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editor_plugin [2015/09/28 08:28]
editor_plugin [2015/09/28 08:28] (current)
admin [Editor_Plugin]
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-====== ​Editor_Plugin ​======+====== ​Editor Plugin ​======
 The **Editor Tab** is located in your [[Using the Ribbon Bar|ribbon bar]], labeled Edit. This section offers you various tools to perform [[Shape Operations|shape operations]],​ create, manipulate, and remove features in your feature layers. There are also tools available to [[Edit Data|Edit Data]] within a feature layer. ​ The **Editor Tab** is located in your [[Using the Ribbon Bar|ribbon bar]], labeled Edit. This section offers you various tools to perform [[Shape Operations|shape operations]],​ create, manipulate, and remove features in your feature layers. There are also tools available to [[Edit Data|Edit Data]] within a feature layer. ​
editor_plugin.1443428908.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/09/28 08:28 by admin