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media:map_suite_dynamodb_extension_technology_preview [2015/08/27 09:08]
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-===== Map Suite DynamoDB Extension Technology Preview ===== 
-This video will introduce you to the Map Suite DynamoDB Extension limited technology preview. ​ This exciting new extension leverages Amazon'​s DynamoDB, a NoSQL cloud database technology, to store and serve GIS spatial data via the cloud. ​ The extension'​s ability to use a few API calls to create a spatial table, import data and then access it without a traditional spatial database or hardware is a huge step forward. ​ 
-{{youtube>​DZTWF1D-OYg?​large |Map Suite DynamoDB Extension Technology Preview}} 
-<div clearboth clearexternlink > 
-[[http://​​Videos/​DynamoDB/​MapSuite_DynamoDBFeatureLayer_Technology_Preview.wmv|Download(*.wmv)]] |  
-[[http://​​Videos/​DynamoDB/​|Sample]] |  
-**Published on Mar 7, 2012** 
-ThinkGeo'​s research and development group has released a limited technology preview successfully leveraging Amazon'​s new DynamoDB cloud database for storing and serving GIS spatial data. 
-Worldwide interest was generated in January when Amazon announced DynamoDB, a NoSQL cloud database, as it promised a reliable, fast, scalable database with near zero administration or setup. Leveraging this technology, ThinkGeo'​s newly-released ability to use a few API calls to create a spatial table, import data and then access it without a traditional spatial database or hardware is a huge step forward. 
-Download the sample application shown in the video at: 
media/map_suite_dynamodb_extension_technology_preview.1440666498.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/08/27 09:08 by admin