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subtract [2015/09/28 06:56] external edit
subtract [2015/09/28 08:30] (current)
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 ===== Video Overview ===== ===== Video Overview =====
-{{#​ev:​youtubehd|H_898Ow_7O0|720||Using the //Subtract// shape operation.}}+{{youtube>H_898Ow_7O0?720|Using the Subtract shape operation.}}
-[[Category:​Creating and Editing Data]] [[Category:​Shape Operations]] [[Category:​Articles with Video]] 
 ===== Using the Subtract Tool ===== ===== Using the Subtract Tool =====
 To use the **Subtract Tool**, select the first feature that you want to subtract any overlap with another feature. Select the other feature, and then the Subtract button becomes available to you. Clicking it will remove any overlap, creating a new shape that lines up perfectly even against the other. To use the **Subtract Tool**, select the first feature that you want to subtract any overlap with another feature. Select the other feature, and then the Subtract button becomes available to you. Clicking it will remove any overlap, creating a new shape that lines up perfectly even against the other.
subtract.1443423414.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/28 08:30 (external edit)