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map_suite_routing_features_bug_fixes_change_log [2015/09/09 08:56]
admin [Version]
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-====== Map Suite Routing Features & Bug Fixes Change Log ====== 
-Release date: 06/24/2015 
-Release - No Changes 
-Release date: 06/06/2014 
-ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Routing Namespace: 
-  *Fixed a bug where routing within one road segment which is one-way type doesn'​t work. 
-  *Fixed a bug where the Route property of RoutingResult always returns a new created instance. 
-  *Fixed a bug where GenerateServiceArea runs into "Input string not in a correct format"​ exception when using X,Y overload. 
-  *Fixed a bug that BuildRoutingData method with routableShapeFile parameter creates another new shapefile. 
-Release date: 06/03/2013 
-ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Routing Namespace: 
-  *Added method to allow for a route to be returned as a single LineShape 
-  *Fixed a bug that SingleLineShape Route is not clipping correctly 
-  *Fixed a bug that SingleLineShape Route is not snapping to features correctly 
-  *Fixed a bug that Service Area Definition does not work if the start feature is near the border of the routing shape file 
-  *Fixed a bug that RoutingResult can't get closest point result 
-  *Fixed a bug that the Route returned is much longer than expected 
-  *Fixed a bug that a clicked point does not snap to the nearest road and sometimes returns a random road segment 
-  *Fixed a bug that where the route result is incorrect if the stop points are on a same road 
-  *Fixed some spelling issues in Routing "How Do I" samples 
-  *Fixed lots of bugs for Map Suite Routing Explorer 
-  *Improved the performance greatly when routing with several stops 
-  *Improved the performance of getRoute based on several stop points a lot 
-  *Improved the route result to make sure it return an ordered LineShape 
-Release date: 05/​14/​2012 ​ 
-ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Routing Namespace: 
-  *Fixed an issue where the process is hang up when routing with only one stopping point. 
-Release date: 12/​31/​2011 ​ 
-ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Routing Namespace: 
-*Fixed an issue where it returns wrong route for some scenarios. 
-Release date: 11/14/2011 
-ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Routing Namespace: 
-*Fixed an issue where the Features doesn'​t match RoadSegments in RoutingResult. 
-*Added GetRoute overload methods and obsoleted some old APIs. 
-Release date: 5/16/2011 
-ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Routing Namespace: 
-*Fixed a bug in RoutingEngine.GetRouteViaVisitStops method which would throws exceptions for some cases due to not passing simple shape validations. 
-*Added validations to check if the file extension is allowed. 
-*Added support for routing results as a single lineshape or as multiple lineshapes. 
-*Added GenerateRoutableShapeFile method to create routable shapefiles. 
-Release date: 12/14/2010 
-ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Routing Namespace: 
-*Upgraded the Routing Index Format to speed up performance. 
-*Added override method GetRouteViaStops,​ which allows you to get the route using feature IDs. 
-*Added many validations for the public API, such as checking file extension, etc. 
-*Fixed an issue with TSP initial route distance. 
-*Fixed an issue with the GetRouteDirections sample. 
-Release date: 6/15/2010 
-ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Routing Namespace: 
-*Updated assembly version to; included strong-named and weak-named assemblies. Please see the latest post in the Developer Blog for full details. ​ 
-=====Version 4.0.0===== 
-Release date: 5/1/2010 
-ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Routing Namespace: 
-*Added Visual Studio 2010 support. 
-*Added routing support for the Travelling Salesman Problem with fixed start and end points. 
-*Added more sample applications for new scenarios. 
-*Fixed issue where an unexpected error would occur when routing on complex road networks. 
-*Fixed issue that optimizes the route on the last point for Travelling Salesman. 
-*Fixed issue with TSP initial route distance. 
-*Several API additions. See the API change log for complete details. 
-*Updated the API documentation. 
-=====Version 3.1.299===== 
-Release date: 11/16/2009 
-ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Routing Namespace: 
-*Concluded public beta and moved to final release. 
-*Added support for the Traveling Salesman Problem. 
-*Added a set of Silverlight-based "How Do I?" sample apps. 
-*Added a set of Web-based "How Do I?" sample apps including VB.NET and C# source code. 
-*Some API revisions, including one breaking change. See the API change log for complete details. 
-[[Category:​Map Suite Routing]] [[Category:​Web GIS]] [[Category:​Desktop GIS]] [[Category:​GIS]] [[Category:​.NET]] 
map_suite_routing_features_bug_fixes_change_log.1441789015.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/09 08:56 by admin