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area_style [2015/09/28 10:03]
area_style [2015/09/29 03:51] (current)
admin [Advanced]
Line 4: Line 4:
 ===== Video Overview ===== ===== Video Overview =====
-{{youtubehd>​v_Z0Jb-eaoY?​720|Setting up an Area Style.}}+{{youtube>​v_Z0Jb-eaoY?​720|Setting up an Area Style.}}
 ===== Properties ===== ===== Properties =====
Line 22: Line 22:
 The options in this section control the appearance of the outlines around your area features. ​ (If you have selected an Outline Thickness of 0, then these options do not apply.) The options in this section control the appearance of the outlines around your area features. ​ (If you have selected an Outline Thickness of 0, then these options do not apply.)
-{{page>​Dash Pattern ​Controls}}+{{page>​Dash Pattern}}
 ===== Advanced ===== ===== Advanced =====
-{{page>​Advanced Style Controls}}+{{page>​Advanced Style}}
area_style.1443434623.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/09/28 10:03 by admin