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map_suite_silverlight_edition_faq_general_questions [2015/09/09 08:24]
admin [I'm seeing an Unlicensed for Runtime watermark on the map after I deploy my application to IIS.]
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-====== Map Suite Silverlight Edition FAQ General Questions ====== 
-==== What is the difference between the Map Suite Web Edition and Map Suite Silverlight Edition? ==== 
-The Map Suite Silverlight Edition is built using Microsoft'​s Silverlight framework, which is a new technology for delivering rich web-based applications that give a desktop application type feel. By contrast, Map Suite Web Edition is built to utilize traditional client side web technologies such as Javascript, AJAX and HTML. To see a comparison of how the user experiences of both Map Suite products stack up against each other, you can view both the Silverlight and Web Edition samples side by side by visiting our [[http://​​Products/​GISDemoCenter/​tabid/​135/​Default.aspx|online]] demo center. 
-==== What other software is required to work with Map Suite Silverlight Edition? ==== 
-To work with Map Suite Silverlight Edition, you will need a copy of Microsoft Visual Studio or Visual Studio Express to build the code for your custom application. You will also need to have the latest Microsoft Silverlight Tools for Visual Studio, which can be downloaded from: http://​​downloads/​details.aspx?​familyid=9442b0f2-7465-417a-88f3-5e7b5409e9dd&​displaylang=en. 
-==== What browsers is Map Suite Silverlight compatible with? ==== 
-Map Suite Silverlight will work with the most popular browsers on the market, including Microsoft Interent Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari. For a full list of supported browsers, take a look at this article: http://​​wiki/​Microsoft_Silverlight 
-==== Do I have control over how the map looks and fits into my application?​ ==== 
-Yes, absolutely. Map Suite Silverlight Edition is a Microsoft Silverlight control, so you can easily integrate it into your application just like any other control from the Visual Studio Toolbox. We expose a large amount of APIs that allow you to customize every aspect of the map and the user interface so that they fit in with the look and feel of your application. 
-==== Does Map Suite Silverlight Edition require any third party controls to be downloaded and installed on the client browser? ==== 
-Yes, the Microsoft Silverlight runtime will need to be installed on the client web browser in order for the Silverlight Edition to work properly. The Silverlight runtime is very small at 4.7MB and can prompt the user to automatically install the first time the application is accessed. The Silverlight runtime is very similar to the Adobe Flash runtime that is required by many websites today. 
-==== What formats can my data be in? ==== 
-Map Suite Silverlight Edition comes with native support for the most popular raster and vector data formats, including ShapeFile, Microsoft SQL, Oracle Spatial and PostgreSQL PostGIS. Silverlight Edition can also leverage the free Feature Data Objects (FDO) extension on the server side, which enables support for more than a dozen additional vector formats and over 80 raster formats. If you have spatial data or imagery, chances are you can use it with Map Suite. Check our Developer Blog for the [[http://​​Support/​DiscussionForums/​tabid/​143/​aff/​16/​aft/​6206/​afv/​topic/​Default.aspx|master list of data formats]] that Map Suite currently supports. 
-==== How big of a learning curve is there to using Map Suite Silverlight Edition? ==== 
-Map Suite Silverlight Edition was designed to be easy to understand and easy to use. While mapping/GIS controls typically have a larger learning curve than other simpler controls like grids or charts, Map Suite has taken the complexity out of mapping and allows you to develop your application in days or weeks instead of months or years. 
-==== Where do I go if I need help with Map Suite Silverlight Edition? ==== 
-We have a very active [[http://​​Support/​DiscussionForums/​tabid/​143/​Default.aspx|Developer Community discussion forum]], a large number of [[http://​​|"​How Do I?" sample applications]] with complete source code included, and we also offer professional services if you need to talk with a developer one-on-one. 
-==== Are there add-ons or extensions for Map Suite that add new features? ==== 
-Yes. We offer a number of Map Suite [[http://​​Products/​ExtensionsAddOnsforMapSuite/​tabid/​128/​Default.aspx|add-ons]] that extend the functionality and map coverage of your application,​ including the World Map Kit dataset plugin, and the Routing Extension that generates routes, turn-by-turn directions and more. Additionally,​ check out the [[http://​​|Map Suite Code Community]] ​ for an ever-expanding number of add-on projects that bring new features and ideas to your Map Suite projects - there'​s something new each week. 
-==== I'm seeing an "​Unlicensed for Runtime"​ watermark on the map after I deploy my application to IIS. ==== 
-You are seeing this message because the Production Web Server license is not installed on your server. There are two kinds of licenses for Map Suite Silverlight Edition: 
-  - The Development License is for a development environment. It allows you to develop your application within Visual Studio. 
-  - The Production Web Server License is for a production environment. It removes the "​Unlicensed"​ watermark in runtime. 
-To install the Production Web Server License, you need to run the Map Suite Silverlight Edition Server Preparation Tool that can be found in the My Downloads section of the [[http://​​helpdesk/​login.aspx|Customer Portal]]. Easy-to-follow installation instructions are included with the tool. 
map_suite_silverlight_edition_faq_general_questions.1441787092.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/09/09 08:24 by admin