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The Edit tab can not only create and manipulate a feature's shapefile, but it can also edit the attribute data associated with the feature. Whether its changing a single item, multiple items within a feature layer, or even editing column data, it can be done inside the GIS Editor.

Edit Item

The Edit Item button, located in the middle of your Edit Tab, pulls up all data associated to a selected feature in your map. Here, you have the ability to change any data values belonging to the feature by clicking on the desired value and then typing in the new value.

Edit Data

The Edit Data button will pull up all of the data for each feature in a feature layer. You can edit any column data that you want and even delete a feature by clicking the 'X' on the left side of the screen. If you want to view a feature, you can also use the magnifying glass button and the map will focus on that feature. Once you are done with your changes, Click Save Changes to commit them to your feature layer.

Edit Columns

The Edit Columns button will list each column in the feature layer and allow you to add, delete, resort, or edit columns, similar to how you would create a new layer.

Fixing Incorrect Character Encoding

edit_data.1443423408.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/28 08:32 (external edit)