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map_suit_wms_server_videos_screenshots [2015/09/10 02:47]
admin created
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-===== Videos & Screenshots ===== 
-^ Topic ^ Attachment ^ Description ^ 
-| [[Map_Suite_WMS_Server_Edition_Screenshot_Gallery|Screenshot Gallery]] ​  | N/A   ​| ​   | 
-| Introduction to the WMS Server Edition ​  | [[http://​​Videos/​WMSServer/​IntroToMapSuiteWMSServerBeta.wmv|Video]]\\ ​  \\ [[http://​​wiki/​File:​Introduction_to_the_WMS_Server_Edition.png|Screenshot]] ​  | David Rehagen, ThinkGeo CTO, narrates this video introduction to Map Suite WMS Server Edition. In the video, you'll see how WMS Server Edition works and get a first-hand walkthrough of the bundled sample applications. It's a great way to get a quick visual introduction to Map Suite WMS Server Edition and what you can do with it.   | 
-| Map Suite DynamoDB Extension Technology Preview ​  | [[http://​​Videos/​DynamoDB/​MapSuite_DynamoDBFeatureLayer_Technology_Preview.wmv|Video]]\\ ​  \\ [[http://​​Videos/​DynamoDB/​|Sample]]\\ ​ \\ [[http://​​wiki/​File:​Map_Suite_DynamoDB_Extension_Technology_Preview.png|Screenshot]] ​  | This video will introduce you to the Map Suite DynamoDB Extension limited technology preview. ​ This exciting new extension leverages Amazon'​s DynamoDB, a NoSQL cloud database technology, to store and serve GIS spatial data via the cloud. ​ The extension'​s ability to use a few API calls to create a spatial table, import data and then access it without a traditional spatial database or hardware is a huge step forward. ​  | 
-| Tile Cache Generator ​  | [[http://​​Videos/​Wiki/​MapSuite_Cache_Generator.wmv|Video]]\\ ​  \\ [[:​File:​|Sample]]\\ ​ \\ [[http://​​wiki/​File:​Tile_Cache_Generator.png|Screenshot]] ​  | This video will show you how to use the Tile Cache Generator utility to generate tile caches based on your own layers. ​ Pre-generating tiles base on your data allows you to display the data faster than rending it from vector graphics files. ​ It also allows you to protect your vector data by providing just the raster tiles for display purposes only.  In the past pre-generating tiles required customers to build the process from scratch which was time consuming and often times inefficient. ​ With the Tile Cache Generator we have packaged many of our best practices along with the source to allow you to tweak it to your specific situation. ​  | 
map_suit_wms_server_videos_screenshots.1441853273.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/09/10 02:47 by admin