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thinkgeo.mapsuite.core.filebitmaptilecache [2015/08/20 03:08] external edit
— (current)
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-====== ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.FileBitmapTileCache ====== 
-<!-- Class --> 
-This class is a concrete class inherits from BitmapTileCache. In this class, the tiles will be saved in disk and can be viewed very conveniently. 
-===== Inheritance Hierarchy ===== 
-===== Members Summary ===== 
-==== Public Constructors ==== 
-^ Name ^ Parameters ^ DeclaringType ^ Summary ^ 
-| {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#​FileBitmapTileCache()|FileBitmapTileCache]] ​  ​| ​   |    | This is the default constructor. ​  | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#​FileBitmapTileCache(String)|FileBitmapTileCache]] ​  | String ​  ​| ​   | This is the overloads constructor. ​  | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#​FileBitmapTileCache(String,​ String)|FileBitmapTileCache]] ​  | String, String ​  ​| ​   | This is the overloads constructor. ​  | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#​FileBitmapTileCache(String,​ String, TileImageFormat,​ TileMatrix)|FileBitmapTileCache]] ​  | String, String, [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileImageFormat|TileImageFormat]],​ [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileMatrix|TileMatrix]] ​  ​| ​   | This is the constructor with all the parameters needed passed in.   | 
-==== Protected Constructors ==== 
-^ Name ^ Parameters ^ DeclaringType ^ Summary ^ 
-==== Public Methods ==== 
-^ Name ^ Parameters ^ DeclaringType ^ Summary ^ 
-| {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#​ClearCache()|ClearCache]] ​  ​| ​   | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache|TileCache]] ​  | This method will clear all the tiles in the tileCache. ​  | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#​ClearCache(TimeSpan)|ClearCache]] ​  | TimeSpan ​  ​| ​   |    | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#​ClearCache(Double)|ClearCache]] ​  | Double ​  ​| ​   |    | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#​ClearCache(TimeSpan,​ Double)|ClearCache]] ​  | TimeSpan, Double ​  ​| ​   |    | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#​DeleteTile(Tile)|DeleteTile]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Tile|Tile]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache|TileCache]] ​  | This method will delete the target tile passed in.   | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#​DeleteTiles(RectangleShape)|DeleteTiles]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache|TileCache]] ​  | This method will delete the tiles within the passed in worldExtent. ​  | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#​Equals(Object)|Equals]] ​  | Object ​  | Object ​  ​| ​   | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#​GetHashCode()|GetHashCode]] ​  ​| ​   | Object ​  ​| ​   | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#​GetHigherScaleTile(RectangleShape,​ Double)|GetHigherScaleTile]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]],​ Double ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTileCache|BitmapTileCache]] ​  | This method will return the HigherScale BitmapTile which is always used for preview effects when ZoomIn or ZoomOut. ​  | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#​GetTile(RectangleShape)|GetTile]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTileCache|BitmapTileCache]] ​  | This method returns the BitmapTile corresponding to the tile bounding box passed in.   | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#​GetTile(Int64,​ Int64)|GetTile]] ​  | Int64, Int64   | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTileCache|BitmapTileCache]] ​  | This method returns the BitmapTile corresponding to passed in row and column. ​  | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#​GetTileImageFileName(Int64,​ Int64)|GetTileImageFileName]] ​  | Int64, Int64   ​| ​   |    | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#​GetTileImageFileNames(RectangleShape)|GetTileImageFileNames]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]] ​  ​| ​   |    | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#​GetTiles(RectangleShape)|GetTiles]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTileCache|BitmapTileCache]] ​  | This method returns all the BitmapTiles within the passed in world extent, some of which may not has bitmap. ​  | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#​GetType()|GetType]] ​  ​| ​   | Object ​  ​| ​   | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#​SaveTile(Tile)|SaveTile]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Tile|Tile]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache|TileCache]] ​  | This method will save the target tile passed in.   | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#​SaveTiles(Bitmap,​ RectangleShape,​ Boolean)|SaveTiles]] ​  | Bitmap, [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]],​ Boolean ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache|TileCache]] ​  ​| ​   | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#​SaveTiles(Bitmap,​ RectangleShape)|SaveTiles]] ​  | Bitmap, [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache|TileCache]] ​  | This method will save the bitmap with its extent attached into tiles. ​  | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#​ToString()|ToString]] ​  ​| ​   | Object ​  ​| ​   | 
-==== Protected Methods ==== 
-^ Name ^ Parameters ^ DeclaringType ^ Summary ^ 
-| {{wiki:​ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#​ClearCacheCore()|ClearCacheCore]] ​  ​| ​   | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache|TileCache]](overriden) ​  | This method will clear all the tiles in the tileCache. ​  | 
-| {{wiki:​ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#​DeleteTileCore(Tile)|DeleteTileCore]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Tile|Tile]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache|TileCache]](overriden) ​  | This method will delete the target tile passed in.   | 
-| {{wiki:​ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#​Finalize()|Finalize]] ​  ​| ​   | Object ​  ​| ​   | 
-| {{wiki:​ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#​GetHigherScaleTileCore(RectangleShape,​ Double)|GetHigherScaleTileCore]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]],​ Double ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTileCache|BitmapTileCache]](overriden) ​  | This method overrides the logic in its base class BitmapTileCache. This method will return the HigherScale BitmapTile which is always used for preview effects when ZoomIn or ZoomOut. ​  | 
-| {{wiki:​ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#​GetTileCore(Int64,​ Int64)|GetTileCore]] ​  | Int64, Int64   | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTileCache|BitmapTileCache]](overriden) ​  | This method returns the BitmapTile corresponding to passed in row and column. ​  | 
-| {{wiki:​ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#​MemberwiseClone()|MemberwiseClone]] ​  ​| ​   | Object ​  ​| ​   | 
-| {{wiki:​ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#​MergeBitmaps(IEnumerable<​BitmapTile>,​ Double)|MergeBitmaps]] ​  | IEnumerable<​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTile|BitmapTile]]>,​ Double ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTileCache|BitmapTileCache]] ​  | This method will merege the passed in bitmap tiles into a larege bitmap tile.   | 
-| {{wiki:​ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#​OnGettingCacheImage(GettingCacheImageBitmapTileCacheEventArgs)|OnGettingCacheImage]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GettingCacheImageBitmapTileCacheEventArgs|GettingCacheImageBitmapTileCacheEventArgs]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTileCache|BitmapTileCache]] ​  ​| ​   | 
-| {{wiki:​ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#​OnGottenCacheImage(GottenCacheImageBitmapTileCacheEventArgs)|OnGottenCacheImage]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GottenCacheImageBitmapTileCacheEventArgs|GottenCacheImageBitmapTileCacheEventArgs]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTileCache|BitmapTileCache]] ​  ​| ​   | 
-| {{wiki:​ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#​SaveTileCore(Tile)|SaveTileCore]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Tile|Tile]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache|TileCache]](overriden) ​  | This method will save the target tile passed in, you could override this API to create your own logic. ​  | 
-==== Public Properties ==== 
-^ Name ^ Return ^ DeclaringType ^ Summary ^ 
-| {{wiki:​PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#​CacheDirectory|CacheDirectory]] ​  | String ​  ​| ​   | Gets or sets the cache direcory. ​  | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#​CacheId|CacheId]] ​  | String ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache|TileCache]] ​  | Gets or sets the id of the TileCache. ​  | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#​ExpirationTime|ExpirationTime]] ​  | TimeSpan ​  ​| ​   |    | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#​ImageFormat|ImageFormat]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileImageFormat|TileImageFormat]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache|TileCache]] ​  | Gets or sets the tile image format. ​  | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#​JpegQuality|JpegQuality]] ​  | Int16   | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache|TileCache]] ​  | Gets or sets the Jpeg quality , this property only take effects when setting the ImageFormat to Jpeg.   | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#​LoadingTileImage|LoadingTileImage]] ​  | Bitmap ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache|TileCache]] ​  | This property returns back a preset image showing the Tile is loading. ​  | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#​NoDataTileImage|NoDataTileImage]] ​  | Bitmap ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache|TileCache]] ​  | This property returns back a preset image showing the tile data is missing. ​  | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#​TileAccessMode|TileAccessMode]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileAccessMode|TileAccessMode]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache|TileCache]] ​  | Gets or sets the Mode for the TileCache access the tiles. The Default value is ReadAddDelete ​  | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#​TileMatrix|TileMatrix]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileMatrix|TileMatrix]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache|TileCache]] ​  | Gets or sets the TileMatrix which is used in caculation for tiles. ​  | 
-==== Protected Properties ==== 
-^ Name ^ Return ^ DeclaringType ^ Summary ^ 
-==== Public Events ==== 
-^ Name ^ Event Arguments ^ DeclaringType ^ Summary ^ 
-| {{wiki:​PublicEvent.gif|Public Event}}[[#​GettingCacheImage|GettingCacheImage]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GettingCacheImageBitmapTileCacheEventArgs|GettingCacheImageBitmapTileCacheEventArgs]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTileCache|BitmapTileCache]] ​  ​| ​   | 
-| {{wiki:​PublicEvent.gif|Public Event}}[[#​GottenCacheImage|GottenCacheImage]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GottenCacheImageBitmapTileCacheEventArgs|GottenCacheImageBitmapTileCacheEventArgs]] ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTileCache|BitmapTileCache]] ​  ​| ​   | 
-===== Public Constructors ===== 
-==== FileBitmapTileCache() ==== 
-This is the default constructor. 
-=== Remarks === 
-If you use this constructor,​ you have to set the properties manually. 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-[[#Public Constructors|Go Back]] 
-==== FileBitmapTileCache(String) ==== 
-This is the overloads constructor. 
-=== Remarks === 
-If you use this constructor,​ the other properties are set with default values. 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-| cacheDirectory ​  | String<​!-- System.String --> ​  | This parameter specifies the cache directory of the tile cache. ​  | 
-[[#Public Constructors|Go Back]] 
-==== FileBitmapTileCache(String,​ String) ==== 
-This is the overloads constructor. 
-=== Remarks === 
-If you use this constructor,​ the other properties are set with default values. 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-| cacheDirectory ​  | String<​!-- System.String --> ​  | This parameter specifies the cache directory of the tile cache. ​  | 
-| cacheId ​  | String<​!-- System.String --> ​  | This parameter specifies the cache id of the tile cache. ​  | 
-[[#Public Constructors|Go Back]] 
-==== FileBitmapTileCache(String,​ String, TileImageFormat,​ TileMatrix) ==== 
-This is the constructor with all the parameters needed passed in. 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-| cacheDirectory ​  | String<​!-- System.String --> ​  | This parameter specifies the cache directory of the tile cache. ​  | 
-| cacheId ​  | String<​!-- System.String --> ​  | This parameter specifies the cache id of the tile cache. ​  | 
-| imageFormat ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileImageFormat|TileImageFormat]]<​!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileImageFormat --> ​  | This parameter specifies the image format of the tile cahce. ​  | 
-| tileMatrix ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileMatrix|TileMatrix]]<​!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileMatrix --> ​  | This parameter specifies the tile matrix of the tile cache. ​  | 
-[[#Public Constructors|Go Back]] 
-===== Protected Constructors ===== 
-===== Public Methods ===== 
-==== ClearCache() ==== 
-This method will clear all the tiles in the tileCache. 
-=== Remarks === 
-This method will not take effect when the ReadOnly is set to true. 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| Void<!-- System.Void --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache --> 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-==== ClearCache(TimeSpan) ==== 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| Void<!-- System.Void --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-| tileExpiration ​  | TimeSpan<​!-- System.TimeSpan --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.FileBitmapTileCache --> 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-==== ClearCache(Double) ==== 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| Void<!-- System.Void --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-| maxSizeInMegabytes ​  | Double<​!-- System.Double --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.FileBitmapTileCache --> 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-==== ClearCache(TimeSpan,​ Double) ==== 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| Void<!-- System.Void --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-| tileExpiration ​  | TimeSpan<​!-- System.TimeSpan --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-| maxSizeInMegabytes ​  | Double<​!-- System.Double --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.FileBitmapTileCache --> 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-==== DeleteTile(Tile) ==== 
-This method will delete the target tile passed in. 
-=== Remarks === 
-This method will not take effect when the ReadOnly is set to true. 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| Void<!-- System.Void --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-| tile   | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Tile|Tile]]<​!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Tile --> ​  | The target tile to be deleted. ​  | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache --> 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-==== DeleteTiles(RectangleShape) ==== 
-This method will delete the tiles within the passed in worldExtent. 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| Void<!-- System.Void --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-| worldExtent ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]]<​!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape --> ​  | The target extent to delete all tiles within it.   | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache --> 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-==== Equals(Object) ==== 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| Boolean<​!-- System.Boolean --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-| obj   | Object<​!-- System.Object --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-<!-- System.Object --> 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-==== GetHashCode() ==== 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| Int32<​!-- System.Int32 --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-<!-- System.Object --> 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-==== GetHigherScaleTile(RectangleShape,​ Double) ==== 
-This method will return the HigherScale BitmapTile which is always used for preview effects when ZoomIn or ZoomOut. 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTile|BitmapTile]]<​!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTile --> ​  | Returns the higher scale(higher zoomLevel) bitmap tile.   | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-| tileBoundingBox ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]]<​!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape --> ​  | The parameter specifies the current tile bounding box.   | 
-| tileScale ​  | Double<​!-- System.Double --> ​  | This parameter specifies the current tile scale. ​  | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTileCache --> 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-==== GetTile(RectangleShape) ==== 
-This method returns the BitmapTile corresponding to the tile bounding box passed in. 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTile|BitmapTile]]<​!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTile --> ​  | Returns the BitmapTile corresponding to the passed in boundingBox. ​  | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-| tileBoundingBox ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]]<​!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape --> ​  | The target boundingBox for the tile to fetch. ​  | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTileCache --> 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-==== GetTile(Int64,​ Int64) ==== 
-This method returns the BitmapTile corresponding to passed in row and column. 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTile|BitmapTile]]<​!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTile --> ​  | Returns the BitmapTile corresponding to the passed in row and column. ​  | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-| row   | Int64<​!-- System.Int64 --> ​  | The target row for the tile to fetch. ​  | 
-| column ​  | Int64<​!-- System.Int64 --> ​  | The target column for the tile to fetch. ​  | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTileCache --> 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-==== GetTileImageFileName(Int64,​ Int64) ==== 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| String<​!-- System.String --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-| row   | Int64<​!-- System.Int64 --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-| column ​  | Int64<​!-- System.Int64 --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.FileBitmapTileCache --> 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-==== GetTileImageFileNames(RectangleShape) ==== 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| Collection<​String><​!-- System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection{System.String} --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-| tileBoundingBox ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]]<​!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.FileBitmapTileCache --> 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-==== GetTiles(RectangleShape) ==== 
-This method returns all the BitmapTiles within the passed in world extent, some of which may not has bitmap. 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| Collection<​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTile|BitmapTile]]><​!-- System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection{ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTile} --> ​  | Returns a collection of BitmapTiles within the passed in worldExtent. ​  | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-| worldExtent ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]]<​!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape --> ​  | The target worldExtent will be used to fetch all the BitmapTiles from.   | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTileCache --> 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-==== GetType() ==== 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| Type<!-- System.Type --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-<!-- System.Object --> 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-==== SaveTile(Tile) ==== 
-This method will save the target tile passed in. 
-=== Remarks === 
-This method will not take effect when the ReadOnly is set to true. 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| Void<!-- System.Void --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-| tile   | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Tile|Tile]]<​!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Tile --> ​  | The target tile to be saved. ​  | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache --> 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-==== SaveTiles(Bitmap,​ RectangleShape,​ Boolean) ==== 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| Void<!-- System.Void --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-| bitmap ​  | Bitmap<​!-- System.Drawing.Bitmap --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-| bitmapExtent ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]]<​!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-| saveContainedCellsOnly ​  | Boolean<​!-- System.Boolean --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache --> 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-==== SaveTiles(Bitmap,​ RectangleShape) ==== 
-This method will save the bitmap with its extent attached into tiles. 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| Void<!-- System.Void --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-| bitmap ​  | Bitmap<​!-- System.Drawing.Bitmap --> ​  | The target bitmap to be saved into tiles. ​  | 
-| bitmapExtent ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]]<​!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape --> ​  | The target extent for the bitmap. ​  | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache --> 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-==== ToString() ==== 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| String<​!-- System.String --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-<!-- System.Object --> 
-[[#Public Methods|Go Back]] 
-===== Protected Methods ===== 
-==== ClearCacheCore() ==== 
-This method will clear all the tiles in the tileCache. 
-=== Remarks === 
-This method will not take effect when the ReadOnly is set to true. 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| Void<!-- System.Void --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache(overriden) --> 
-[[#​Protected Methods|Go Back]] 
-==== DeleteTileCore(Tile) ==== 
-This method will delete the target tile passed in. 
-=== Remarks === 
-This method will not take effect when the ReadOnly is set to true. 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| Void<!-- System.Void --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-| tile   | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Tile|Tile]]<​!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Tile --> ​  | The target tile to be deleted. ​  | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache(overriden) --> 
-[[#​Protected Methods|Go Back]] 
-==== Finalize() ==== 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| Void<!-- System.Void --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-<!-- System.Object --> 
-[[#​Protected Methods|Go Back]] 
-==== GetHigherScaleTileCore(RectangleShape,​ Double) ==== 
-This method overrides the logic in its base class BitmapTileCache. This method will return the HigherScale BitmapTile which is always used for preview effects when ZoomIn or ZoomOut. 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTile|BitmapTile]]<​!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTile --> ​  | Returns the higher scale(higher zoomLevel) bitmap tile.   | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-| tileBoundingBox ​  | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]]<​!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape --> ​  | The parameter specifies the current tile bounding box.   | 
-| tileScale ​  | Double<​!-- System.Double --> ​  | This parameter specifies the current tile scale. ​  | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTileCache(overriden) --> 
-[[#​Protected Methods|Go Back]] 
-==== GetTileCore(Int64,​ Int64) ==== 
-This method returns the BitmapTile corresponding to passed in row and column. 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTile|BitmapTile]]<​!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTile --> ​  | Returns the BitmapTile corresponding to the passed in row and column. ​  | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-| row   | Int64<​!-- System.Int64 --> ​  | The target row for the tile to fetch. ​  | 
-| column ​  | Int64<​!-- System.Int64 --> ​  | The target column for the tile to fetch. ​  | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTileCache(overriden) --> 
-[[#​Protected Methods|Go Back]] 
-==== MemberwiseClone() ==== 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| Object<​!-- System.Object --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-<!-- System.Object --> 
-[[#​Protected Methods|Go Back]] 
-==== MergeBitmaps(IEnumerable<​BitmapTile>,​ Double) ==== 
-This method will merege the passed in bitmap tiles into a larege bitmap tile. 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTile|BitmapTile]]<​!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTile --> ​  | Returns a merged bitmap tile.   | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-| tilesToMerge ​  | IEnumerable<​[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTile|BitmapTile]]><​!-- System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTile} --> ​  | The collection of tiles to be mereged. ​  | 
-| scale   | Double<​!-- System.Double --> ​  | The target scale for result mereged bitmap tile.   | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTileCache --> 
-[[#​Protected Methods|Go Back]] 
-==== OnGettingCacheImage(GettingCacheImageBitmapTileCacheEventArgs) ==== 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| Void<!-- System.Void --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-| e   | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GettingCacheImageBitmapTileCacheEventArgs|GettingCacheImageBitmapTileCacheEventArgs]]<​!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GettingCacheImageBitmapTileCacheEventArgs --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTileCache --> 
-[[#​Protected Methods|Go Back]] 
-==== OnGottenCacheImage(GottenCacheImageBitmapTileCacheEventArgs) ==== 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| Void<!-- System.Void --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-| e   | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GottenCacheImageBitmapTileCacheEventArgs|GottenCacheImageBitmapTileCacheEventArgs]]<​!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GottenCacheImageBitmapTileCacheEventArgs --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTileCache --> 
-[[#​Protected Methods|Go Back]] 
-==== SaveTileCore(Tile) ==== 
-This method will save the target tile passed in, you could override this API to create your own logic. 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ Description ^ 
-| Void<!-- System.Void --> ​  ​| ​   | 
-=== Parameters === 
-^  Name ^  Type ^  Description ^ 
-| tile   | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Tile|Tile]]<​!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Tile --> ​  | The target tile to be saved. ​  | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache(overriden) --> 
-[[#​Protected Methods|Go Back]] 
-===== Public Properties ===== 
-==== CacheDirectory ==== 
-Gets or sets the cache direcory. 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ 
-| String<​!-- System.String --> ​  | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.FileBitmapTileCache --> 
-[[#Public Properties|Go Back]] 
-==== CacheId ==== 
-Gets or sets the id of the TileCache. 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ 
-| String<​!-- System.String --> ​  | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache --> 
-[[#Public Properties|Go Back]] 
-==== ExpirationTime ==== 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ 
-| TimeSpan<​!-- System.TimeSpan --> ​  | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.FileBitmapTileCache --> 
-[[#Public Properties|Go Back]] 
-==== ImageFormat ==== 
-Gets or sets the tile image format. 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ 
-| [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileImageFormat|TileImageFormat]]<​!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileImageFormat --> ​  | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache --> 
-[[#Public Properties|Go Back]] 
-==== JpegQuality ==== 
-Gets or sets the Jpeg quality , this property only take effects when setting the ImageFormat to Jpeg. 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ 
-| Int16<​!-- System.Int16 --> ​  | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache --> 
-[[#Public Properties|Go Back]] 
-==== LoadingTileImage ==== 
-This property returns back a preset image showing the Tile is loading. 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ 
-| Bitmap<​!-- System.Drawing.Bitmap --> ​  | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache --> 
-[[#Public Properties|Go Back]] 
-==== NoDataTileImage ==== 
-This property returns back a preset image showing the tile data is missing. 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ 
-| Bitmap<​!-- System.Drawing.Bitmap --> ​  | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache --> 
-[[#Public Properties|Go Back]] 
-==== TileAccessMode ==== 
-Gets or sets the Mode for the TileCache access the tiles. The Default value is ReadAddDelete 
-=== Remarks === 
-If you want it to take effect, you need set the ReadOnly property false. 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ 
-| [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileAccessMode|TileAccessMode]]<​!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileAccessMode --> ​  | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache --> 
-[[#Public Properties|Go Back]] 
-==== TileMatrix ==== 
-Gets or sets the TileMatrix which is used in caculation for tiles. 
-=== Return Value === 
-^ Return Type ^ 
-| [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileMatrix|TileMatrix]]<​!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileMatrix --> ​  | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.TileCache --> 
-[[#Public Properties|Go Back]] 
-===== Protected Properties ===== 
-===== Public Events ===== 
-==== GettingCacheImage ==== 
-=== Event Arguments === 
-^ Event Arguments ^ 
-| [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GettingCacheImageBitmapTileCacheEventArgs|GettingCacheImageBitmapTileCacheEventArgs]]<​!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GettingCacheImageBitmapTileCacheEventArgs --> ​  | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTileCache --> 
-[[#Public Events|Go Back]] 
-==== GottenCacheImage ==== 
-=== Event Arguments === 
-^ Event Arguments ^ 
-| [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GottenCacheImageBitmapTileCacheEventArgs|GottenCacheImageBitmapTileCacheEventArgs]]<​!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GottenCacheImageBitmapTileCacheEventArgs --> ​  | 
-<!-- ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTileCache --> 
-[[#Public Events|Go Back]] 
thinkgeo.mapsuite.core.filebitmaptilecache.1440040128.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/09/17 09:00 (external edit)