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<!– Enumeration –> This enumeration represents the type of ExcutingSqlStatement.


Name Summary
GetFeaturesByIds This value shows the type of ExcutingSqlStatement is GetFeauturesByIds.
GetFeaturesByColumnValue This value shows the type of ExcutingSqlStatement is GetFeaturesByColumnValue.
GetFeaturesOutsideBoundingBox This value shows the type of ExcutingSqlStatement is GetFeaturesOutsideBoundingBox.
GetSpatialDataType This value shows the type of ExcutingSqlStatement is GetSpatialDataType.
GetBoundingBox This value shows the type of ExcutingSqlStatement is GetBoundingBox.
GetAllFeatures This value shows the type of ExcutingSqlStatement is GetAllFeatures.
GetCount This value shows the type of ExcutingSqlStatement is GetCount.
GetColumns This value shows the type of ExcutingSqlStatement is GetColumns.
BuildIndex This value shows the type of ExcutingSqlStatement is BuildIndex.
ExecuteScalar This value shows the type of ExcutingSqlStatement is ExecuteScalar.
ExecuteQuery This value shows the type of ExcutingSqlStatement is ExecuteQuery.
ExecuteNonQuery This value shows the type of ExcutingSqlStatement is ExecuteNonQuery.
GetFirstGeometryType This value shows the type of ExcutingSqlStatement is GetFirstGeometryType.
MakeAllGeometriesValid This value shows the type of ExcutingSqlStatement is MakeAllGeometriesValid.
Validate This value shows the type of ExcutingSqlStatement is Validate.
CommitTransactionEx This value shows the type of ExcutingSqlStatement is CommitTransaction.
GetFeaturesInsideBoundingBoxEx This value shows the type of ExcutingSqlStatement is GetFeaturesInsideBoundingBox.
Unknown Default value of this enumation, it has no idea of what type of ExcutingSqlStatement is for now.
ExecuteSpatialQuery This value shows the type of ExcutingSqlStatement is ExecuteSpatialQuery.

NOTOC MapSuiteCore ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core

thinkgeo.mapsuite.core.executingsqlstatementtype.1440040128.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/17 10:28 (external edit)