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map_suite_gps_tracking_server_device_simulator [2015/09/25 03:14]
admin [Map Suite GPS Tracking Server Device Simulator]
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-====== Map Suite GPS Tracking Server Device Simulator ====== 
-<div left> 
-{{gpstrackingserver:​Map Suite GPS Tracking Server Device Simulator.png ?250|Device Simulator}} 
-The Device Simulator is a handy tool that lets you test the features of the GPS Tracking Server, simulate actual tracking conditions and create mock tracking sessions without ever leaving the comfort of your home or office. It also allows you to test alerts, manage two-way communication between your devices and the GPS Tracking Server web portal, and debug any device listeners that you may be developing for use with custom hardware. 
-**System Requirements:​** In order to use the GPS Tracking Server Device Simulator, you must have installed the Microsoft [[http://​​en-us/​download/​search.aspx?​​p=0&​r=10&​t=&​s=Relevancy~Descending|.NET Framework 4.0]]. 
-<faicon fa fa-download fa-lg>​{{http://​​GPSTrackingDeviceSimulator.msi|Download the Device Simulator}} 
-==== What You Can Do With the Device Simulator ==== 
-  * Create mock tracking sessions anywhere in the world, using any device in your GPS Tracking Server account 
-  * Trigger alerts and see how the GPS Tracking Server web portal reacts to alert you 
-  * Attach device custom data like telemetrics,​ photos, audio or video 
-  * Test two-way communication between GPS Tracking Server and your devices 
-  * Debug custom listeners and view raw XML messages sent to/from your custom device 
-==== Free Download ==== 
-[[http://​​GPSTrackingDeviceSimulator.msi|Download the Device Simulator]] and login using your GPS Tracking Server account username, password and API key.  If you need a reminder, click on "Where do I get this information?"​ on the Device Simulator'​s login screen. 
-==== How-To Videos ==== 
-Not sure how to use the Device Simulator? Our handy How-To Videos will demonstrate its features and show you how to get the most benefit from using the application. 
-[[Map Suite GPS Tracking Server Device Simulator Videos|Watch the How-To Videos here]] or simply click the video links right from within the Device Simulator itself. 
map_suite_gps_tracking_server_device_simulator.1443150877.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/25 03:14 by admin