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Videos & Screenshots

Topic Attachment Description
Screenshot Gallery N/A
Introduction to the WMS Server Edition Video

David Rehagen, ThinkGeo CTO, narrates this video introduction to Map Suite WMS Server Edition. In the video, you'll see how WMS Server Edition works and get a first-hand walkthrough of the bundled sample applications. It's a great way to get a quick visual introduction to Map Suite WMS Server Edition and what you can do with it.
Map Suite DynamoDB Extension Technology Preview Video


This video will introduce you to the Map Suite DynamoDB Extension limited technology preview. This exciting new extension leverages Amazon's DynamoDB, a NoSQL cloud database technology, to store and serve GIS spatial data via the cloud. The extension's ability to use a few API calls to create a spatial table, import data and then access it without a traditional spatial database or hardware is a huge step forward.
Tile Cache Generator Video


This video will show you how to use the Tile Cache Generator utility to generate tile caches based on your own layers. Pre-generating tiles base on your data allows you to display the data faster than rending it from vector graphics files. It also allows you to protect your vector data by providing just the raster tiles for display purposes only. In the past pre-generating tiles required customers to build the process from scratch which was time consuming and often times inefficient. With the Tile Cache Generator we have packaged many of our best practices along with the source to allow you to tweak it to your specific situation.


WPF Edition Sample App Walkthrough Video Series

Step through the WMS Server Edition sample applications and see how they're put together. We'll demonstrate how to use each app, then take you through every part of the source code and show you how it works.

Tip: You'll want to select “Fullscreen” to properly read the source code.

Introduction to the WMS Server Edition


The WMS Server Edition screenshots gallery section showcases a wide range of screenshots covering various GIS features of the WMS Server Edition map control.

Add rich aerial imagery Supports JPEG2000, TIFF, MrSid, ECW and more

SQL query feature layers Get column data Visually render SQL data

Integrate charts and graphs on your map Uses ZedGraph classes

Automatic color family generation Group colors by hue or quality

Draw or exclude features based on conditions Render based on data points

Restrict drawing of features Fill restricted areas with patterns or bitmaps

Plots points on your map Point density represents numeric data

Render features based on a regular expression Puts you in control

Render features based on a range of data values Useful for points & labels

Render features specifically based on a theme Colorize map features

Project your spatial data Nearly every known projection is available

Draw your maps in any orientation you wish Real-time rotation

Draw an image at a point Additional options include vector symbols

Dozens of interactive sample applications Source code in C#

map_suit_wms_server_videos_screenshots.1441958863.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/11 08:07 by admin