Table of Contents

Layer Group

A Layer Group contains one or more layers, usually, of the same type. A single Layer Group could contain all layers that make up a city's roads, hospitals, and city limits, or it could contain all road types for easy organization. Layer Groups are listed in the Layer List and layers are drawn on the map starting at the bottom, with the topmost layer group drawn on the top. Since Layer Groups hold several layers with like information, they are extremely useful to show and hide large chunks of information by toggling its visibility checkbox.

Working with Layer Groups

Each layer group shown in the layer list is represented by a bar that contains:

In addition to these controls, you can interact with each layer group bar in the following ways:

Adding a Layer to a Layer Group

Creating a new or adding an existing layer to a layer group can be done in one of four ways:

This will open the Define Layer Columns window for you to create new columns of data for your layer.

This will open the file browser where you can select your layer to add from your computer.

For more information on how to create layers to your layer group, see the topic“Building a Map with Layers.”

Layer Group Context Menu

Right-clicking on a layer group bar opens the layer group context menu, which contains the following options:

Move up / down / to top / to bottom - Changes the position of the layer group on the layer list, which in turn controls the order in which layers are drawn on your map.

Zoom to extent - Centers the map on the layer group and zooms to a scale at which every feature in the layer is contained within the map window.

Rename - Changes the name of the layer group. (This does not change the name of the layer's source data file, if any.)

Remove - Removes (unloads) the layer group from the map.

Add Layer - Opens a file browser where you select your layer to add from your computer.

New Layer - Opens a flyout menu from which you can select the type of layer that you want to add. Then, the Define Layer Columns window will open for you to customize your new layer's data.

Refresh Layers - Reloads all layers in the layer group.