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Merge Wizard

The Merge Wizard dialog is used to merge together several different layers into a single layer. This does not alter any of the features in those layers, it simply copies all of them into one new layer. This wizard is helpful when combining similar data from multiple data sources.

This dialog consists of 3 steps:

Video Overview

Step 1 - Choose the Layers to Merge

Step 1 of the Merge Wizard allows users to select which layers to merge. Users must select at least 2 layers of the same type (Point, Line or Area) by selecting from the Layer Type select box. Once the Layer Type is selected, the Layers to Merge list box is populated with all project layers for the selected Layer Type and a user can select 2 or more layers to merge. Users can hold the <ctrl> key to select multiple layers. After selecting the layers, the user can then press the Next button.

If your layers have certain features that have been selected on the Select Features tab, you may also check the Only merge the currently selected features on these layers checkbox.

Step 2 - Select Which Data to Include

Step 2 of the Merge Wizard allows users to select which data to include in the output layer. This step has an Available Columns list box on the left which allows users to see all columns from the input layers. Users can use the All checkbox to select all, or the filter select box to only show columns from certain input layers. Users can then select the necessary columns and press the right arrow (–>) button to add the colums into the Columns to Include list box. Once the user has the necessary columns in the Columns to Include list box, they can press Next > to proceed to Step 3.

Step 3 - Save the Results

Like other Tools wizards, this step allows users to choose how they want the wizard results to be saved. Users can choose to Add to Map and specify the desired layer name, or choose to Output to File. If Output to File is chosen, the user must select an existing or new file to save the results into.