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Release date: 06/24/2015

ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneEdition Namespace:

*Fixed a bug where the LayerOverlay has a big offset compared with BingMapsOverlay.

ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core Namespace:

*Fixed a bug where there are something wrong with parsing the namespace of WMS capabilities file. *Fixed a bug where the EcwRasterLayer runs into memory leak exception. *Fixed a bug where the GetBoundingBoxCore method of MsSqlFeatureSource runs into exception. *Updated the unmanaged Proj4 dependency to the latest version 4.8. *Fixed a bug where ECW file path name is case-sensitive. *Added a new class of ScaleLinePrinterLayer to print scale lines. *Added new class of ScaleTextAdornmentLayer to Map Suite Core. *Added a new class of ScaleTextPrinterLayer to print scale text. *Fixed a bug where there are something wrong with initializing the omerc projection. *Fixed a bug where the Dispose method of UnmanagedProj4Projection runs into exception. *Fixed a bug where selecting LabelPrinterLayer runs into exception. *Fixed a bug where MrsidRasterLayer runs into memory leak problem. *Fixed a bug where the Jpeg2000RasterSource runs into memory leak issue. *Fixed a bug where it runs into exception when building the index of KmlLayer. *Fixed a bug that the deployed version of WebEddition, MvcEdition, SilverlightEdition and WmsEdition runs into “Unlicensed for runtime” . *Added new API for changing the color of Grid lines in ScaleBarAdormentLayer. *Fixed a bug where the WmtsLayer runs into exception, as the code of clearing the tile matrix is incorrect. *Added support of requesting tiles using UrlTemplate of resource URL in WmtsLayer. *Fixed a bug where reading Shapefile runs into exception if the decimal length of DBFColumn is bigger than 15. *Fixed a bug where the IsolineLayer runs into exception sometimes when IsolineType is ClosedAsPolygon. *Fixed a bug where the scales of tile matrix in WmtsLayer on server side are different from the ones on client side. *Fixed a bug where KmlLayer runs into exception when loading KML file with the encrypted dlls. *Enhancement OracleFeatureSource, only create one assembly instance. *Fixed a bug where the MagneticNorthLineStyle cannot be serialized. *Fixed a bug where the drawn tile images are mismatch each other when applying FileBitmapTileCache. *Added more projection support to WMTS besides the support of EPSG:3857 and EPSG:4326. *Fixed a bug where it returns incorrect class breaks if there is only one ClassBreak item in ClassBreakStyle. *Fixed a bug where the GridFeatureSource generates Gridfile with CurrentCulture but Read GridFile with InviriantCulture. *Fixed a bug where the scales of cached tiles are incorrect if OpenStreetMapLayer works with MultiThread mode. *Fixed a bug where it runs into exception when initializing the TileCache of OpenStreetMapLayer as null. *Fixed a bug where it runs into exception if the readed KML file includes the bool values. *Fixed a bug where the height of LegendAdormentLayer/LegendPrinterAdormentLayer is incorrect when the ResizeMode is Fixed. *Fixed a bug where there are something wrong with CodeGenerator. *Improved performance of drawing GraticuleAdornmentLayer. *Changed the default value of LegendContentResizeMode to Fixed. *Fixed bug that WMS don't parse response XML which describe error information. *Fixed bug GetWellKnownText for lineshape haven't been convert to Invariant Culture. *Remove toUpper for whereClause of MsSql2008FeatureLayer. *Fixed a bug where the ClientId and PrivateKey of GoogleMapsLayer doesn't work with SingleTile. *Improved the GeoCoderGenerator. *Added support of support custom spatial index name in mssqlfeaturelayer. *Fixed a bug where the request tile size is not equal to the size of map with SingleTile. *Fixed a bug where the method GetAllMapShape of KmlFeatureLayer runs into exception. *Improved the IsoLine result generated by removing the holes at the center of IsonLine. *Added the embedded TAB style support. *Fixed a bug where ProjectionFromSphericalMercator property doesn't work. *Added Attribution to all layers and Overlays. *Fxied a bug where the MagneticDeclinationAdornmentLayer runs into memory issue. *Added the new API SetWellKnownBinary(bytemap_suite_windows_phone_edition_features_bug_fixes_change_log wkb) to Feature class to allow changing the WKB of the feature. *Improved the performance of method bytemap_suite_windows_phone_edition_features_bug_fixes_change_log ShapeFile.ReadPolygon(bytemap_suite_windows_phone_edition_features_bug_fixes_change_log dataBytes, int startIndex). *Removed the using JTS in Feature to Shape conversion(BaseShape.FromWellKnownBinary, BaseShape.CreateShapeFromWellKnownData). *Added enhancements to OpenStreetMapLayer and OpenStreetMapOverlay to make sure the exception can be thrown out.


Release date: 06/27/2013

ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneEdition Namespace: *Upgraded to WindowsPhone 8.0

ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core Namespace:

*Added the ClearCache method to MapPrinterLayer to delete the cache image *Added the spatial index status cache for MsSql2008FeatureSource *Added LinearGradient brush to MapPrinterLayer *Added support of the FileGeoDatabase *Added support off write white paper on Printing *Added support of the GRD/GRI grid format *Added the FittingPolygonInScreen property to “PositionStyle to fit the labels as best as it can on part of a polygon *Added to create an overload for GeoImage constructor to accept a Bitmap *Added to support the static maps API for GoogleMapsLayer *Fixed accuracy issues when converting UTC to WGS84 coordinates zone 30 *Fixed a bug when using the “GetClosestPointToCore” of GeometryCollectionShape runs into endless loop *Fixed a bug that it would throw an exception when using a proj4 parameter with ManagedProj4Projection *Fixed a bug in OracleFeatureLayer that it would throw exception when the column is not surround with ‘ ” ’ *Fixed a bug in PrinterLayer that it would make the polygon’s edge follow by the ClippingArea *Fixed a bug in GDIPlusGeoCanvas that the star symbol’s offset is incorrect *Fixed a bug in ClassBreakStyle that it would cause an IndexOutOfRange exception *Fixed a bug in AreaBaseShape.GetIntersection that it would throw exception when the result is not AreaBaseShape *Fixed a bug in openStreetMapLayer that it would get an invalid image *Fixed a bug in PdfGeoCanvas that the label’s offset is incorrect *Fixed a bug that the Feature.GeometryLibrary is not synchronized with the BaseShape. GeometryLibrary *Fixed a bug in IconStyle that if the image is null, it would throw an exception *Fixed a bug in LineShape.GetLineOnALine when the distance is very small *Fixed a bug in BingmapsLayer that it would display no image when the zoomlevel is larger than 20 *Fixed a bug in LineShape.GetPointOnALine that it would return a wrong point *Fixed a bug in GeoSerializer that it couldn’t serialize the KeyedColletion type *Fixed a bug in GDIPlusGeoCanvas and PrinterGeoCanvas when outlinepen.Width = 0, it will still draw the edge *Fixed a bug that the GetPointOnALine doesn't return the correct point if the y coordinates of the vertex are the same *Fixed a bug that it's unable to install MapSuite products on Windows 8 *Fixed a bug that CLR types doesn't work on the clean machine *Fixed a bug that the BaseShape.Buffer runs into exception when the specified distance is too small *Fixed a bug in GeoSerializer that it may get an exception when serialize and deserialize a multi-dimension array type *Fixed a bug that it loses accuracy when converting between epsg:27700 and epsg:900013 *Fixed a bug that something is wrong with the clipping of MapPrinterLayer *Fixed a bug that some style will throw exception incorrectly *Fixed a bug that the scale line would throw exception when the extent out of range *Fixed a bug that EditTools.UpdateFeature is not working in MsSql2008FeatureLayer *Fixed a bug that 2163 projection will not be converted correctly with UnmanagedProjection *Fixed a bug that it would throw “Cannot insert items into an STR packed R-tree after it has been built” exception when using edit tools with multithread *Fixed a bug that the GetIntersection for RectangleShape returns incorrect result *Fixed a bug that TextSytle of LegendAdormentLayer doesn't take effect *Fixed a bug that LegendItems is not respecting TextStyle's GeoFont definitions *Fixed a bug that MsSql2008FeatureLayer.CreateTable would throw an exception *Fixed a bug that the features are not displaying by the edge of the full extent if the featureSource is applying a projection *Fixed a bug that open an SDF files with zooming in or zooming out will throw out of array index range issue *Fixed a bug that the GetDistance would throw exception *Fixed a bug that the Label should not be so sparse *Fixed Proj4 issue with EPSG 27700 *Improved IsoLine that solve some of the input points have no values issue *Improved Map Suite geometric functions to increase processing speed, accuracy and reliability *Improved some incorrect comments of the public APIs *Improved SQL query under x64 mode in ShapeFileFeatureLayer *Improved support the NauticalMile's transformation *Improved the performance of SpatialQuery method for Ms2008SqlServerFeatureSource *Improved the result and performance of IsoLine by applying Kringing Grid and tracking algorithm *Improved the way of loading the unmanaged assemblies *Improved the “ScaleBarAdornmentLayer” to support setting threshold value for switching scale bar unit *Improved the LegendPrinterLayer that there is a big blank paging at the top and bottom *Improved the Memory and CPU usage when using OracleFeatureSoruce *Improved to look for the assemblies in the same folder first and then check the system32 folder *Improved upgrade the FDOExtension to 3.7 and GDAL to 1.9 *Modified FileBitmapTileCache to use GUID for initial CacheID *Modified the logic of GetZoomLevelForDrawing by considering the IsActive *Removed the hard coded spatial index in MSSql2008FeatureSource *Removed some exception handling with ToScreenCoordinate, ToWorldCoordinate and GetWorldDistanceBetweenTwoScreenPoints


Release date: 05/14/2012

ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core Namespace: *Fixed an issue where certain styles don't call the GetRequiredColumnNames for child styles. *Fixed an issue where GeoTiffRasterLayer’s HasBoundingBox always returns true. *Implemented GeometryCollection.GetDitanceTo() method. *Fixed an spelling issue, rename “Dragable” to “Draggable” *Added the ability to use custom servers in OpenStreetMaps. *Added the support of Nautical Miles to ScaleBarAdornmentLayer. *Fixed an issue where the first feature is always removed when deleting multiple features in MsSql2008FeatureLayer. *Fixed an issue where an exception is thrown in PrinterGeoCanvas.DrawTextCache method when RotationAngle is not 0. *Improved the Exception Description in FeatureSource.GetAllFeatures method *Added the implementation of PostgreSqlFeatureSource GetFeaturesByColumnValueCore. *Fixed an serialization issue where the keys to a GeoCollection were not being added back correctly when de-serializing. *Fixed an spelling issue, rename GoogleMapZoomLevelSet to GoogleMapsZoomLevelSet. *Fixed an issue where shapefile's bounding box is not updated after removing a feature. *Fixed an issue where multi features cannot be correct deleted at the same time. *Fixed an issue where ShapeFileFeatureSource.GetBoundingBoxById() doesn't call GetFeaturesByIdsCore() internally. *Improved the creating shape performance by moving some logic from BaseShape constructor to property. *Removed the TabFeatureLayer from FdoExtension as we've added it in MapSuiteCore. *Fixed an issue where WorldMapKitLayer couldn't export to Pdf by using PdfExtension. *Fixed an issue where an exception is thrown in BingMapsLayer when zooming to an area where no imagery is available. *Added Clear() method into InMemoryFeatureLayer and InMemoryFeatureSource. *Improved the performance of MsSql2008FeatureSource GetBoundingBox *Fixed an issue where files with big case ”.SHP“ extension are not accepted. *Added the support of WMS 1.3.0. *Fixed an issue where PagePrinterLayer automatically changes the orientation.. *Added StreamLoading event to GridIsoLineLayer *Upgraded all the 3rd part DLLs referenced to the latest version *Fixed the issue where the features returned by GetFeaturesInsideBoundingBox shouldn’t contain the ones removed. *Improved the map object XML Serialization. *Improved Speed Improvements by introducing MapSuite WicBitmap extension. *Added the support of Layer Transparency. *Improved the Memory Usage for ShapeFileFeatureSource. *Upgraded MrSid & Ecw to the latest version. *Improved drawing performance. *Added the support of Code Generator. *Fixed the issue where the “out of memory” exception is thrown when loading a large .tiff image. *Improved the drawing quality of TiffRasterLayer by optimizing the reading logic *Improved Label Formatting by adding Formatting and Formatted events to TextStyle.


Beta Release date: 8/3/2011

Beta Release - No Changes

map_suite_windows_phone_edition_features_bug_fixes_change_log.1440040124.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/11 03:47 (external edit)