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style_builder [2015/09/28 08:41]
admin [Style Editor]
style_builder [2015/09/29 03:28] (current)
admin [Style Editor]
Line 53: Line 53:
 For more information about the controls available for each style type, see the following articles: For more information about the controls available for each style type, see the following articles:
-{{page>​List of Style Types}} +  * [[Area ​Style]] 
-{{Page>​List of Label Types}} +  * [[Line Style]] 
 +  * [[Point Style]] 
 +  * [[Class Break Style]] 
 +  * [[Filter Style]] 
 +  * [[Value Style]] 
 +  * [[Custom Point Style]] 
 +  * [[Font Point Style]] 
 +  * [[Dot Density Area Style]] 
 +  * [[Label Style]] 
 +  * [[Filter Label Style]]
 ===== Visibility Range Controls ===== ===== Visibility Range Controls =====
 These controls allow you to set the scales from which the style you're building will be displayed on the map.  For instance, you might create a style for a national highway network that consists of thick lines with dark borders. ​ These lines might appear too thick when your map is zoomed out too far.  To correct this, you could set up two different styles -- one set for when you are zoomed in past a certain scale, and another set for when you are zoomed out above that scale -- and display them at the appropriate times by setting their Visibility Ranges accordingly. These controls allow you to set the scales from which the style you're building will be displayed on the map.  For instance, you might create a style for a national highway network that consists of thick lines with dark borders. ​ These lines might appear too thick when your map is zoomed out too far.  To correct this, you could set up two different styles -- one set for when you are zoomed in past a certain scale, and another set for when you are zoomed out above that scale -- and display them at the appropriate times by setting their Visibility Ranges accordingly.
style_builder.1443429686.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/28 08:41 by admin