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This is an old revision of the document!
Release date: 06/24/2015
ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core Namespace:
Release date: 06/06/2014
ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core Namespace:
Release date: 06/03/2013
ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core Namespace:
Release date: 05/14/2012
ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core Namespace:
Release date: 12/31/2011
ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core Namespace: *Fixed an issue where the PrinterDocument is disposed after raising the PrintPage event. *Fixed an issue where an exception is thrown when the tiff image is zoomed out to one pixel. *Fixed an issue where the rtreeIndex cannot be correctly used in ShapeFileMultiFeatureSource. *Fixed an issue where an SQL exception is thrown when executing a SQL statement with “where” clause within it in MsSql2008FeatureLayer. *Fixed an issue where the bounding box is incorrect after removing a feature from a shapefile. *Fixed an issue where Bing Maps Layer shifts after zooming in. *Fixed an issue where LineShape.GetLineOnALine doesn't work properly. *Fixed an issue where the MapPrinterLayer constructor doesn't hold the passed parameters. *Fixed an issue where GeoCanvas.DrawCircle method is using the wrong coordinate unit for width and height. *Fixed an issue where OpenStreetMapLayer doesn't display properly on the border. *Fixed an issue where ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown when calling SpatialQuery method on a projected Layer. *Fixed an issue where the first features is always deleted when deleting features.. *Fixed an issue where GetLineOnALine sometimes returns null. *Fixed an issue where GetFeaturesInsideBoundingBox doesn't work properly for point based shape file.
Release date: 11/14/2011
ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core Namespace: *Fixed an issue where PointType.Cross in PointStyle doesn't work properly. *Enhanced the documentation for OSM layer and overlay. *Fixed an issue where ScaleBar.AreaStyle doesn't draw properly. *Fixed an issue where an exception is thrown when Multipolygon.Contains method is called. *Enhanced the exception description where a single Tab file is loaded without other related files. *Fixed an issue where GettingZoomlevelsForDrawing doesn't work well when custom levels are overlapped. *Changed the “URI” to “WebRequest” property in SendingRequestUriTileEventArgs Class for all the products. *Fixed an issue where ShapeFileFeatureSource.CloneDeepCore() didn't work well with dBaseEngine. *Added MaxRecordsToDraw property to FeatureSource and FeatureLayer. *Fixed an issue where GraticuleAdornmentLayer doesn't work properly. *Fixed an issue where IndexPathFileName is not updated when ShapePathFileName property is changed. *Added the IsoLine Support. *Created a Print layout system. *Fixed an issue where the polygon shapes are not loaded correctly if the first ringShape in a polygon feature in shape file is not the outer ring. *Fixed an issue where GetFeatureNestestTo returns wrong result. *Fixed an issue where EditTools.ScaleUp and ScaleDown doesn't work for line shapes. *Fixed an issue where TabFeatureLayer doesn't display properly with Projections settings. *Fixed the issue where an exception is thrown when calling GetLineOnALine with the same start and end points.
Release date: 5/16/2011
ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WmsServerEdition Namespace: *Fixed a bug that occurred when hosting multiple-plugins.
ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core Namespace: *Fixed an issue where an exception was thrown when adding two styles with the same column name except the case was different. *Fixed a bug where the result was not complete in the MultipleShapefileFeatureSource.GetFeaturesNearestTo() method. *Fixed a bug where the TileCache result was not always correct when using a projection. *Fixed a bug where the GetInternalGeographyUnit always return Unknown when using FeatureSource.GetFeaturesWithinDistance with the RotationProjection. *Fixed a bug where the DrawingLevel could not be set for an IconStyle. *Fixed a bug that the GetLineOnLine method doesn't work correctly for some cases. *Fixed a bug where the map was not displayed correctly when using GdiPlusRasterLayer. *Fixed a bug where Feature.Equals method didn't always work correctly. *Fixed the issue where the GraticuleAdornmentLayer blocks when its projection's internal and external parameters are the same. *Fixed the issue where an exception was thrown when calling GetBoundingBox in MsSqlFeatureSource which only had one feature. *Fixed the issue where the map was not displayed properly when using GoogleLayer as background with different DPIs. *Fixed a bug in MultipleFeatureLayer where GetFeatureById returned a wrong feature. *Fixed a bug where an exception was thrown when zooming out too far for geotiff raster layers. *Fixed the issue where the ClientId and PrivateKey properties wouldn't work in the Google Maps Layer. *Fixed a bug where the Column.MaxLength is not correct when opening a database view with MsSQL2008FeatureLayer. *Fixed the bug that the result if not correct for GetBoundingBox method in WmsRasterLayer. *Fix a bug where the image had a one pixel offset while using WMSRasterLayer. *Fixed the issue where the GetDistanceTo method returns the same result no matter what the DistanceUnit was. *Fixed a bug where the GeometryCollectionShape could only be displayed when three default styles where set. *Fixed a bug where “null object reference” exception was thrown when using AllowLineCarriage=true. *Fixed a bug where the GeoTiffRasterLayer threw an exception when passing in a rectangle shape instead of a world file. *Fixed the issue where the GoogleLayer would not overlap with a given shape file in some zoomlevels. *Fixed the issue that FDOExtensionX64 didn't work in .net 4.0 framework. *Fixed a bug in the InMemoryFeatureLayer.Update which caused it to fail in some cases. *Fixed the issue where a wrong Geography Unit was used within GetFeaturesWithinDistanceOf when the projection was set. *Fixed a bug where the AreaStyle didn't work properly in the CustomStyles collection when the feature count was less than ten. *Fixed a bug where the value of the Tag property is lost when assigning a BaseShape to a Feature. *Fixed a bug that the result of GetLineOnALine is not correct for some cases. *Fixed the issue where some features had fewer points than they should using the DotDensityStyle. *Fixed the issue where the GeoLinearGradientBrush might draw incorrectly. *Fixed a bug where DrawWorldImageWithoutScaling didn't work correctly when passing in a rotation angle. *Fixed a bug where the TabFeatureLayer in the previous FdoExtension could not be serialized. *Fixed the bug in GetLineOnALine where the first and last vertex has the same coordinates. *Added the static method GenerateGrid() in the GridFeatureLayer to create grid files. *Modified the validator to allow the user to use unstandard crs. *Improved the exception descriptions for Oracle, Sql2008 and Postgre layer. *Added an constructor which accepts an image in LogoAdornmentLayer class. *Set an alias when a dbf has duplicate column names. *Added support for more types of GeoTiff files. *Added properties in FdoFeatureLayer to make them consistent with the constructor parameters.. *Added validators to ZoomLevel.Draw method to check if input features are empty. *Added Methods GetWGS84ParametersString, GetDecimalDegreesParametersString and GetLatLongParametersString to ManagedProj4Projection, UnmanagedProj4Projection and Proj4Projection. *Added ShapeFileReadWriteMode property to the ShapeFileFeatureLayer. *Enhanced TiledWmsLayer to support more than one server url as input. *Fixed a bug where the ScaleLine didn't refresh properly during panning. *Fixed a bug that memory usage would increase when using Projection. *Added a way to build nice looking legends using the LegendAdornmentLayer. *Supported projection for GeometryCollectionShape. *Updated EPSG list from the Proj4 website. *Added a validator to handle the exception when passing in an empty collection of features to the ZoomLevel.Draw. *Enhanced exception description for the RtreeSpatialIndex. *Fixed the issue where the GeoPen.Brush only worked for the GeoSolidBrush. *Enhanced the way of using StreamLoading event in GdiPlusRasterSource. *Supported conversion of .PRJ files to and from PROJ4 strings. *Fixed a problem where the polygon GetCenterPoint returns NaN for some case. *Added an event in GoogleMapsLayer which passes out the request url. *Updated the GetGeographyUnit methods and remove unused GetXXXParameters methods. *Added a GeographyUnit property to the RotationProjection. *Added a way to get the bounding box from the world file class. *Added support for the 64 bit version of FDO. *Marked ManagedGeoTiffRasterSource Serializable. *Added a new API to create a simple MsSqlServer table. *Fixed a bug where the GetLongitudeDifferenceFromDistance didn't work correctly when very small values were used as inputs. *Added BingMapsLayer and BingMapsZoomLevelSet. *Added new overload constructor Feature(wellKnownText, id, columnValues) to Feature. *Added GraticuleAdornmentLayer class. *Added Height, Width and BackgroundMask properties to AdornmentLayer. *Added AlternateBarBrush property to ScaleBarAdornmentLayer. *Added DrawingQuality enum to GeoTiffRasterLayer. *Marked Serializable for GeoTiffRasterLayer, HeatLayer, GraticuleAdornmentLayer and HeatStyle. *Added overloads for GetFeaturesNearestTo at QueryTools to be the same as the FeatureSource. *Exposed InterpolationMode for GdiPlusGeoCanvas and GdiPlusRasterLayer. *Added a StreamLoading event to the GdiPlusRasterLayer and ShapeFileFeatureLayer to make it easier for the users to find. *Added OpenStreetMapsZoomLevelSet class. *Added WrappingMode property to support map wrapping past the dateline. *Added LabelAllLineParts property in TextStyle to label all parts of a MultiplelineShape. *Added the enum PolygonLabelingLocationMode to improve the algorithm for labeling polygon. *Added new class “SerializationHelper” for help to deserialize objects accross different versions of Map Suite. *Obsoleted some methods in ManagedProj4Projection according to Proj4Projection class. *Fixed a bug where the IconStyle didn't display any labels when user didn't set icon images. *Removed the Obsolete APIs.
Release date: 11/01/2010
ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WmsServerEdition Namespace: *Fixed warning with FxCop *Added VB Samples *Added the two samples missed in last release *Fixed the issue about GetIntersectingCells method of Matrix throws exception *Added TiledWmsLayer and it's RasterSource to support WMS Server Edition *Added Log function using Log4net. *Added SendingTile and SentTile event for TiledWmsLayer *Added signiture for TiledWmsLayer with ClientId and PrivateKey *Improved the rendering performance *Added XML info format support for GetFeatureInfo Request *Added Json info format support for GetFeatureInfo Request
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