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map_projection [2015/09/28 06:56] external edit
map_projection [2015/09/28 08:43] (current)
admin [Further Resources]
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-====== ​Map_Projection ​======+====== ​Map Projection ​======
 Changing the **Map Projection** allows you to control the way in which your map data is displayed on your screen. ​ Projection is a method of representing a spherical body (such as the Earth) on a two-dimensional surface (such as a computer screen). ​ There are many different projections available, each of which represents the spherical curves of Earth in different ways. Changing the **Map Projection** allows you to control the way in which your map data is displayed on your screen. ​ Projection is a method of representing a spherical body (such as the Earth) on a two-dimensional surface (such as a computer screen). ​ There are many different projections available, each of which represents the spherical curves of Earth in different ways.
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 ===== Video Overview ===== ===== Video Overview =====
-{{#​ev:​youtubehd|zKXfr1kcr20|720||Configuring the projection of your map.}}+{{youtube>zKXfr1kcr20?720|Configuring the projection of your map.}}
 ===== Setting the Map Projection ===== ===== Setting the Map Projection =====
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 If you are unsure what projection you should use, [[http://​​|]] is a good resource for finding spatial references in a variety of formats. If you are unsure what projection you should use, [[http://​​|]] is a good resource for finding spatial references in a variety of formats.
-[[Category:​General]] [[Category:​Articles with Video]]+
map_projection.1443423411.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/28 08:43 (external edit)