Dash Pattern

Pattern Type - Selects whether to use a basic (predefined) dash pattern or create your own custom pattern. This selection governs the behavior of the Dash Style control.

Dash Style - Allows you to choose the dash style to be used.

Option Description Example
Solid Draws a solid outline without dashing. The default setting.
DashDot Draws a dashed outline with a “dash-dot” pattern.
DashDotDot Draws a dashed outline with a “dash-dot-dot” pattern.
Dot Draws a finely dotted outline.
Dash Draws a dashed outline.

As an example, a custom Dash Style of 3,1,8,1 would produce a dash pattern consisting of a 3-pixel dash, a 1-pixel space, an 8-pixel dash and then a 1-pixel space, repeated infinitely. The result would look like this: Dash Pattern - Custom Example.png Dash Cap - For lines thicker than 1 pixel, the Dash Cap controls how each end of a dash is capped.

Option Description Example
Flat Applies a flat cap to each end of a dash.
Round Applies a rounded cap to each end of a dash.
Triangle Applies a triangular (pointed) cap to each end of a dash.