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map_suit_services_edition_videos_screenshots [2015/09/09 05:37]
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-===== Videos & Screenshots ===== 
-^ Topic ^ Attachment ^ Description ^ 
-| [[Map Suite Services Edition Screenshot Gallery|Screenshot Gallery]] ​  ​| ​  | The Services Edition screenshots gallery section showcases a wide range of screenshots covering various GIS features of the Services Edition map control. ​  | 
-| Integrating Custom Data Formats | [[http://​​Webinars/​ExtendingMapSuite.wmv|Video]]\\ [[http://​​Webinars/​MapSuiteIntegratingCustomDataFormats.ppt|Presentation]]\\ [[http://​​Webinars/​|Sample]]\\ [[http://​​Webinars/​ExtendingMapSuiteWebinarQA.doc|Q&​A]]\\ [[http://​​wiki/​File:​Integrating_Custom_Data_Formats.png|Screenshot]] ​ | This webinar hosted by ThinkGeo is an in-depth technical discussion about integrating custom GIS data formats in Map Suite. In addition to a downloadable video recording of the webinar, a complete sample project with source code is also available. ​ | 
-|Creating Custom Styles|[[http://​​Webinars/​ExtendingMapSuiteCreatingCustomStyles.wmv|Video]]\\ [[http://​​Webinars/​MapSuiteCreatingCustomStyles.ppt|Presentation]]\\ [[http://​​Webinars/​MapSuiteCustomStylesQA.doc|Q&​A]]\\ [[http://​​Webinars/​|Sample]]\\ [[http://​​wiki/​File:​Creating_Custom_Styles.png|Screenshot]]|This informative,​ in-depth webinar explores the limitless possibilities for creating your own custom styles with Map Suite. Take a look at the video presentation and download the sample project with source code in both C# and VB.NET.| 
-|Exploring Layers|[[http://​​Webinars/​ExtendingMapSuiteExploringLayers.wmv|Video]]\\ [[http://​​Webinars/​ExtendingMapSuiteExploringLayers.pdf|Presentation]]\\ [[http://​​Webinars/​ExtendingMapSuiteExploringLayersQA.doc|Q&​A]]\\ [[http://​​Webinars/​|Sample]]\\ [[http://​​wiki/​File:​Exploring_Layers.png|Screenshot]]|In this webinar video, ThinkGeo CTO David Rehagen demonstrates some of the many ways you can extend the Layer and RasterLayer classes, giving you near-infinite possibilities for beefing up your Map Suite GIS projects. Download the sample project below to explore the source code.| 
-|FDO, OGR and GDAL Extension|[[http://​​Webinars/​ExtendingMapSuite_FDO_OGR_GDAL.wmv|Video]]\\ [[http://​​Webinars/​ExtendingMapSuite_FDO_OGR_GDAL.pdf|Presentation]]\\ [[http://​​Webinars/​|Sample]]\\ [[http://​​wiki/​File:​FDO_OGR_and_GDAL_Extension.png|Screenshot]]|In a previous webinar we tackled integrating your own custom GIS data with Map Suite, focusing on feature-centric sources such as FeatureSource and FeatureLayer. In this video, we'll explore how you can leverage existing open-source GIS libraries such as FDO, OGR, and GDAL to support even more data formats. You'll be amazed how easy it is to take advantage of these native C++ libraries in your GIS software.| 
-|Printing System Introduction|[[http://​​Videos/​Wiki/​MapSuitePrintingSystemIntroduction.wmv|Video]]\\Sample Code:\\ *[[:​Media:​|WPF]]*[[:​Media:​|WinForms]]\\ [[http://​​wiki/​File:​Printing_System_Introduction.png|Screenshot]]|In this video we will explore Map Suite'​s new printing system. ​ Map Suite offers WYSIWYG map design that takes your desktop, WPF or web-based .NET mapping applications to the next level. ​ Maps are printed using vector graphics so you can be sure the output will look great on anything from a PDF to a large plotter. ​ It also includes low-level report building classes that make it easy to generate reports in the Web or Services environment. ​ Check out the video and see how easy it is to integrate map printing into your GIS applications.| 
-|Increasing Polygon Performance|[http://​​Videos/​Wiki/​IncreasingPolygonPerformance.wmv Video]<​br>​ 
-[[:​Media:​ServicesEditionSample SplitPolygonsBasedOnGrid CS|Utility Source]]<​br>​ 
-[[Map_Suite_Performance_Guide#​Grid_Detailed_Polygons|Performance Guide]]<​br>​ 
-[http://​​wiki/​File:​Increasing_Polygon_Performance.png Screenshot]|In this video we will explore how to greatly increase your rendering performance by gridding your high point-count polygons. This technique is especially useful when you use a high point-count polygon such as a country or regional area as the ground color for your maps.  In many cases we see tile render times decrease from 500ms to under 5ms with this data optimization. ​ Included along with the video is a utility to help you grid your polygons. | 
-|Map Suite DynamoDB Extension Technology Preview|[http://​​Videos/​DynamoDB/​MapSuite_DynamoDBFeatureLayer_Technology_Preview.wmv Video]<​br>​ 
-[http://​​Videos/​DynamoDB/​ Sample]<​br>​ 
-[http://​​wiki/​File:​Map_Suite_DynamoDB_Extension_Technology_Preview.png Screenshot]|This video will introduce you to the Map Suite DynamoDB Extension limited technology preview. ​ This exciting new extension leverages Amazon'​s DynamoDB, a NoSQL cloud database technology, to store and serve GIS spatial data via the cloud. ​ The extension'​s ability to use a few API calls to create a spatial table, import data and then access it without a traditional spatial database or hardware is a huge step forward.| 
-|Tile Cache Generator|[http://​​Videos/​Wiki/​MapSuite_Cache_Generator.wmv Video]<​br>​ 
-[http://​​wiki/​File:​Tile_Cache_Generator.png Screenshot]|This video will show you how to use the Map Suite Tile Cache Generator utility to generate tile caches based on your own layers. ​ Pre-generating tiles based on your data allows you to display the data faster than rending it from vector graphics files. It also allows you to protect your vector data by providing just the raster tiles for display purposes only. In the past, pre-generating tiles required customers to build the process from scratch which was time consuming and often inefficient. With the Tile Cache Generator utility, we have packaged many of our best practices along with the source code, allowing you to tweak the process to your specific situation.| 
-|Topology Validation|[http://​​Videos/​Forums/​TopologyValidator.wmv Video]<​br>​ 
-[http://​​wiki/​File:​Topology_Validation.png Screenshot]|This video will give you a demonstration of Map Suite'​s topology validation functionality (available in version and higher), as well as the [[Map Suite Desktop Edition Miscellaneous Samples#​Topology_Validation|Topology Validator sample application]]. The Topology Validator makes it simple to visualize and test topology rules. You simply select the case you want to test, use our drawing tools to create the shapes necessary, and then hit the play button to run the test. The error cases are highlighted on the screen and saved to the test, and their Well-Known Text (WKT) is copied to your clipboard. At any time, you can view or edit the WKT which makes up the case. We save our test cases as XML files that contain not only the test case features but also the errors. This makes it a snap for you to share your cases with us or other colleagues.| 
-== Videos & Screenshots == 
-{| class="​wikitable"​ cellpadding="​3"​ 
-|[[Map Suite Services Edition Screenshot Gallery|Screenshot Gallery]] 
-| N/A 
-|The Services Edition screenshots gallery section showcases a wide range of screenshots covering various GIS features of the Services Edition map control. 
-|Integrating Custom Data Formats 
-|[http://​​Webinars/​ExtendingMapSuite.wmv Video]<​br>​ 
-[http://​​Webinars/​MapSuiteIntegratingCustomDataFormats.ppt Presentation]<​br>​ 
-[http://​​Webinars/​ Sample]<​br>​ 
-[http://​​Webinars/​ExtendingMapSuiteWebinarQA.doc Q&​A]<​br>​ 
-[http://​​wiki/​File:​Integrating_Custom_Data_Formats.png Screenshot] 
-|This webinar hosted by ThinkGeo is an in-depth technical discussion about integrating custom GIS data formats in Map Suite. In addition to a downloadable video recording of the webinar, a complete sample project with source code is also available. 
-|Creating Custom Styles 
-|[http://​​Webinars/​ExtendingMapSuiteCreatingCustomStyles.wmv Video]<​br>​ 
-[http://​​Webinars/​MapSuiteCreatingCustomStyles.ppt Presentation]<​br>​ 
-[http://​​Webinars/​MapSuiteCustomStylesQA.doc Q&​A]<​br>​ 
-[http://​​Webinars/​ Sample]<​br>​ 
-[http://​​wiki/​File:​Creating_Custom_Styles.png Screenshot] 
-|This informative,​ in-depth webinar explores the limitless possibilities for creating your own custom styles with Map Suite. Take a look at the video presentation and download the sample project with source code in both C# and VB.NET. 
-|Exploring Layers 
-|[http://​​Webinars/​ExtendingMapSuiteExploringLayers.wmv Video]<​br>​ 
-[http://​​Webinars/​ExtendingMapSuiteExploringLayers.pdf Presentation]<​br>​ 
-[http://​​Webinars/​ExtendingMapSuiteExploringLayersQA.doc Q&​A]<​br>​ 
-[http://​​Webinars/​ Sample]<​br>​ 
-[http://​​wiki/​File:​Exploring_Layers.png Screenshot] 
-|In this webinar video, ThinkGeo CTO David Rehagen demonstrates some of the many ways you can extend the Layer and RasterLayer classes, giving you near-infinite possibilities for beefing up your Map Suite GIS projects. Download the sample project below to explore the source code. 
-|FDO, OGR and GDAL Extension 
-|[http://​​Webinars/​ExtendingMapSuite_FDO_OGR_GDAL.wmv Video]<​br>​ 
-[http://​​Webinars/​ExtendingMapSuite_FDO_OGR_GDAL.pdf Presentation]<​br>​ 
-[http://​​Webinars/​ Sample]<​br>​ 
-[http://​​wiki/​File:​FDO_OGR_and_GDAL_Extension.png Screenshot] 
-|In a previous webinar we tackled integrating your own custom GIS data with Map Suite, focusing on feature-centric sources such as FeatureSource and FeatureLayer. In this video, we'll explore how you can leverage existing open-source GIS libraries such as FDO, OGR, and GDAL to support even more data formats. You'll be amazed how easy it is to take advantage of these native C++ libraries in your GIS software. 
-|Printing System Introduction 
-|[http://​​Videos/​Wiki/​MapSuitePrintingSystemIntroduction.wmv Video]<​br>​ 
-Sample Code:<​br>​ 
-[http://​​wiki/​File:​Printing_System_Introduction.png Screenshot] 
-|In this video we will explore Map Suite'​s new printing system. ​ Map Suite offers WYSIWYG map design that takes your desktop, WPF or web-based .NET mapping applications to the next level. ​ Maps are printed using vector graphics so you can be sure the output will look great on anything from a PDF to a large plotter. ​ It also includes low-level report building classes that make it easy to generate reports in the Web or Services environment. ​ Check out the video and see how easy it is to integrate map printing into your GIS applications. 
-|Increasing Polygon Performance 
-|[http://​​Videos/​Wiki/​IncreasingPolygonPerformance.wmv Video]<​br>​ 
-[[:​Media:​ServicesEditionSample SplitPolygonsBasedOnGrid CS|Utility Source]]<​br>​ 
-[[Map_Suite_Performance_Guide#​Grid_Detailed_Polygons|Performance Guide]]<​br>​ 
-[http://​​wiki/​File:​Increasing_Polygon_Performance.png Screenshot] 
-|In this video we will explore how to greatly increase your rendering performance by gridding your high point-count polygons. This technique is especially useful when you use a high point-count polygon such as a country or regional area as the ground color for your maps.  In many cases we see tile render times decrease from 500ms to under 5ms with this data optimization. ​ Included along with the video is a utility to help you grid your polygons. ​ 
-|Map Suite DynamoDB Extension Technology Preview 
-|[http://​​Videos/​DynamoDB/​MapSuite_DynamoDBFeatureLayer_Technology_Preview.wmv Video]<​br>​ 
-[http://​​Videos/​DynamoDB/​ Sample]<​br>​ 
-[http://​​wiki/​File:​Map_Suite_DynamoDB_Extension_Technology_Preview.png Screenshot] 
-|This video will introduce you to the Map Suite DynamoDB Extension limited technology preview. ​ This exciting new extension leverages Amazon'​s DynamoDB, a NoSQL cloud database technology, to store and serve GIS spatial data via the cloud. ​ The extension'​s ability to use a few API calls to create a spatial table, import data and then access it without a traditional spatial database or hardware is a huge step forward. 
-|Tile Cache Generator 
-|[http://​​Videos/​Wiki/​MapSuite_Cache_Generator.wmv Video]<​br>​ 
-[http://​​wiki/​File:​Tile_Cache_Generator.png Screenshot] 
-|This video will show you how to use the Map Suite Tile Cache Generator utility to generate tile caches based on your own layers. ​ Pre-generating tiles based on your data allows you to display the data faster than rending it from vector graphics files. It also allows you to protect your vector data by providing just the raster tiles for display purposes only. In the past, pre-generating tiles required customers to build the process from scratch which was time consuming and often inefficient. With the Tile Cache Generator utility, we have packaged many of our best practices along with the source code, allowing you to tweak the process to your specific situation. 
-|Topology Validation 
-|[http://​​Videos/​Forums/​TopologyValidator.wmv Video]<​br>​ 
-[http://​​wiki/​File:​Topology_Validation.png Screenshot] 
-|This video will give you a demonstration of Map Suite'​s topology validation functionality (available in version and higher), as well as the [[Map Suite Desktop Edition Miscellaneous Samples#​Topology_Validation|Topology Validator sample application]]. The Topology Validator makes it simple to visualize and test topology rules. You simply select the case you want to test, use our drawing tools to create the shapes necessary, and then hit the play button to run the test. The error cases are highlighted on the screen and saved to the test, and their Well-Known Text (WKT) is copied to your clipboard. At any time, you can view or edit the WKT which makes up the case. We save our test cases as XML files that contain not only the test case features but also the errors. This makes it a snap for you to share your cases with us or other colleagues. 
map_suit_services_edition_videos_screenshots.1441777029.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/09 05:37 by admin