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character_encoding [2015/09/28 08:33]
character_encoding [2015/09/29 02:02] (current)
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-====== ​Character_Encoding ​======+====== ​Character Encoding ​======
 The **character encoding** of a layer determines how text appears in its column data, particularly characters from many Asian languages or certain European languages. ​ Some data files do not contain any identifying information about the character encoding they use, which can result in garbled text being visible in the GIS Editor'​s [[View Data]] and [[Edit Data]] windows, in labels drawn on the map, and in other places. ​ If you find numerous characters missing or replaced by nonsensical characters in your data, you can try changing the layer'​s encoding to see if that corrects the problem. The **character encoding** of a layer determines how text appears in its column data, particularly characters from many Asian languages or certain European languages. ​ Some data files do not contain any identifying information about the character encoding they use, which can result in garbled text being visible in the GIS Editor'​s [[View Data]] and [[Edit Data]] windows, in labels drawn on the map, and in other places. ​ If you find numerous characters missing or replaced by nonsensical characters in your data, you can try changing the layer'​s encoding to see if that corrects the problem.
character_encoding.1443429205.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/09/28 08:33 by admin