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Map Suite for iOS is a powerful .NET control that lets you add interactive maps and professional-grade GIS to your iPhone® and iPad® apps. Using the power of the Xamarin mobile platform and ThinkGeo's Map Suite together, you can develop native iOS apps using the C# language and .NET libraries you're already familiar with.
The Core API documentation covers the ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core namespace which resides in the MapSuiteCore.dll assembly. It contains all of the core GIS classes that are shared between the different Map Suite edition map controls and servers. It includes such classes as Style, FeatureSource, Layer, Projection etc. This is where the bulk of the classes are for most of the Map Suite products.
The iOS Edition API documentation covers the ThinkGeo.MapSuite.iOSEdition namespace which resides in the iOSEdition.dll assembly. It contains all of the iOS Edition specific classes such as the map control itself, Overlays, and supported map classes.
The FormsEdition API documentation covers the ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition namespace which resides in the MapSuiteFormsEdition.dll assembly. It contains all of the MapSuiteForms Edition specific classes such as the map control itself, Overlays, and supported map classes.
The FormsEdition.iOS API documentation covers the ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.iOS namespace which resides in the MapSuiteFormsEdition.iOS.dll assembly. It contains all of the FormsEdition.iOS Edition specific classes such as the Forms.
Step through the iOS Edition sample applications and see how they're put together. We'll demonstrate how to use each app, then take you through every part of the source code and show you how it works.
Tip: You'll want to select “Fullscreen” to properly read the source code.
The iOS Edition screenshots gallery section showcases a wide range of screenshots covering various GIS features of the iOS Edition map control.
This change log details the changes made to the product for each major release cycle.
This change log details the new features and bug fixes applied to the product for each major release cycle.
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