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map_suite_android_edition [2015/09/24 07:00]
admin [Map Suite Android Edition]
— (current)
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-====== Map Suite Android Edition ====== 
-ThinkGeo'​s Map Suite for Android™ is a powerful .NET control that lets you add interactive maps and professional-grade GIS to your Android apps. Using the power of the [[http://​​|Xamarin]] mobile platform and Map Suite together, you can develop native Android apps using the C# language and .NET libraries you're already familiar with. 
-<div shortcuts clearexternlink>​ 
-**[[http://​​download|Try It Free]]** 
-<div shortcuts clearexternlink>​ 
-**[[http://​​map-suite-developer-gis/​ios-edition/#​pricing|Purchase Online]]** 
-===== Learning Samples ===== 
-<div samplelist clearexternlink learningsample>​ 
-<div learningtitle>​All Samples</​div>​ 
-<div learningdesc>​ 
-All of the Map Suite Android Edition Learning Samples in one place so you can easily search for a topic. ​ 
-  * [[https://​​playlist?​list=PLKDMyLVQTansYsVofDipfiZfYwSzdmygG|Videos]] 
-  * <​div>​Samples</​div>​ 
-  * <​div>​Learn More</​div>​ 
-<div samplelist clearexternlink learningsample>​ 
-<div learningtitle>​[[Map_Suite_Android_Getting_Started|Getting Started]]</​div>​ 
-<div learningdesc>​ 
-Learn about what the Android Edition has to offer and how you can get started building Android applications. ​ 
-  * [[https://​​watch?​v=WzKe3Pum5bo|Videos]] 
-  * [[Map Suite Android Edition Samples Getting Started|Samples]] 
-  * [[Map_Suite_Android_Getting_Started|Learn More]] 
-<div samplelist clearexternlink learningsample>​ 
-<div learningtitle>​Project Templates</​div>​ 
-<div learningdesc>​ 
-These project templates which combine several different concepts to make real world applications. ​ 
-  * <​div>​Videos</​div>​ 
-  * [[Map Suite for Android Edition Project Templates|Samples]] 
-  * <​div>​Learn More</​div>​ 
-<div samplelist clearexternlink learningsample>​ 
-<div learningtitle>​Overlays</​div>​ 
-<div learningdesc>​ 
-Discover how to use Overlays to build up your own map or add existing basemaps like the World Map Kit, Google, and Bing to your application. ​ 
-  * <​div>​Videos</​div>​ 
-  * <​div>​Samples</​div>​ 
-  * <​div>​Learn More</​div>​ 
-<div samplelist clearexternlink learningsample>​ 
-<div learningtitle>​Layers</​div>​ 
-<div learningdesc>​ 
-Explore all the different types of layers and data formats you can use to build up your map.  
-  * <​div>​Videos</​div>​ 
-  * [[Map_Suite_Android_Edition_Samples_Layers|Samples]] 
-  * <​div>​Learn More</​div>​ 
-<div samplelist clearexternlink learningsample>​ 
-<div learningtitle>​Styling</​div>​ 
-<div learningdesc>​ 
-Learn how to apply basic styles to render your vector data layers. ​ 
-  * <​div>​Videos</​div>​ 
-  * <​div>​Samples</​div>​ 
-  * <​div>​Learn More</​div>​ 
-<div samplelist clearexternlink learningsample>​ 
-<div learningtitle>​[[Map_Suite_Android_Visualizing_Data|Visualizing Data]]</​div>​ 
-<div learningdesc>​ 
-Learn about the styles you can use with Map Suite to visualize your data. 
-  * [[http://​​iNxDJyHeDa8|Videos]] 
-  * [[Map Suite Android Edition Samples Visualizing|Samples]] 
-  * [[Map_Suite_Android_Visualizing_Data|Learn More]] 
-<div samplelist clearexternlink learningsample>​ 
-<div learningtitle>​[[Map_Suite_Android_Labeling|Labeling]]</​div>​ 
-<div learningdesc>​ 
-Explore techniques for labeling your features. ​ 
-  * [[https://​​JwUnnAABHDI|Videos]] 
-  * [[Map Suite Android Edition Samples Labeling|Samples]] 
-  * [[Map_Suite_Android_Labeling|Learn More]] 
-<div samplelist clearexternlink learningsample>​ 
-<div learningtitle>​ Markers & Pop-Ups</​div>​ 
-<div learningdesc>​ 
-Increase interactivity by using Markers and Pop-Ups. ​ 
-  * <​div>​Videos</​div>​ 
-  * <​div>​Samples</​div>​ 
-  * <​div>​Learn More</​div>​ 
-<div samplelist clearexternlink learningsample>​ 
-<div learningtitle>​[[Map_Suite_Android_Drawing_Editing|Drawing & Editing]]</​div>​ 
-<div learningdesc>​ 
-Learn how to draw new features or edit existing features on the map. 
-  * [[https://​​watch?​v=9AqmuSKb8i4|Videos]] 
-  * [[Map Suite Android Edition Samples Drawing & Editing|Samples]] 
-  * [[Map_Suite_Android_Drawing_Editing|Learn More]] 
-<div samplelist clearexternlink learningsample>​ 
-<div learningtitle>​Querying</​div>​ 
-<div learningdesc>​ 
-Learn about all the different ways you can query your data.  
-  * <​div>​Videos</​div>​ 
-  * <​div>​Samples</​div>​ 
-  * <​div>​Learn More</​div>​ 
-<div samplelist clearexternlink learningsample>​ 
-<div learningtitle>​Projection</​div>​ 
-<div learningdesc>​ 
-Learn about Map Projection and how to apply it your data.  
-  * <​div>​Videos</​div>​ 
-  * <​div>​Samples</​div>​ 
-  * <​div>​Learn More</​div>​ 
-<div samplelist clearexternlink learningsample>​ 
-<div learningtitle>​[[Map_Suite_Android_Geometric_Functions|Geometric Functions]]</​div>​ 
-<div learningdesc>​ 
-Manipulate and measure points, lines, and polygons using geometric functions. 
-  * [[https://​​SUqBu5Yu4n8|Videos]] 
-  * [[Map Suite Android Edition Samples Geometric Functions|Samples]] 
-  * [[Map_Suite_Android_Geometric_Functions|Learn More]] 
-<div samplelist clearexternlink learningsample>​ 
-<div learningtitle>​Adornments</​div>​ 
-<div learningdesc>​ 
-Learn how to add legends, scale bars, north arrows and many more adornments to your map.  
-  * <​div>​Videos</​div>​ 
-  * <​div>​Samples</​div>​ 
-  * <​div>​Learn More</​div>​ 
-<div samplelist clearexternlink learningsample>​ 
-<div learningtitle>​How Do I Samples</​div>​ 
-<div learningdesc>​ 
-Contains dozens of interactive samples that hit all the highlights of Map Suite Android Edition. ​ 
-  * <​div>​Videos</​div>​ 
-  * [[Map Suite Android Edition How Do I Samples|Samples]] 
-  * <​div>​Learn More</​div>​ 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-===== Product Guides ===== 
-<div dokuteaser>​ 
-> [[Map Suite Android Edition Quick Start Guide|Quick Start Guide]] / [[Map Suite Xamarin Forms Quick Start Guide|Xamarin.Forms Quick Start Guide]] 
-Helps you get started building your first application with the Map Suite Android Edition. 
-<div dokuteaser>​ 
-> [[Map Suite Portable Data Format Guide|Data Format Guide]] 
-Walks the various GIS data format that are supported in the map control. It also list any caveats related to the use of that format in your mapping application. 
-<div dokuteaser>​ 
-> [[Map Suite Style Guide|Style Guide]] 
-Explains how to use styles to beautifully represent your GIS mapping data. It includes an overview of styles, a detailed explanation of the various styles that ship with Map Suite, as well as a step by step guide of creating your own custom styles. 
-<div dokuteaser>​ 
-> [[Map Suite Serialization Guide|Serialization Guide]] 
-Explains how to use our custom serialization class to render your Map Suite objects to XML, or other format etc. It allows your GIS application to easily save things such as Layers, Styles, or even whole maps to XML to be recalled at a later time. 
-<div dokuteaser>​ 
-> [[Map Suite Android Edition Installation Guide|Installation Guide]] / [[Map Suite Xamarin Forms Installation Guide|Xamarin.Forms Installation Guide]] 
-Walks you through installing the map control on your system and creating a simple GIS application. ​ 
-<div dokuteaser>​ 
-> [[Map Suite Android Edition Deployment Guide|Deployment Guide]] / [[Map Suite Xamarin Forms Deployment Guide|Xamarin.Forms Deployment Guide]] 
-Walks you through deploying your GIS software using the map control into a production environment. 
-<div dokuteaser>​ 
-> [[Map Suite Android Edition Dependencies Guide|Dependencies Guide]] 
-Introduces the dependencies Map Suite Desktop Edition needs with their features, versions and source websites. 
-<div dokuteaser>​ 
-> [[Map Suite Performance Guide|Performance Guide]] 
-Walks you through various ways you can increase performance in your .Net GIS application. 
-===== API Documentation ===== 
-  * [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore|ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core]]<​div>​The Core API documentation covers the ThinkGeo.MapSuite.PortableCore namespace which resides in the MapSuitePortableCore.dll assembly. It contains all of the core GIS classes that are shared between the different Map Suite edition map controls and servers. It includes such classes as Style, FeatureSource,​ Layer, Projection etc. This is where the bulk of the classes are for most of the Map Suite products. </​div>​ 
-  * [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.AndroidEdition|ThinkGeo.MapSuite.AndroidEdition]]<​div>​The Android Edition API documentation covers the ThinkGeo.MapSuite.AndroidEdition namespace which resides in the AndroidEdition.dll assembly. It contains all of the Android Edition specific classes such as the map control itself, Overlays, and supported map classes.</​div>​ 
-===== API Documentation For Xamarin.Forms ===== 
-  * [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition|ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition]]<​div>​The FormsEdition API documentation covers the ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition namespace which resides in the MapSuiteFormsEdition.dll assembly. It contains all of the MapSuiteForms Edition specific classes such as the map control itself, Overlays, and supported map classes.</​div>​ 
-  * [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.Android|ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.Android]]<​div>​The FormsEdition.Android API documentation covers the ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.Android namespace which resides in the MapSuiteFormsEdition.Android.dll assembly. It contains all of the FormsEdition.Android Edition specific classes such as the Forms.</​div>​ 
-===== Videos ===== 
-Step through the Android Edition sample applications and see how they'​re put together. We'll demonstrate how to use each app, then take you through every part of the source code and show you how it works.\\ ​ 
-**Tip**: //​You'​ll want to select "​Fullscreen"​ to properly read the source code.// 
-<div play medialist>​ 
-[[androidedition:​Android Map Getting Started Sample|{{androidedition:​screenshot:​Getting_Started_Android.png?​180x99|Screenshot}}]] 
-Android Getting Started Sample 
-<div play medialist>​ 
-[[androidedition:​Android Map Visualization Learning Sample|{{androidedition:​screenshot:​Visualization_Android.png?​180x99|Screenshot}}]] 
-Android Map Visualization Learning Sample 
-<div play medialist>​ 
-[[androidedition:​Android Labeling Learning Sample|{{androidedition:​screenshot:​LabelStyling_Android.png?​180x99|Screenshot}}]] ​ 
-Android Labeling Learning Sample 
-<div play medialist>​ 
-[[androidedition:​Android Drawing Editing Learning Sample|{{androidedition:​screenshot:​Drawing_Editing_Android.png?​180x99|Screenshot}}]] ​ 
-Drawing & Editing Learning Sample 
-<div play medialist>​ 
-[[androidedition:​Android Geometric Functions Learning Sample|{{androidedition:​screenshot:​GeoFunctions_Android.png?​180x99|Screenshot}}]] ​ 
-Android Geometric Functions Learning Sample 
-===== Screenshots ===== 
-Screen Shots of the Android Edition on different types of devices. 
-=== Tablets === 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{androidedition:​screenshot:​GettingStarted_Android.png?​180|Screenshot}} ​ 
-Getting Started with Map 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{androidedition:​screenshot:​Visualization_Android.png?​180|Screenshot}} ​ 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{androidedition:​screenshot:​LabelStyling_Android.png?​180|Screenshot}} ​ 
-Label Styling 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{androidedition:​screenshot:​GeoFunctions_Android.png?​180|Screenshot}} ​ 
-Geometric Functions 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{androidedition:​screenshot:​Draw_Edit_Features_Android.png?​180|Screenshot}} ​ 
-Drawing And Editing Features 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{androidedition:​screenshot:​SiteSelection_Android.png?​180|Screenshot}} ​ 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{androidedition:​screenshot:​Visualization-weather_Android.png?​180|Screenshot}} ​ 
-Visualization-US Weather 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{androidedition:​screenshot:​VehicleTracking_Android.png?​180|Screenshot}} ​ 
-Vehicle Tracking 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{androidedition:​screenshot:​EarthquakeStatistics_Android.png?​180|Screenshot}} ​ 
-US Earthquake Statistics 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-=== Phones === 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{androidedition:​screenshot:​GettingStarted_AndroidPhone.png?​90x184|Screenshot}} ​ 
-Getting Started with Map 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{androidedition:​screenshot:​Visualization_AndroidPhone.png?​90x184|Screenshot}} ​ 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{androidedition:​screenshot:​LabelStyling_AndroidPhone.png?​90x184|Screenshot}} ​ 
-Label Styling 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{androidedition:​screenshot:​GeoFunctions_AndroidPhone.png?​90x184|Screenshot}} ​ 
-Geometric Functions 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{androidedition:​screenshot:​Draw_Edit_Features_AndroidPhone.png?​90x184|Screenshot}} ​ 
-Drawing And Editing Features 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{androidedition:​screenshot:​SiteSelection_AndroidPhone.png?​90x184|Screenshot}} ​ 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{androidedition:​screenshot:​Visualization-weather_AndroidPhone.png?​90x184|Screenshot}} ​ 
-Visualization-US Weather 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{androidedition:​screenshot:​VehicleTracking_AndroidPhone.png?​90x184|Screenshot}} ​ 
-Vehicle Tracking 
-<div medialist imagewithremaker autofit_height>​ 
-{{androidedition:​screenshot:​EarthquakeStatistics_AndroidPhone.png?​90x184|Screenshot}} ​ 
-//US Earthquake Statistics//​ 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-<div newline></​div>​ 
-===== Change Logs ===== 
-  * API Change Log <​div>​This change log details the changes made to the product for each major release cycle.</​div>​ 
-  * [[Map Suite Android Edition Features & Bug Fixes Change Log|Features & Bug Fixes Change Log]] <​div>​This change log details the new features and bug fixes applied to the product for each major release cycle.</​div>​ 
-===== Help & Support Guides ===== 
map_suite_android_edition.1443078018.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/24 07:00 by admin