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map_suite_windows_phone_edition [2015/09/11 05:37]
admin [Code Samples]
— (current)
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-====== Map Suite Windows Phone Edition ====== 
-Map Suite Windows Phone Edition takes GIS application development for your Windows Phone to a whole new level, with a .NET-native control. With client side editing, powerful mapping features and support for the most popular data formats, Map Suite Windows Phone Edition makes GIS accessible to developers of any skill. 
-<div shortcuts clearexternlink>​ 
-**[[http://​​download|Try It Free]]** 
-<div shortcuts clearexternlink>​ 
-**[[http://​​map-suite-developer-gis/​windows-phone-edition/#​wph-demos|Explore the Demos]]** 
-<div shortcuts clearexternlink>​ 
-**[[http://​​map-suite-developer-gis/​windows-phone-edition/#​wph-pricing|Purchase Online]]** 
-===== Product Guides ===== 
-<div dokuteaser>​ 
-> [[Map Suite Windows Phone Edition Quick Start Guide|Quick Start Guide]] 
-This guide helps you get you up to speed with integrating the Map Suite Windows Phone Edition map control into your your GIS software. 
-<div dokuteaser>​ 
-> [[Map Suite Windows Phone Edition Installation Guide|Installation Guide]] 
-This guide walks you through installing the map control on your system and creating a simple GIS application. 
-<div dokuteaser>​ 
-> [[Map Suite Windows Phone Edition Deployment Guide|Deployment Guide]] 
-This guide walks you through deploying your GIS software using the map control into a production environment. 
-<div dokuteaser>​ 
-> [[Map Suite Windows Phone Edition Dependencies Guide|Dependencies Guide]] 
-This guide introduces the dependencies Map Suite Windows Phone Edition needs with their features, versions and source websites. 
-<div dokuteaser>​ 
-> [[Map Suite Data Format Guide|Data Format Guide]] 
-This guide walks the various GIS data format that are supported in the map control. It also list any caveats related to the use of that format in your mapping application. 
-<div dokuteaser>​ 
-> [[Map Suite Performance Guide|Performance Guide]] 
-This guide walks you through various ways you can increase performance in your .Net GIS application. 
-===== Videos ===== 
-====  Extending Map Suite Video Series==== 
-===== Screenshots ===== 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{windowsphoneedition:​screenshot:​Bing_hybrid_style.png?​180|Screenshot}} ​ 
-Switch between different base maps 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{windowsphoneedition:​screenshot:​Load_shapefile_from_serverside.png?​180|Screenshot}} ​ 
-Load shapefiles from server side 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{windowsphoneedition:​screenshot:​Query_server_with_wcf.png?​180|Screenshot}} ​ 
-Query server with WCF 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{windowsphoneedition:​screenshot:​Vehicle_tracking.png?​180|Screenshot}} ​ 
-Vehicle Tracking: Show vehicles and history locations 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{windowsphoneedition:​screenshot:​Edit_geofences.png?​180|Screenshot}} ​ 
-Vehicle Tracking: Edit geofences 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{windowsphoneedition:​screenshot:​Popup_sample.png?​180|Screenshot}} ​ 
-Showing a popup 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{windowsphoneedition:​screenshot:​Marker_sample.png?​180|Screenshot}} ​ 
-Showing a marker 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{windowsphoneedition:​screenshot:​Render_shapefiles_locally.png?​180|Screenshot}} ​ 
-Render shapefiles that are locally stored on the phone 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{windowsphoneedition:​screenshot:​Connect_points_using_the_Great_Circle.Show_accurate_distances.png?​180|Screenshot}} ​ 
-Connect points using the Great Circle. Show accurate distances 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{windowsphoneedition:​screenshot:​Draw_areas_right_on_the_mapPoints_lines_polygons_ellipses_and_more.png?​180|Screenshot}} ​ 
-Draw areas right on the map. Points, lines, polygons, ellipses and more 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{windowsphoneedition:​screenshot:​Find_the_feature_clicked_on.png?​180|Screenshot}} ​ 
-Showing information of the clicked feature 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{windowsphoneedition:​screenshot:​Reproject_your_data_to_a_different_projection.png?​180|Screenshot}} ​ 
-Reproject a shapefile to a different projection 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{windowsphoneedition:​screenshot:​Thematic_style_based_on_population.png?​180|Screenshot}} ​ 
-Showing thematic style based on population 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{windowsphoneedition:​screenshot:​Zed_graph_style.png?​180|Screenshot}} ​ 
-Showing the ratio of white to asian of US major cities using pie chart 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{windowsphoneedition:​screenshot:​Queries_include_Within_Containing_Disjointed_Intersecting_and_more.png?​180|Screenshot}} ​ 
-Queries include Within, Containing, Disjointed, Intersecting and more 
-===== Code Samples ===== 
-** In addition to the samples below, we have dozens of interactive WindowsPhone Edition sample applications available ** 
-<div samplelist>​ 
-<faicon fa fa-navicon fa-lg> [[Map Suite Windows Phone Edition All Samples|All Samples]] 
-All samples about Map Suite Windows Phone Edition. 
-<div samplelist>​ 
-<faicon fa fa-globe fa-lg> [[Map Suite Windows Phone Edition Background Maps (Google, Bing, etc) Samples|Background Maps]] 
-These samples show how to incorporate 3rd part background map(Google, Bing, etc) with your application. 
-<div samplelist>​ 
-<faicon fa fa-random fa-lg> [[Map Suite Windows Phone Edition InteractiveOverlays Samples|InteractiveOverlays]] 
-These samples show various aspects of how to extend or create InteractiveOverlays 
-<div samplelist>​ 
-<faicon fa fa-font fa-lg> [[Map Suite Windows Phone Edition Labeling Samples|Labeling]] 
-These samples show various ways to use labeling in your application. 
-<div samplelist>​ 
-<faicon fa fa-road fa-lg> [[Map Suite Windows Phone Edition Layers FeatureSources Samples|Layers & FeatureSources]] 
-These samples show custom layers and feature sources from which you can get inspired to integrate your own data. 
-<div samplelist>​ 
-<faicon fa fa-folder-open fa-lg> [[Map Suite Windows Phone Edition Miscellaneous Samples|Miscellaneous]] 
-These samples show other miscellaneous features for the product. 
-<div samplelist>​ 
-<faicon fa fa-map fa-lg> [[Map Suite Windows Phone Edition Projection Samples|Projection]] 
-These sample features various usages of projection. 
-<div samplelist>​ 
-<faicon fa fa-object-group fa-lg> [[Map Suite Windows Phone Edition Spatial Functions Samples|Spatial Functions]] 
-These samples show various spatial functions such as union, buffer, merging data etc.  
-<div samplelist>​ 
-<faicon fa fa-paint-brush fa-lg> [[Map Suite Windows Phone Edition Styles Samples|Styles]] 
-These samples show various kinds of styles such as styles that scale or adjust based on time of day. 
-<div samplelist>​ 
-<faicon fa fa-arrows-alt fa-lg> [[Map Suite Windows Phone Edition Zooming Panning Moving Samples|Zooming Panning Moving]] 
-These samples show various ways to move the map. 
-<div clearboth>​ 
-We have provided hundreds of .Net code samples in C# & VB.NET to help you get going quickly. ​ We have categorized them to allow you to quickly find what you are looking for.  Each code sample includes an overview, complete code online to review and the ability to download the sample to run it yourself. 
-===== Frequently Asked Questions===== 
-  * [[Map Suite Windows Phone Edition FAQ All Questions|All Questions]]<​div>​All the frequently asked questions about Map Suite Windows Phone Edition.</​div>​ 
-  * [[Map Suite Windows Phone Edition FAQ General Questions|General Questions]]<​div>​These frequently asked questions cover high level GIS and mapping topics that are not categorized in other areas. </​div>​ 
-  * [[Map Suite Windows Phone Edition FAQ Background Maps (Google, Bing, etc.)|Background Maps]] <​div>​These frequently asked questions cover showing how to incorporate 3rd part background map with your application.</​div>​ 
-  * [[Map Suite Windows Phone Edition FAQ InteractiveOverlays|InteractiveOverlays ]] <​div>​These frequently asked questions cover various aspects of how to extend or create InteractiveOverlays. Examples of InteractiveOverlay functions are things such as drawing track shapes, shape editing and track extents.</​div>​ 
-  * [[Map Suite Windows Phone Edition FAQ Labeling|Labeling]]<​div>​These frequently asked questions cover various aspects of labeling features. ​  </​div>​ 
-  * [[Map Suite Windows Phone Edition FAQ Layers & FeatureSources|Layers & FeatureSources]]<​div>​These frequently asked questions cover custom layers and feature sources from which you can get inspired to integrate your own data.</​div>​ 
-  * [[Map Suite Windows Phone Edition FAQ Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]<​div>​These frequently asked questions cover various of other technical features of the products that are not included in other categories.</​div>​ 
-  * [[Map Suite Windows Phone Edition FAQ Projection|Projection]]<​div>​These frequently asked questions cover various aspects of projection such as how to re-project your data.</​div>​ 
-  * [[Map Suite Windows Phone Edition FAQ Spatial Functions|Spatial Functions]]<​div>​These frequently asked questions cover various spatial functions such as union, buffer, merging data etc.</​div>​ 
-  * [[Map Suite Windows Phone Edition FAQ Styles|Styles]]<​div>​These frequently asked questions cover displaying your GIS data using various styles. Some examples of styles would include using class breaks, clustering points, heat maps, etc.</​div>​ 
-  * [[Map Suite Windows Phone Edition FAQ Zooming Panning Moving|Zooming Panning Moving]]<​div>​These frequently asked questions cover various ways to move the map.</​div>​ 
-===== Change Logs ===== 
-  * [[Map Suite Windows Phone Edition Release Change Log|API Change Log]]<​div>​This change log details the changes made to the product for each major release cycle.</​div>​ 
-  * [[Map Suite Windows Phone Edition Features & Bug Fixes Change Log|Features & Bug Fixes Change Log]]<​div>​This change log details the new features and bug fixes applied to the product for each major release cycle.</​div>​ 
-===== API Documentation ===== 
-  * [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core|ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core]]<​div>​The Core API documentation covers the ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core namespace which resides in the MapSuiteCore.dll assembly. It contains all of the core GIS classes that are shared between the different Map Suite edition map controls and servers. It includes such classes as Style, FeatureSource,​ Layer, Projection etc. This is where the bulk of the classes are for most of the Map Suite products. </​div>​ 
-  * [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneEdition|ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneEdition]]<​div>​The Windows Phone Edition API documentation covers the ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhone namespace which resides in the WindowsPhoneEdition.dll assembly. It contains all of the Windows Phone Edition specific classes such as the map control itself, Overlays, and supported map classes. </​div>​ 
-===== Help & Support Guides ===== 
map_suite_windows_phone_edition.1441949848.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/09/11 05:37 by admin