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desktopedition:introduction_to_the_desktop_edition [2015/09/18 11:21]
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-===== Introduction to the Wpf Desktop Edition ===== 
-Clint Batman, President & CEO of ThinkGeo, conducted this webinar that introduces Map Suite Desktop Edition and demonstrates some of its exciting new GIS features. In case you missed it, here's your chance to get an inside look at the power of Desktop Edition map control. 
-{{youtube>​YKPwOuwCBM0?​large |Extending Map Suite: Integrating Custom Data Formats (Part 1 of 4)}} 
-<div clearboth clearexternlink > 
-[[http://​​Webinars/​IntroToMapSuiteDesktop3Webinar.wmv|Download(*.wmv)]] |  
-[[http://​​Webinars/​IntroToMapSuiteDesktop3Presentation.ppt|Presentation(*.ppt)]] ​ |  
-[[http://​​Webinars/​IntroToMapSuiteDesktop3QA.doc|Q&​A]] |  
-**Published on Sep 14, 2015** 
desktopedition/introduction_to_the_desktop_edition.1442575268.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/09/18 11:21 by admin