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map_suite_support_options [2015/09/02 03:38]
admin [ThinkGeo Wiki]
— (current)
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-====== Map Suite Support Options ====== 
-===== Free Support Options ===== 
-> **ThinkGeo Wiki** 
-The Wiki is the best resource to find API documentation,​ videos, quick start guides, code samples and product guides. ​ To explore these resources just choose the product of interest from the left side of the Wiki page. 
-==== Discussion Forums ==== 
-The official [[http://​​forums|Map Suite Discussion Forums]] are your source for interactive support and discussion on any edition of Map Suite. ​ Ask questions, post new ideas and get direct help from members of ThinkGeo'​s Map Suite development teams as well as other Map Suite users. ​ The official forums are available 24/7 and are freely open to all. 
-Visit: http://​​forums 
-===== Paid Support Options ===== 
-ThinkGeo also offers several paid avenues of support for users of Map Suite, or those who wish to have a custom GIS application developed using Map Suite technologies but lack the resources to do so themselves. 
-==== Customer Portal Ticket System ==== 
-Map Suite users can request private, one-on-one support from ThinkGeo'​s professional support staff by opening a support ticket at the [[http://​|ThinkGeo Customer Portal]]. ​ For more information about the Customer Portal and the support ticket process, please see our [[Map Suite Support Ticket Guide]]. 
-==== Professional Services ==== 
-ThinkGeo'​s professional services team is available to help you create the GIS application or project that you envision. ​ If you have a GIS project that needs to get done, but lack the resources to build it from the ground up, let our professional services staff help.  We offer project design, development,​ implementation and training services to help you bring your ideas to market quickly and affordably. 
-If you're interested in having us work with you to create the perfect GIS solution, please [[http://​​services/​|tell us about your project here]] or call us toll free from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm U.S. Central Time at  1-866-847-7510 ​ or 1-785-727-4133 outside North America. 
map_suite_support_options.1441165131.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/09/02 03:38 by admin