Advanced Style

X Offset - Sets the X offset of this style. A positive X offset will draw the style that many pixels to the right of the actual feature. A negative X offset will draw the style that many pixels to the left of the actual feature.

Y Offset - Sets the Y offset of this style. A positive Y offset will draw the style that many pixels below the actual feature. A negative Y offset will draw the style that many pixels above the actual feature.

Start Cap and End Cap - For lines thicker than 1 pixel, the Start Cap controls how the beginning of a line is capped, and the End Cap controls how the end of each line is capped. The following cap types are available:

Option Description Example
Flat Applies a flat cap.
ArrowAnchor Applies an arrowhead cap that is larger than the line thickness.
DiamondAnchor Applies a diamond-shaped cap that is larger than the line thickness.
Round Applies a rounded cap.
RoundAnchor Applies a circular cap that is larger than the line thickness.
Square Applies a square cap. The effect is that the line appears slightly extended.
SquareAnchor Applies a square cap that is larger than the line thickness.
Triangle Applies a triangular (pointed) cap.

Line Join - Determines what type of joint to draw at the point where one line ends and another begins. The following joint types are available:

Option Description Example
Miter Joins lines with a mitered (sharp) edge.
Bevel Joins lines with a beveled (squared off) edge.
Round Joins lines with a rounded edge.

Miter Limit - The maximum distance that a mitered joint can extend from the endpoints of a line. Reducing the miter limit may produce clipped corners. Only applies if a Line Join of “Miter” is selected.

Drawing Level - Forces this style to draw on a specific drawing level. The GIS Editor has a set of internal drawing levels that can be used to set rendering priority for certain styles. For example, labels are set to use the highest drawing level by default, so that they always appear on top of other map features regardless of what layer they're on. This enables you to add styles to any layer without worrying about them being covered up by other layers above them.