If you override this method, it is recommended that that you take the following things into account: This method may be called multiple times, so we suggest you write the method so that that a call to a closed FeatureSource is ignored and does not generate an error. We also suggest that in the Close you free all resources that have been opened. Remember that the object will not be destroyed, but will be re-opened possibly in the near future.

Return Value

Return Type Description
Void<!– System.Void –>


Name Type Description

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource(overriden) –> Go Back


Return Value

Return Type Description
Void<!– System.Void –>


Name Type Description

<!– System.Object –> Go Back


This method returns the bounding box of the RasterSource.


This method returns the bounding box of the RasterSource.

Return Value

Return Type Description
RectangleShape<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape –> This method returns the bounding box of the RasterSource.


Name Type Description

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource(overriden) –> Go Back

GetImageCore(RectangleShape, Int32, Int32)

This method returns an image based on the worldExtent, image width and image height.


This method is responsible for returning the image based on the parameters passed in.

Return Value

Return Type Description
GeoImage<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GeoImage –> This method returns an image based on the worldExtent, image width and image height.


Name Type Description
worldExtent RectangleShape<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape –> This parameter represents the worldExtent you want to draw.
canvasWidth Int32<!– System.Int32 –> This parameter represents the width of the image you want to draw.
canvasHeight Int32<!– System.Int32 –> This parameter represents the height of the image you want to draw.

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource(overriden) –> Go Back


This method returns the height of the image in screen coordinates.


This method returns the height of the image in screen coordinates.

Return Value

Return Type Description
Int32<!– System.Int32 –> This method returns the height of the image in screen coordinates.


Name Type Description

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource(overriden) –> Go Back


This method returns the width of the image in screen coordinates.


This method returns the width of the image in screen coordinates.

Return Value

Return Type Description
Int32<!– System.Int32 –> This method returns the width of the image in screen coordinates.


Name Type Description

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource(overriden) –> Go Back


This method returns the projection text in proj4 format.


This protected virtual method is called from the concrete public method GetProjectionText.

The default implementation of this core method is to throw an exception. So you need to overwrite this method to return the RasterSource projection text.

Return Value

Return Type Description
String<!– System.String –> Projection text string.


Name Type Description

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> Go Back


Return Value

Return Type Description
Object<!– System.Object –>


Name Type Description

<!– System.Object –> Go Back


This method allows you to raise the ClosedRasterSource event from a derived class.


You can call this method from a derived class to enable it to raise the ClosedRasterSource event. This may be useful if you plan to extend the RasterSource and you need access to the event.

Details on the event:

This event is called after the closing of the RasterSource. Technically, this event is called after the calling of the Close method on the RasterSource and after the protected CloseCore method.

It is typical that the RasterSource may be opened and closed may times during the life cycle of your application. The type of control the MapEngine is embedded in will dictate how often this happens. For example, in the case of the Web Edition, each time a RasterSource is in the Ajax or Post Back part of the page cycle, it will close the RasterSource before returning back to the client. This is to conserve resources, as the web is a connection-less environment. In the case of the Desktop Edition, we can keep the RasterSource open, knowing that we can maintain a persistent connection.

Return Value

Return Type Description
Void<!– System.Void –>


Name Type Description
e ClosedRasterSourceEventArgs<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.ClosedRasterSourceEventArgs –> This parameter is the event arguments that define the parameters passed to the recipient of the event.

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> Go Back


This method allows you to raise the ClosingRasterSource event from a derived class.


You can call this method from a derived class to enable it to raise the ClosingRasterSource event. This may be useful if you plan to extend the RasterSource and you need access to the event.

Details on the event:

This event is called before the closing of the RasterSource. Technically, this event is called after the calling of the Close method on the RasterSource, but before the protected CloseCore method.

It is typical that the RasterSource may be opened and closed may times during the life cycle of your application. The type of control the MapEngine is embedded in will dictate how often this happens. For example, in the case of the Web Edition, each time a RasterSource is in the Ajax or Post Back part of the page cycle, it will close the RasterSource before returning back to the client. This is to conserve resources, as the web is a connection-less environment. In the case of the Desktop Edition, we can keep the RasterSource open, knowing that we can maintain a persistent connection.

Return Value

Return Type Description
Void<!– System.Void –>


Name Type Description
e ClosingRasterSourceEventArgs<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.ClosingRasterSourceEventArgs –> This parameter is the event arguments that define the parameters passed to the recipient of the event.

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> Go Back


This method allows you to raise the OpenedRasterSource event from a derived class.


You can call this method from a derived class to enable it to raise the OpenedRasterSource event. This may be useful if you plan to extend the RasterSource and you need access to the event.

Details on the event:

This event is called after the opening of the RasterSource. Technically, this event is called after the calling of the Open method on the RasterSource and after the protected OpenCore method is called.

It is typical that the RasterSource may be opened and closed may times during the life cycle of your application. The type of control the MapEngine is embedded in will dictate how often this happens. For example, in the case of the Web Edition, each time a RasterSource is in the Ajax or Post Back part of the page cycle, it will close the RasterSource before returning back to the client. This is to conserve resources, as the web is a connection-less environment. In the case of the Desktop Edition, we can keep the RasterSource open, knowing that we can maintain a persistent connection.

Return Value

Return Type Description
Void<!– System.Void –>


Name Type Description
e OpenedRasterSourceEventArgs<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.OpenedRasterSourceEventArgs –> This parameter is the event arguments that define the parameters passed to the recipient of the event.

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> Go Back


This method allows you to raise the OpeningRasterSource event from a derived class.


You can call this method from a derived class to enable it to raise the OpeningRasterSource event. This may be useful if you plan to extend the RasterSource and you need access to the event.

Details on the event:

This event is called before the opening of the RasterSource. Technically, this event is called after the calling of the Open method on the RasterSource, but before the protected OpenCore method.

It is typical that the RasterSource may be opened and closed may times during the life cycle of your application. The type of control the MapEngine is embedded in will dictate how often this happens. For example, in the case of the Web Edition, each time a RasterSource is in the Ajax or Post Back part of the page cycle, it will close the RasterSource before returning back to the client. This is to conserve resources, as the web is a connection-less environment. In the case of the Desktop Edition, we can keep the RasterSource open, knowing that we can maintain a persistent connection.

Return Value

Return Type Description
Void<!– System.Void –>


Name Type Description
e OpeningRasterSourceEventArgs<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.OpeningRasterSourceEventArgs –> This parameter is the event arguments that define the parameters passed to the recipient of the event.

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> Go Back


This method allows you to raise the StreamLoading event.


This method allows you to raise the StreamLoading event. Normally events are not accessible to derived classes, so we exposed a way to raise the event as necessary through this protected method.

Return Value

Return Type Description
Void<!– System.Void –>


Name Type Description
e StreamLoadingEventArgs<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.StreamLoadingEventArgs –> This parameter represents the event arguments you want to raise the StreamLoading event with.

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GdiPlusRasterSource –> Go Back


This method opens the ImageSource so that it is initialized and ready to use.


This protected virtual method is called from the concrete public method Open. The Open method plays an important role, as it is responsible for initializing the ImageSource. Most methods on the ImageSource will throw an exception if the state of the ImageSource is not opened. When the map draws each layer, it will open the ImageSource as one of its first steps; then, after it is finished drawing with that layer, it will close it. In this way, we are sure to release all resources used by the ImageSource.

When implementing this abstract method, consider opening files for file-based sources, connecting to databases in the database-based sources and so on. You will get a chance to close these in the Close method of the ImageSource.

Return Value

Return Type Description
Void<!– System.Void –>


Name Type Description

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource(overriden) –> Go Back

Public Properties


This property gets and sets the amount of blue to apply to the image.

Return Value

Return Type
Single<!– System.Single –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> Go Back


This property returns the filename part of the PathFileName.

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GdiPlusRasterSource –> Go Back


This property returns the path part of the PathFileName.

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GdiPlusRasterSource –> Go Back


This property gets and sets the amount of green to apply to the image.

Return Value

Return Type
Single<!– System.Single –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> Go Back


This property returns true if the RasterSource has projection text, false if not.


Before you call GetProjectionText method, you should check this property to ensure that your RasterSource has projection information. It will throw an exception if there is no projection information in the RasterSource.

Return Value

Return Type
Boolean<!– System.Boolean –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> Go Back


This property gets and sets whether the image shows in grayscale.


This property allows you to show the image in grayscale.

Return Value

Return Type
Boolean<!– System.Boolean –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GdiPlusRasterSource –> Go Back


This property gets and sets whether the image shows as negative (inverted colors).


You can set this property to show the negative of the image.

Return Value

Return Type
Boolean<!– System.Boolean –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GdiPlusRasterSource –> Go Back


This property returns true if the RasterSource is open and false if it is not.


Various methods on the RasterSource require that it be in an open state. If one of those methods is called when the state is not open, the method will throw an exception. To enter the open state, you must call the RasterSource's Open method. The method will raise an exception if the current RasterSource is already open.

Return Value

Return Type
Boolean<!– System.Boolean –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> Go Back


This property returns the path and filename of the image you want to represent.


When you specify the path and filename, it should be in the correct format as such; however, the file does not need to actually exist on the file system. This is to allow us to accept streams supplied by the developer at runtime. If you choose to provide a file that exists, we will attempt to use it. If we cannot find it, then we will raise the SteamLoading event and allow you to supply the stream. For example, you can pass in “C:\NotARealPath\File1.jpg” which does not exist on the file system. When we raise the event for you to supply a stream, we will pass to you the path and filename so you can differentiate the files.

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GdiPlusRasterSource –> Go Back


Return Value

Return Type
Projection<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Projection –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> Go Back


This property gets and sets the amount of red to apply to the image.

Return Value

Return Type
Single<!– System.Single –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> Go Back


This property gets and sets the amount of transparency to apply to the image.

Return Value

Return Type
Single<!– System.Single –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> Go Back

Protected Properties


This property returns true if the RasterSource has projection text, false if not.


This protected virtual method is called from the concrete public property HasProjectionText. The default implementation for this method returns false. So if you inherit RasterSource, please ensure that you override this virtual property to return the correct projection status of your RasterSource.

We will check the HasProjectionText status before you call the GetProjectionText method. It will throw an exception if the HasProjectionText property returns false.

Return Value

Return Type
Boolean<!– System.Boolean –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> Go Back

Public Events


This event is called after the closing of the RasterSource.


This event is called after the closing of the RasterSource. Technically, this event is called after the calling of the Close method on the RasterSource and after the protected CloseCore method.

It is typical that the RasterSource may be opened and closed may times during the life cycle of your application. The type of control the MapEngine is embedded in will dictate how often this happens. For example, in the case of the Web Edition, each time a RasterSource is in the Ajax or Post Back part of the page cycle, it will close the RasterSource before returning back to the client. This is to conserve resources, as the web is a connection-less environment. In the case of the Desktop Edition, we can keep the RasterSource open, knowing that we can maintain a persistent connection.

Event Arguments

Event Arguments
ClosedRasterSourceEventArgs<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.ClosedRasterSourceEventArgs –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> Go Back


This event is called before the closing of the RasterSource.


This event is called before the closing of the RasterSource. Technically, this event is called after the calling of the Close method on the RasterSource, but before the protected CloseCore method.

It is typical that the RasterSource may be opened and closed may times during the life cycle of your application. The type of control the MapEngine is embedded in will dictate how often this happens. For example, in the case of the Web Edition, each time a RasterSource is in the Ajax or Post Back part of the page cycle, it will close the RasterSource before returning back to the client. This is to conserve resources, as the web is a connection-less environment. In the case of the Desktop Edition, we can keep the RasterSource open, knowing that we can maintain a persistent connection.

Event Arguments

Event Arguments
ClosingRasterSourceEventArgs<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.ClosingRasterSourceEventArgs –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> Go Back


This event is called after the opening of the RasterSource.


This event is called after the opening of the RasterSource. Technically, this event is called after the calling of the Open method on the RasterSource and after the protected OpenCore method is called.

It is typical that the RasterSource may be opened and closed may times during the life cycle of your application. The type of control the MapEngine is embedded in will dictate how often this happens. For example, in the case of the Web Edition, each time a RasterSource is in the Ajax or Post Back part of the page cycle, it will close the RasterSource before returning back to the client. This is to conserve resources, as the web is a connection-less environment. In the case of the Desktop Edition, we can keep the RasterSource open, knowing that we can maintain a persistent connection.

Event Arguments

Event Arguments
OpenedRasterSourceEventArgs<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.OpenedRasterSourceEventArgs –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> Go Back


This event is called before the opening of the RasterSource.


This event is called before the opening of the RasterSource. Technically, this event is called after the calling of the Open method on the RasterSource, but before the protected OpenCore method.

It is typical that the RasterSource may be opened and closed may times during the life cycle of your application. The type of control the MapEngine is embedded in will dictate how often this happens. For example, in the case of the Web Edition, each time a RasterSource is in the Ajax or Post Back part of the page cycle, it will close the RasterSource before returning back to the client. This is to conserve resources, as the web is a connection-less environment. In the case of the Desktop Edition, we can keep the RasterSource open, knowing that we can maintain a persistent connection.

Event Arguments

Event Arguments
OpeningRasterSourceEventArgs<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.OpeningRasterSourceEventArgs –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RasterSource –> Go Back


This event allows you to pass in your own stream to represent the image.


If you wish, you can pass in your own stream to represent the image. The stream can come from a variety of places, including isolated storage, a compressed file, or an encrypted stream. When the image is finished with the stream it will dispose of it, so be sure to keep this in mind when passing the stream in. If you do not pass in an alternate stream, the class will attempt to load the file from the file system using the PathFileName property.

Event Arguments

Event Arguments
StreamLoadingEventArgs<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.StreamLoadingEventArgs –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GdiPlusRasterSource –> Go Back

NOTOC MapSuiteCore ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core UpdateDocumentation

thinkgeo.mapsuite.core.gdiplusrastersource.1440040128.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/17 09:00 (external edit)