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map_suite_sending_data_to_support [2015/09/15 03:41]
admin [Discussion Forum Attachments]
— (current)
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-====== Map Suite Sending Data to Support ====== 
-===== Support Ticket Attachment ===== 
-If the data you need to send to support to confidential or of a sensitive nature you can attach the data to an open support ticket. ​ For more information on opening a support ticket see the [[Map Suite Support Ticket Guide|Support Ticket Guide]]. ​ Attachments have almost no limit however they are transfered over HTTP so it may not be as reliable as FTP for single large files or lots of small files. ​ The advantage of an attachment to a support ticket is that you can attach the data immediately and do not have to wait for support to create your FTP account. 
-===== Support E-Mail Attachment ===== 
-There may be times when working through issues on the support forums that you need to send us a file that is either restricted by the forum or is to large to include as an attachment. ​ In these cases we suggest that you e-mail the file as an attachment to our forum support e-mail address below. ​ Using this address will ensure that it goes to one of the forum support personal.  ​ 
-  * Support Forum E-Mail Address: [[mailto:​|]] 
-==== Guidelines ==== 
-  * Include a URL link to the post in your e-mail. 
-  * Reference the name of the support person assisting you in your e-mail. 
-  * Update the forum post to reflect that an e-mail has been sent regarding the issue and outline the attachment contents. 
-  * We suggest that you include all files in one zip attachment. 
-  * Limit attachment sizes to under 20MB.  If you need more then either attach it to a support ticket or use FTP, both options are outlined on this page. 
-  * When sending Visual Studio projects please delete the **\bin** and **\obj** folders to conserve space. 
-===== FTP File Transfer ===== 
-ThinkGeo has setup a public FTP server to facilitate clients who need to exchange large amounts of data with us.  Unlike attachments to a forum post or attachments to a ticket FTP has no inherit limits and support resume and secure data transfer. 
-==== Requesting an Account ==== 
-To request an account be setup you need to e-mail support at [[mailto:​|]]. ​ They will create the account and send you the your user name and  password. 
-==== Recommended Client ==== 
-To access our FTP site we recommend using either [[http://​​download.php|Filezilla]],​ Internet Explorer, Windows Explorer or Mozilla Firefox to connect to our FTP server. 
-==== Filezilla Instructions ==== 
-  -Go to File, Site Manager, and click the “New Site” Button 
-  -Name your new site and then enter the following information:​ 
-    * Host: 
-    * Port: 21 
-    * Servertype: FTP 
-    * Logontype: Normal 
-    * User: [Provided by support] 
-    * Password: [Provided by support] 
-  -On the Advanced tab you will need to set the Default remote directory: to “/”, without the quotes. 
-  -On the Transfer Settings tab you will need to set the Transfer Mode to “Active”. 
-//Please inform your support contact once your transfer is compete.// 
-==== Internet Explorer Instructions ==== 
-To access your FTP account simply type '​'​ into the address bar of Internet Explorer. and a dialog box requesting your credentials should appear. You can only download from the FTP site using this method. 
-==== Mozilla Firefox Instructions ==== 
-To access your FTP account simply type '​'​ into the address bar of Internet Explorer. and a dialog box requesting your credentials should appear. You can only download from the FTP site using this method. 
-==== Windows Explorer Instructions ==== 
-To access your FTP account using Windows Explorer first open Windows Explorer by pressing ‘Start + E’ or opening My Computer. Next type '​'​ into the address bar and a dialog box requesting your credentials should appear. You can upload to and download from the FTP site using this method. 
-===== Discussion Forum Attachments ===== 
-If you need to post more than a brief snippet of code to a [[http://​​Support/​DiscussionForums/​tabid/​143/​Default.aspx|Map Suite Discussion Forum]] post, or would like to upload an entire file of source code for our support team to review, you can use the attachment system. 
-To attach a file to a post you're writing, scroll down below the Submit button until you see the "​Attachments"​ panel, then click the arrow on the right side to expand it. Then you'll see these controls: 
-Simply select "​Browse,"​ find the file you want to attach, then press "​Upload."​ The file you attach will appear at the end of your post once it is submitted, with a link to download it. If you attach an image, you'll optionally be able to insert it into your message. 
-==== Limitations ==== 
-  * Up to 20 files can be attached to each post. 
-  * Attached images can be no larger than 640 pixels wide and 1024 pixels tall. 
-  * Each attached file must be 2 MB in size or less. 
-  * Only files with the following extensions are allowed: 
-^  ^  ^  ^  ^ 
-| .bmp   | .c   | .cpp   | .cs   | 
-| .csproj ​  | .doc   | .docx   | .gif   | 
-| .h   | .htm   | .html   | .jpg   | 
-| .js   | .pdf   | .png   | .sln   | 
-| .txt   | .vb   | .vbproj ​  | .xaml   | 
-| .xml   ​| ​   |    |    | 
map_suite_sending_data_to_support.1442288463.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/15 03:41 by admin