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bookmarks [2015/09/28 06:56] external edit
bookmarks [2015/09/28 09:57] (current)
admin [Jumping to a Bookmark]
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 ===== Video Overview ===== ===== Video Overview =====
-{{#​ev:​youtubehd|qHvAVD6CgLU|720||How to use bookmarks.}}+{{youtube>qHvAVD6CgLU?720|How to use bookmarks.}}
-{{wiki:​Ribbon Bar Bookmark Controls.png |The Bookmark controls on the ribbon bar.}} 
 ===== Creating a Bookmark ===== ===== Creating a Bookmark =====
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 ===== Jumping to a Bookmark ===== ===== Jumping to a Bookmark =====
 +<div right imagewithremaker width220>​
 +{{wiki:​Ribbon Bar Bookmark Controls.png |The Bookmark controls on the ribbon bar.}}
 +The Bookmark controls on the ribbon bar.
 To reposition your map to the location of a saved bookmark -- known as "​jumping"​ to a bookmark -- click the "Jump to Bookmark"​ button on the Home tab of the ribbon bar.  A list of available bookmarks will appear. ​ Select the bookmark you want to jump to, and the map will change position (and possibly zoom level) to display that location. To reposition your map to the location of a saved bookmark -- known as "​jumping"​ to a bookmark -- click the "Jump to Bookmark"​ button on the Home tab of the ribbon bar.  A list of available bookmarks will appear. ​ Select the bookmark you want to jump to, and the map will change position (and possibly zoom level) to display that location.
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 To rename a bookmark, click on its name in the Bookmark list until it is highlighted in blue, and then click the "​Delete"​ button. ​ The bookmark will be immediately deleted. To rename a bookmark, click on its name in the Bookmark list until it is highlighted in blue, and then click the "​Delete"​ button. ​ The bookmark will be immediately deleted.
-[[Category:​General]] [[Category:​Articles with Video]]+
bookmarks.1443423407.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/28 09:36 (external edit)